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Music takes a important position in A Clockwork Orange, especially in audible adaption. Everytime in the scenes of violence, blood and sex, Kubrick used classical music as the background, including Alex』s favourite song Beethoven"s Ninth Symphony, Rossini』s La gazza ladra, and William Tell Overture, etc. As a high art, classical music is rarely can be found working with its contrary: violence and crime, especially as a commentator following the plot closely.
There are several levels of relations between the classical music and the work. In the movie, not only it rings at every dramatic turning points of the plot, but also the construction of the movie was designed based on the structure of the Symphony. It is interesting that the Ninth Symphony is rarely heard as background music during the movie, but actively listened by the character in major plots with violence. However, it never works for Alex』s humanity. As Kubrick (Kubrick Ciment, n.d.) suggested, 『Hitler loved good music and many top Nazis were cultured and sophisticated men but it didn"t do them, or anyone else, much good.』

In one of the most important turning points of the movie, Alex is forced to watch a series ultra-violence of Nazi with background music of Beethoven"s Ninth Symphony in his behavioral modification treatment, which is his favorite music before and he usually enjoyed making crime with it. He cannot bear of watching the violence anymore and yell to beg the doctors stop, which is not because his own pain and sickness, but more refer to the music that 『cracked』 and 『boomed』 in his head: Ludwing van』s Ninth Symphony. He said: 『It』s a sin! It』s a sin! Using Ludwing van like that. He did no harm to anyone. Beethoven just wrote music.』(Kubrick, 1971)

This plot raises a question of whether Beethoven 『just』 wrote music; whether the music, or we can say the art, just have no meaning except its own value? Hanoch-Roe (2002) believes Kubrick was trying to raise a claim of 『music does not have meaning beyond that which every human being awards it』. There is also a similar debate around A Clockwork Orange: it was banned in England for several years because some people believe it will cause more teenager crime. (Carruthers, 2001)

Referring to the music, Kubrick was using the mythical status of Beethoven and his work to explore the shocking relationship between it and extreme violence at the one hand, and raise the question of music and western culture in general by symbolism it in A Clockwork Orange on the other hand. (Hanoch-Roe, 2002) Roland Barthes (1977) claimed that 『Beethoven was created a complete hero, granted a discourse, a legend, and iconography, a race and a fatal flaw.』 In Ninth Symphony (his last symphony), Beethoven established his credo, which was a vision for humanity. In this scene, not only evil Nazi regime, but also the liberal and enlightened state that Ninth represented is employing torture as therapy as well. (H?yng, 2011) Alex』s reception of Ninth Symphony was used as a symbol of whether his humanity is 『cured』 or not 『cured』, whether he is a free man or not. This interpretation of classical music can be also applied in A Clockwork Orange: it is a symbol of western society, culture and authority, a work that explore the relationship between art and violence, and it shocks audience by assuming this connection.

The movie was designed as four parts based on the four movements of the Symphony. First movement is an Allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso, which is heard with Alex』s regular life - enjoyable violence and rape, and ends with the murder of the cat lady as a climax. The second movement is a diabolical and fast tempo scherzo that culminates with Alex』s imprisonment life. As we mentioned before, in the third part, a slow adagio moltoe cantabile changes the nature of the song in Alex』s head during the treatment. (Solomon, 1991) At the end, it reaches to a crescendo of both the Symphony and the plot, and this combination produced an extremely stimulation for audience. When Alex finally won his ability of enjoying violence and music back, the Symphony was symbolized as a flag of liberation. Also, 『authorities make cynical use of the "Symphony of humanitarian brotherhood" in order to gain more political power.』 (Hanoch-Roe, 2002) Kubrick designed the interdigitation structure of music and plot purposely, in order to give audience a perception of the casual relation between music and violence.

Compared to Burgess, Kubrick played the potential of music more fully and wickedly by acoustic signs and multiple visual references to Beethoven, which large coalesce around the Ninth Symphony (Wierzbicki, 2003). In fact, not only Beethoven, Kubrick smartly added many other songs as a strong element to produce an audiovisual illusion for this sound film, which are no included in the book. For example, in the scene of Alex raped writer』s wife in front of him, Alex is singing 『Singin』 in the Rain』 and dancing. The beauty of this song makes a striking contrast with graphically violence, which give audience an immersive experience when observing this scene. Moreover, it turns the violence into a dance that increases the aesthetics of this movie, and aggravates the paradoxical association between art and sexualized violence (Matthys, 2013). Code (2014) suggested Kubric 『invites us to reread the ending of Singin』 in the Rain as a more subtle, but no less dramatic, exposure of the acousmatic illusions of sound film itself.』










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