

  1. 肌肉合成是否需要碳水?
    不需要,請見Jacob Wilson的實驗:



If You Eat Excess Protein, Does It Turn Into Excess Glucose?

「high protein」 vs 「low protein」

More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Protein Gluconeogenesis


2. 一般針對生酮時的運動研究,多以耐力訓練為主。但若是強度大的重量訓練,如果有不良反應(比如題主覺得暈乎乎的),最好還是要補充碳水,無論是使用TKD還是CKD的方式,因為需要爆發力的運動,脂肪酸供能速度跟不上,這供能效果因人而異,可能有些人生酮+空腹去進行大強度運動,仍自我感覺棒棒噠…但不表示能適用於每個人。安全第一,該補碳就補碳!

3. 生酮常見的碳水循環TKD、CKD

以下引用自:index - ketogains


Individuals following the SKD who want to perform high intensity activity will absolutely have to consume carbs at some point around exercise. The basic guidelines for setting up a SKD (from should still be used to develop a TKD. The only difference is that calories must be adjusted to account for the carbohydrates being consumed around training.

The safest time to consume carbs, in terms of maintaining ketosis, is before a workout and ketosis should be reestablished soon after training. Depending on total training volume, 25-50 grams of carbohydrates taken 30-60』 prior to training seems to be a good amount. The type carbohydrate is less critical for pre-workout carbs but quickly digested, high GI carbs seem to work best as they are absorbed fast by the body and also to avoid stomach upset during training.

If more than 50 grams of carbohydrates must be consumed around training, it may be beneficial to split the total amount, consuming half 30』 before training and the other half at the beginning (or during) of the workout.

If post-workout carbohydrates are consumed, an additional 25-50 grams of glucose or glucose polymers are recommended. Fructose should be avoided as it can refill liver glycogen and interrupt ketosis. Additionally protein can be added to the post-workout meal to help with recovery. Dietary fat should be avoided since it will slow digestion and could lead to fat storage when insulin levels are high.

If post-workout carbohydrates are not consumed, taking in protein only can still enhance recovery as blood glucose and insulin should be slightly elevated from the consumption of pre-workout carbohydrates.


The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) As with the TKD, the CKD attempts to harness the effects of a ketogenic diet while maintaining exercise performance. However, rather than providing carbohydrates only around exercise, the CKD inserts a one- or two-day period of high carbohydrate eating to refill muscle glycogen. This means that for the CKD to work, muscle glycogen must be depleted fully each week. This means that the CKD is not appropriate for beginning exercisers or those who are unable to perform the amount of training necessary. The standard format for a CKD is to alternate 5-6 days of ketogenic dieting with 1-2 days of high carbohydrate eating, although other variations can be developed. Individuals have experimented with longer cycles (10-12 days) as well as shorter cycles (3-4) days with good results. A 7 day cycle is more a choice of convenience than anything physiological, since it fits most people』s work schedule and allows dieters to eat more or less 『normally』 on the weekends. During the carb-loading phase of the CKD, the body』s metabolism is temporarily switched out of ketosis, with the goal of refilling muscle glycogen levels to sustain exercise performance in the next cycle.
-"The Ketogenic Diet" by Lyle McDonald

The CKD alternates periods of ketosis with periods of high carbohydrate eating. Due to the structure of the CKD, it is critical to fully deplete muscle glycogen between carb-up periods. For individuals wishing to use a 7 day cycle (5-6 days of ketosis, 1-2 days of carbohydrates), this necessitates a fairly high volume and intensity of training. This makes the 7-day CKD most appropriate for fairly advanced exercisers and weight trainers. Beginning exercisers may not be able to do the amount of exercise necessary, at a sufficient intensity, to fully deplete glycogen.

Individuals who are using the ketogenic diet for various health reasons (such as hyperinsulinemia or hypertension) may find the CKD unworkable as the hormonal response to high-carbohydrate consumption can trigger the exact health consequences which are being treated with the ketogenic diet. Additionally, some individuals find that their food intake is uncontrollable during a full carb-load, for either psychological or physiological reasons. In this case, a CKD is not an appropriate dietary choice.

Unlike the TKD, where the goal is to maintain muscle glycogen at an intermediate level, the goal of the CKD is to deplete muscle glycogen completely between carb-ups.

There are numerous workouts which can accomplish this goal. The particular nature of the CKD requires a slightly different workout schedule for optimal results. The general format of an advanced CKD workout is:

Monday/Tuesday: split routine, such that the entire body is trained between these two days. For example, the lower body and abdominals might be trained on Monday, and the entire upper body trained on Tuesday.

Friday: full body workout, either a high rep depletion workout or a low rep tension workout.

The amount of training needed to deplete muscle glycogen fully depends solely on the levels of glycogen reached on the weekend. Assuming an average carb-loading phase of 36 hours, approximately 4-6 sets will need to be performed during the Monday and Tuesday workouts.

This will be adjusted upwards or downwards for different lengths of carb-ups. The number of sets done on the Friday workout will depend on what type of workout is done. If heavy weights/low reps are done, only 2-3 sets should be necessary. If light weights/high reps are used, 5-6 sets should be done. Please note that these values for number of sets are estimations only, and rough estimations at that. Individuals are encouraged to experiment with training structure and volume to determine what works best.









不要讓自己感覺到餓。 仔細分辨「餓」和「饞」的感覺。 真餓的時候多吃肉, 千萬不要在「饞」的時候爆碳水,會越吃越饞,剎不住車,退出生酮。






哥們你也信要補?運動完立馬補充30g碳水不會破壞生酮 立馬補充有助於肌肉的生長 但是記住你是生酮增肌,跟傳統增肌不一樣。傳統增肌是練完後立馬補充肌糖原 方便下一次的力量訓練 重點:生酮飲食中,人體主要靠脂肪跟酮體供能 在運動前補充一些碳水只是為了在運動中能有更好的體力表現(畢竟身體會優先用葡萄糖作為燃料,這我就不多說了吧?)原理 : 力量訓練前半小時左右補充一些碳水,然後在運動過程中又會把這些碳水消耗掉,所以不會破壞生酮 所以才叫碳水循環,不過我勸你不要。因為這個很難操作 一沒實施好就是爆碳水了,而且生酮飲食提高了亮氨酸 這對保存肌肉,刺激肌肉生長有一定的作用。 增肌不需要碳水,你只要破壞肌纖維,然後吃夠蛋白質(也別過量,起碼1.5g每公斤)來給肌肉生長的「建材」。然後,多睡覺。 一句話,肌肉生長不需要額外攝入碳水化合物,每天從蔬菜里攝入的那幾十克碳水就夠了,不夠時身體會通過糖異生把食物中的蛋白質轉化成你肌肉生長所需的碳水 如果你想了解生酮如何增肌,那就去看師姐的文章吧。 至於生酮飲食中如何增肌,1.多吃一點肉,但是蛋白質別過量。 2.實現熱量盈餘 (多500大卡作用,沒有這些熱量盈餘你的肌肉生長會很慢很慢) 3.猛練,給肌肉強大的刺激,然後吃夠營養(主要是蛋白質,如果你想增肌減脂,那麼蔬菜放在訓練前吃,蛋白質放到訓練後二十分鐘,如果你只是想增肌,那麼蔬菜蛋白質一起吃沒問題,只要不爆碳水就OK) 4.聰明的休息(多睡覺,睡眠不足肌肉是不會長滴。(???? ?????)) 謝邀。



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