
主要問題:1, 中文思維頑固,寫得太散,主題不明顯
2, 有想法不知道如何表達,很少有語法錯誤但感覺寫得不地道


  The following is taken from a memo from the advertising director of the Silver Screen Movie Production Company.

  According to a recent report from our marketing department, fewer people attended movies produced by Silver Screen during the past year than in any other year.

  And yet the percentage of generally favorable comments by movie reviewers about specific Silver Screen movies actually increased during this period.

  Clearly, the contents of these reviews are not reaching enough of our prospective viewers; so the problem lies not with the quality of our movies but with the public"s lack of awareness that movies of good quality are available.

  Silver Screen should therefore spend more of its budget next year on reaching the public through advertising and less on producing new movies.

  The argument presented above is relatively sound, however, the author fails to recognize all the elements necessary to evaluate his situation. 這句話也很摸版化,但是重點分析一下這裡evaluate his situation,讀了後面幾段,我們會知道全是在考慮對外界的評估的。所以這一句話就指明了論證的核心,可以說統領全文。 The idea that more money be invested in advertising may be a helpful one, but perhaps not because people are unaware of the current reviews."

  這句話實際上是在進行讓步,承認了廣告還是有用的,但是原因不同。點明了論證主題句,下面幾段全是圍繞著讓廣告更有效這個主題來寫的,正如官方評語中就提到了本文有個明顯的中心句,就是本句。 To clarify, it may be necessary to advertise more in order to increase sales, however that could be due to many circumstances such as a decrease in the public"s overall attendance, an increase in the cost of movies, or a lack of trust in the opinions of the reviewers.這句話是對主題句的補充,提供了幾種具體的他因的論證方向,更重要的作用是,把主題句給打拆開幾個小的分枝論點,從而方便下面的討論。

  The advertising director first needs to determine the relative proportion of movie goers that choose to see Silver Screen films. 第一個需要對外界進行的評估就是人群中選擇SS的比例。 That will help him to understand his market share.If the population in general is attending less, then he may still be out-profiting his competitors, despite his individual sales http://decrease.In fact, his relative sales could be increasing. 這幾句話是對分枝論點的三段式演繹,即總體人數減少,她有可能還有競爭力,只要他的相對份額更多,競爭能力強,有可能他掙的更多 Determining where he stands in his market will help him to create and implement an action plan.最終的an action plan不就是廣告嗎,在段末尾很明顯(儘管換了個詞)的點了一下題。

  Another important thing to consder is the relative cost of attending movies to the current standard of living. 第二個需要考慮的就是當前的人們平均生活水平。 If the standard of living is decreasing, it may contribute to an overall decrease in http://attendance.In that case, advertising could be very helpful, in that a clever campaign could emphasize the low cost of movies as compared to many other leisure activities.

  This could offset financial anxieties of potential customers.這幾句話是環環相扣的,論證方法為加條件後討論,三段論式演繹,即人們生活水平降低==〉總體上看電影的人變少==〉廣告強調電影最低價會很有效==〉廣告這時是很有效的。經過一番的推導,最終還是指向了中心觀點,就是廣告還是很有幫助的。這是又一次的很好的點題。我們仔細比較二三兩段就會發現,在論證結構上有著很好的對應,是非常工整的對仗。

  Finally, it is important to remember that people rarely trust movie reviewers.第三個需要考慮的就是人們的信任問題。這裡通過論證使得最後推導出中心觀點的後半句話,至此全文的邏輯鏈論證就比較完善了。

  For that reason, it is important that the films appeal to the populus, and not critics alone.The best advertisement in many cases is word of mouth.No matter what critics say, people tend to take the opinions of friends more seriously.This supports continual funding to produce quality movies that will appeal to the average person.最後通過三段論的演繹,使得廣告效應逐漸向拿出錢真正搞點好電影這個觀點上過渡。我認為這是全文的亮點。觸及到了事物的本質的改變才是最有意義的,使得在前兩段的論證的基礎上,通過本文的論證使得討論更加的深入,更加的務實。

  There is no reason that silver screen should not spend more on advertisement, however, there is reason to continue to invest in diverse, quality films. 本文的滿分的另一個有利保障就是最後一段的精準的概括,可以說,最後一段總結了全文的態度,使得考官看完最後一段能迅速找到全文的論證核心。這是有必要的 Furthermore, the company must consider carefully what it chooses to emphasize in its advertisement.這一段同時給出了建議改進方案。最後,本文實在是相當的短,之所以這麼短,是因為省去了開頭複述原題,省去了單列一段質疑讓步的假設,比如說這裡的讓步是廣告是有用的,所以就要質疑在什麼時候是有用的,如果再加上這樣一段外加演繹的話就會更好。同樣,這篇文章語言十分的簡潔,基本上沒有廢話,沒有所謂的亮點詞句,這也許是給我們的啟發,告訴我們更應該關注什麼:立論點以及安排方式以及論證方式。這三個論點的安排是:市場規模==〉人民生活標準==〉人不相信評論家==〉人對於質量的要求,順序是從外在條件到內在條件。




1. 想不出好的分論點。

2. 即便能想出很好的分論點,但無法把它拓展成一段。

3. 即便能夠完成段落拓展,也無法將其變成很好的英文。

4. 即便能夠寫出很好的英文,但打字速度慢。




1. 打磨自己的思考能力,積累相關題目破題思路。比如我在課上會講到一道很經典的題目:"In most professional and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge」這道題,大家如果能迅速捕捉到「field」這個詞並將其拆分成「科技領域」,「藝術領域」和「教育領域」來構成文章的三段,那麼文章的分論點自然就顯得比較豐富了。

2. 提前準備題目。GRE的所有作文題目(329道)都是已經放出來的。所以只要提前準備,總能夠想出不錯的分論點。但絕大多數同學自覺性不高,也不善於把329道題目分類整理,所以提前準備的同學也寥寥無幾。






除了從道理層面論證,我們還可以舉例子,但很多同學也不會舉例子。比如,在論證「TFBoys年輕有為」時,我們可能會看到這樣的例子:「他們好帥啊,王俊凱好帥,王源好帥,易烊千璽好帥啊!」 TFBoys的粉絲聽到這樣的話可能會集體撒花,但對於根本都不知道TFBoys是誰的歪果仁來說,肯定是一臉懵逼的。所以我們就不如舉這樣的例子:「TFBoys的幾位成員平均年齡都是18歲以下,他們不僅發行了XX張專輯,還出演了XX部電影及XX部電視劇,還攬獲了諸如XX、XX和XX的大獎」。這個例子的第一句話說他們「年輕」,之後的三個句子共同論證他們「有為」,邏輯清晰,論證有力,就是一個比較不錯的例子了。






1. 不需要用金山打字通來練打字,因為打字的內容都和GRE寫作無關。要練打字的話,可以練打範文。

2. 正式考試時是沒有糾錯和字數統計功能的,所以在平時練習時就應該注意容易打錯的字以及字數。




conveys ideas fluently and precisely, using effective vocabulary and sentence variety



it is 引出不定式或從句 (2樓)
there be 句型 (3樓)
不定式做補足語、作主語、作表語 (4樓)
現在分詞與過去分詞後置 (5樓)
插入語 (6樓)
並列結構 (7樓)
名詞性從句 (8樓)
動賓搭配 (9樓)


It is引出不定式和從句


It is not
uncommon for some to argue that, in the world in which we live,
corporations have a responsibility to society and to the environment in
which they operate.

這裡it is 引出的是to argue這個不定式
通常在it is後面會跟一個形容詞來表達作者對某件事的態度或評價 這個句型的好處在於可以比較客觀 沒有I 另外可以提前把態度、立場表明

It is argued
that, in order to prevent power abuse and revitalize the organizations,
those in the leadership positions should quit their jobs after a
certain number of years.

這個句子里的it is 引出的是一個從句 這種句型用來總結issue的命題或者argument的結論都是很適合的

歡迎大家回複本樓,分享在範文中看到的以及自己練習中的it is句型。好的例子我會更新到這裡。

There be 句型

There be句型其實並不是很值得推崇的句型,但是有些同學經常把這個句型寫錯,所以有必要在這裡強調一下。其實there be的本質是一個倒裝結構,只是我們初中學這個句型的時候理解能力有限,老師不會跟我們講這麼複雜。

questions assume that there is some infallible committee that can
foresee all and know what knowledge will be important in everyone』s

就there is some infallible committee that 這個結構而言 真正的主語是committee 還原倒裝結構應該是committee is there ...

There is no person, no group, no committee capable of deciding what knowledge is necessary.





A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.

這裡的不定式 to study ... 是對 require sb的補充說明

If every teacher is forced to teach a certain text, the government need only change that text to misinform an entire generation.

這裡to misinform 作為change that text 的後果或目的


If the very
purpose of a corporation is to generate profits, and the obligation to
adhere to safety expectations established by law cuts into those
profits, then to expect corporations to embrace such practices beyond
what is required is to presume that they willingly engage in an
inherently self- destructive process: the unnecessary lowering of

這裡的to generate profits和to presume that都是be動詞後面的表語 而to expect corporations ...則是句子的主語



it is a company built around finding alternative forms of energy


interacting with our parents, our partners and our children, we do not
always follow any rules prescribed by any social groups and we do not
need to perform in a way to meet the expectations of the larger

這裡prescribed後置修飾rules 而interacting則由when引出 雖然不是後置修飾語 也是現在分詞的另一種用法

speaking, it is reasonable to claim that we define ourselves primarily
through participatingin different communities or social groups while
playing different roles following the prescribed rules.




Sachs, one of the architects of the UN Millennium Development Goals,
based his ideas on emergency care triage techniques.


Given the history of the human race, there will be no limit to the number of problems, both new and old, for us to tackle.


Of course,
and this is why agencies such as the EPA were established and why
governments—federal, state, and local—are expected to monitor such
companies to ensure that such practices fall within the boundaries of
legal expectations.


It is argued
that, in order to prevent power abuse and revitalize the organizations,
those in the leadership positions should quit their jobs after a
certain number of years.





But the
assumption that corporations have an inherent obligation or
responsibility to go above and beyond that to actively PROMOTE the
environment and the well-being of society is absurd.


If the very
purpose of a corporation is to generate profits, and the obligation to
adhere to safety expectations established by law cuts into those
profits, then to expect corporations to embrace such practices beyond
what is required is to presume that they willingly engage in an
inherently self- destructive process: the unnecessary lowering of


But that
role must be fulfilled by a watchdog, not the corporation itself, and
those expectations must be imposed UPON the corporations, not expected
FROM them.




狀語從句和定語從句我在這裡就不多說了,名詞性從句值得講一下。 小時候學語法不努力,對於同位語從句什麼的搞得不是很清楚,請語法大牛指正。這裡將所有扮演名詞角色的從句一律歸為名詞性從句(noun clause)。

If the very
purpose of a corporation is to generate profits, and the obligation to
adhere to safety expectations established by law cuts into those
profits, then to expect corporations to embrace such practices beyond
what is required is to presume that they willingly engage in an
inherently self- destructive process: the unnecessary lowering of


the immediate expectation of the investor is that he himself will see dividends, or profits, from the investment he has made.

這裡名詞性從句作表語,或稱表語從句 後面還跟了一個短小的定語從句

Of course,
and this is why agencies such as the EPA were established and why
governments—federal, state, and local—are expected to monitor such
companies to ensure that such practices fall within the boundaries of
legal expectations.


Treehuggers everywhere should be pleased that environmental protections exist

這裡是過去分詞引出的名詞性從句 和前面的還有些不同

But the
assumption that corporations have an inherent obligation or
responsibility to go above and beyond that to actively PROMOTE the
environment and the well-being of societyis absurd.

這個是傳說中的同位語從句?某些名詞是可以引出這種從句的- claim, belief, fact, notion 通過計算機對語料庫檢索可以查出N多這種句子

名詞性從句還可以作主語 以後見到例句再更新吧。



Any and all
[corporations should be expected] to [temper their pursuit] of profit
with the necessity of [following those safeguards] that have been
legislated as protections.










?Notable as important nineteenth-century novels by women, Mary Shelley』s Frankenstein and Emily Bronte』s Wuthering Heights treat women very differently. ?Shelley produced a 「masculine」 text in which the fates of subordinate female characters seem entirely dependent on the actions of male heroes or anti-heroes. ?Bronte produced a more realistic narrative, portraying a world where men battle for the favors of apparently high-spirited, independent women. ?Nevertheless, these two novels are alike in several crucial ways. ?Many readers are convinced that the compelling mysteries of each plot conceal elaborate structures of allusion and fierce, though shadowy, moral ambitions that seem to indicate metaphysical intentions, though efforts by critics to articulate these intentions have generated much controversy. ?Both novelists use a storytelling method that emphasizes ironic disjunctions between different perspectives on the same events as well as ironic tensions that inhere in the relationship between surface drama and concealed authorial intention, a method I call an evidentiary narrative technique.











In this argument, the author maintains that...To justify the conclusion, the arguer points out .Although at first glance, it seems convincing. This argument, however, fails to be completely compelling as it stands, for it contains a series of unwarranted assumptions and due to the lack of necessary evidences.

First of all, the arguer simply assumes that【fallacy I 】. Without offering the tenable evidence, the arguer clearly could not back up this fundamental assumption, though this is not entirely impossible. It is much likely that【reason I】.For example, 【example I】.In order to strengthen this argument, the author should provide more credible evidences and have to rule out and account for these or other possible alternative explanations.

What is more, the author assumes that 【fallacy II】.It is equally possible that【Reason II】.For example,【example II】Thus the arguer should apply more persuasive and professional evidences to substantiate this assumption ,for any of these scenarios, if true, would undoubtedly weaken the author』s conclusion.

Finally, even if the those assumptions on which the argument based on are true, the argument only relies on the assumption that【fallacy III】and we are not informed any persuasive evidence. Thus, it is not entirely unreasonable to question the arguer"s conclusion. For instance,【example III】 Lacking this indispensable evidence, the arguer cannot firmly bolster the conclusion.

To sum up, this argument is undoubtedly invalid as it seems, for the lack of compelling evidence and sound reasoning. To better evaluate the author』s conclusion, it is necessary to provide more convincing and unbiased evidences, reason more frigidly and rule out all other possible explanations.


Step 1 練習默打模板

In this argument, the arguer concludes/recommends/advocates/predicts/claims that [ main idea ].To justify the conclusion/predictions/recommendations, the arguer points out/cites a example of / study showing/an experiment involving.... ,which may seem reasonable at first glance. With a series of dubious/unwarranted and poor assumptions/evidences and holes, however, this argument fails to be wholly persuasive as it stands.

A paramount problem involved in this recommendation is that the arguer simply assumes that [ fault 1 ]. Without providing the credible evidence, the arguer apparently can not substantiate this crucial assumption, though this is entirely possible. It is much likely that[ reason 1 ].An appropriate example is not far to seek, [ example 1 ]. In order to strengthen his/her argument, the author should provide more reliable evidences and have to rule out these or other possible alternative explanations. For example, if the arguer can convince me that [ ], this argument will be significantly strengthened.

Additionally, it is not safe to unfairly assume without substantiation that [ fault 2 ]. In this case, we may wonder whether [ reason 2 ] is possible or not. For example, [ example 2 ]. Thus, the author should supply more convincing evidence to confirm this assumption. Otherwise, there is little chance that this unsolid/ expedient/ ineffective assumption can be bolstered.

Finally, even if the foregoing assumptions on which the conclusion is based on are reasonable, the argument merely relies on the assumption that [ fault 3 ] and we are not informed any persuasive and professional evidence. In fact, it could turn out to be the case , however, it will be questionable if [ example 3 ]. .If so, anyone would be reluctant to accept the arguer』s recommendation/ conclusion.

To sum up, there are, as I have presented, many obvious flaws that need to be marshaled/ addressed before the proposal can be seriously scrutinized. Otherwise, any impetuous implementation of the recommendation would be unlikely to have desired consequence.






In this argument, the arguer concludes/recommends/advocates/predicts/claims that [ main idea ].To justify the conclusion/predictions/recommendations, the arguer points out/cites a example of / study showing/an experiment involving.... ,which may seem reasonable at first glance. With a series of dubious/unwarranted and poor assumptions/evidences and holes, however, this argument fails to be wholly persuasive as it stands.

A paramount problem involved in this recommendation is that the arguer simply assumes that [ fault 1 ]. Without providing the credible evidence, the arguer apparently can not substantiate this crucial assumption, though this is entirely possible. It is much likely that[ reason 1 ].An appropriate example is not far to seek, [ example 1 ]. In order to strengthen his/her argument, the author should provide more reliable evidences and have to rule out these or other possible alternative explanations. For example, if the arguer can convince me that [ ], this argument will be significantly strengthened.

Additionally, it is not safe to unfairly assume without substantiation that [ fault 2 ]. In this case, we may wonder whether [ reason 2 ] is possible or not. For example, [ example 2 ]. Thus, the author should supply more convincing evidence to confirm this assumption. Otherwise, there is little chance that this unsolid/ expedient/ ineffective assumption can be bolstered.

Finally, even if the foregoing assumptions on which the conclusion is based on are reasonable, the argument merely relies on the assumption that [ fault 3 ] and we are not informed any persuasive and professional evidence. In fact, it could turn out to be the case , however, it will be questionable if [ example 3 ]. .If so, anyone would be reluctant to accept the arguer』s recommendation/ conclusion.

To sum up, there are, as I have presented, many obvious flaws that need to be marshaled/ addressed before the proposal can be seriously scrutinized. Otherwise, any impetuous implementation of the recommendation would be unlikely to have desired consequence.

Step 2 開始寫一篇文章

模板在手了,需要的是後面不斷的練習默打,這樣才考場上,遇到argument,看一下大概內容和寫作指令。到底是要寫assumption 還是evidence等。根據不同的寫作指令,在打模板的時候,再稍微改動一下。下面就拿最近常考的一篇argument機經進行練習。

The following appeared in a letter from a firm providing investment advice to a client.

"Homes in the northeastern United States, where winters are typically cold, have traditionally used oil as their major fuel for heating. Last year that region experienced twenty days with below-average temperatures, and local weather forecasters throughout the region predict that this weather pattern will continue for several more years. Furthermore, many new homes have been built in this region during the past year. Because of these developments, we predict an increased demand for heating oil and recommend investment in Consolidated Industries, one of whose major business operations is the retail sale of home heating oil."

Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.


首先,看一下題目的文章的大概:是一個公司為一個客服的投資建議(from a firm providing investment advice to a client)。所以第一點已經明確了該題目文章是關於建議的。

其次,快速過一遍題目的這篇給客戶的投資letter,我們可以看到最後的結論的地方是:we predict ...所以是關於預測類型的問題。

最後,看了一下寫作指令,我看可以看到,這是一篇要寫what specific evidence的文章。

馬上快速在考場的argument的考試界面那裡默打出如下的模板,這個模板肯定與咱們的模板有所不同,不同之處在於必須符合剛才上面提到的3點: 1,建議;2, predicerecommend ; 3, evidence。


In this argument, the arguer predicts that .To justify the advice, the arguer points out,which may seem reasonable at first glance. With a series of dubious and poor assumptions and lack the necessary evidences , however, this argument fails to be wholly persuasive as it stands.

A paramount problem involved in this recommendation is that the arguer simply assumes that [ fault 1 ]. Without providing the credible evidence, the arguer apparently can not substantiate this crucial assumption, though this is entirely possible. It is much likely that[ reason 1 ].An appropriate example is not far to seek, [ example 1 ]. In order to strengthen his/her argument, the author should provide more reliable evidences and have to rule out these or other possible alternative explanations. For example, if the arguer can convince me that [ ], this argument will be significantly strengthened.

Additionally, it is not safe to unfairly assume without substantiation that [ fault 2 ]. In this case, we may wonder whether [ reason 2 ] is possible or not. For example, [ example 2 ]. Thus, the author should supply more convincing evidence to confirm this assumption. Otherwise, there is little chance that this unsolid/ expedient/ ineffective assumption can be bolstered.

Finally, even if the foregoing assumptions on which the conclusion is based on are reasonable, the argument merely relies on the assumption that [ fault 3 ] and we are not informed any persuasive and professional evidence. In fact, it could turn out to be the case , however, it will be questionable if [ example 3 ]. .If so, anyone would be reluctant to accept the arguer』s recommendation/ conclusion.

To sum up, there are, as I have presented, many obvious flaws that need to be marshaled/ addressed before the proposal can be seriously scrutinized. Otherwise, any impetuous implementation of the recommendation would be unlikely to have desired consequence.


"Homes in the northeastern United States, where winters are typically cold, have traditionally used oil as their major fuel for heating. Last year that region experienced twenty days with below-average temperatures, and local weather forecasters throughout the region predict that this weather pattern will continue for several more years. Furthermore, many new homes have been built in this region during the past year. Because of these developments, we predict an increased demand for heating oil and recommend investment in Consolidated Industries, one of whose major business operations is the retail sale of home heating oil."


在冬季非常寒冷的美國東北部的房屋,一直都使用傳統的油料作為採暖的主要燃料。去年該地區經歷了90天低於往年平均氣溫的嚴寒,並且氣象預測家們預測這種天氣會持續未來數年。而且,去年本地建造了很多的房屋。按此趨勢,我們預測對於油料的需求將會增加. 所以我們建議對CI公司投資,該公司的主要業務之一就是家用採暖油料的零售。



2, 很多的住宅新建起來,不見得很多人都會立刻搬進去居住,可能是房子的質量不好,也可能是人們的工資負擔不起那裡昂貴的房價&> 又或者交通不便利,環境不好等因素。也就是我們需要一些證據:可以證明這些新房的主人會搬進去的。





In this argument, the arguer predicts that the demand for heating oil will absolutely increased and confidently recomends the client investing in Consolidated Industries 【備註:題目原文為:an increased demand for heating oil and recommend investment in Consolidated Industries, one of whose major business operations is the retail sale of home heating oil.很明顯,我在寫第一段的時候,會在原文里直接copy這一句過來,然後再同義改寫一下。】.To justify the advice, the arguer points out that 【注,這個是題目原文letter的根據,考生對後面進行改寫即可。筆者不再進行改寫示範。last year that region experienced twenty days with below-average temperatures, and local weather forecasters throughout the region predict that this weather pattern will continue for several more years and many new homes have been built in this region during the past year】,which may seem reasonable at first glance. With a series of dubious and poor assumptions and lack the necessary evidences , however, this recomendation fails to be wholly persuasive as it stands.






2, 很多的住宅新建起來,不見得很多人都會立刻搬進去居住,可能是房子的質量不好,也可能是人們的工資負擔不起那裡昂貴的房價&> 又或者交通不便利,環境不好等因素。也就是我們需要一些證據:可以證明這些新房的主人會搬進去的。



A paramount problem involved in this recommendation is that the arguer simply assumes that 氣象預測家們預測這種天氣會持續未來數年【請讀者把前面的中文翻譯為英文即可在考場上】 Without providing the credible evidence, the arguer apparently can not substantiate this crucial assumption, though this is entirely possible. It is much likely that這些天氣預測是不靠譜的.An appropriate example is not far to seek, 例如過去的預測很多是不正確的,都是是扯淡的。. In order to strengthen his/her argument, the author should provide more reliable evidences and have to rule out these or other possible alternative explanations. For example, if the arguer can convince me that 過去的預測都是非常靠譜的,正確的,這樣 this argument will be significantly strengthened.


Additionally, it is not safe to unfairly assume without substantiation that 很多的住宅新建起來,很多人都會立刻搬進去居住. In this case, we may wonder whether 那些居民是否真的一定會搬進去住is possible or not. For example, 居民們可能壓根就不會搬進去,例如可能是房子的質量不好,也可能是人們的工資負擔不起那裡昂貴的房價&> 又或者交通不便利,環境不好等因素. Thus, the author should supply more convincing evidence to confirm this assumption. Otherwise, there is little chance that this unsolid/ expedient/ ineffective assumption can be bolstered.


Finally, even if the foregoing assumptions on which the conclusion is based on are reasonable, the argument merely relies on the assumption that這些地方的居民依然會使用這些不可再生的,並且產生污染以及溫室氣體的燃料。 and we are not informed any persuasive and professional evidence. In fact, it could turn out to be the case , however, that 很可能隨著科技的發展,以及當地居民環保意識的增加,居民們都使用上了太陽能、電等其他環保的能源作為供暖的能源。因此,這樣的投資註定是個悲劇啊。 .If so, anyone would be reluctant to accept the arguer』s recommendation.


To sum up, there are, as I have presented, many necessary evidence needed to be marshaled before the proposal can be seriously scrutinized. Otherwise, any impetuous implementation of the recommendation would be unlikely to have desired consequence.



God bless you .

作為暑期GRE助考活動的一部分,寄託有幸和GRE AW 滿分的Simon王浩老師組織了8月GRE同主題寫作(附視頻教程與點評)



1. Simon老師正在製作GRE寫作的視頻教程,issue和argument各有2-3小時,會由本周開始陸續推出。

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8/8-8/9題目已經有很多同學寫完並且點評視頻也已發出,大家可以看一下:issue同主題寫作-第一類 8月8日-9日 - GRE作文互動論壇 寄託家園留學論壇

4. 在貼出自己的提綱或全文後,必須在12小時內通過編輯本樓層點評樓上的作品。

5. 每次同主題寫作後,Simon老師會挑選部分典型的作品通過視頻講評,供大家學習參考。


Simon老師目前在香港城市大學任教,更多背景大家可以從他的知乎 @王浩 ,和以下訪談帖了解:像經濟學家一樣思考,像程序員一樣寫作--專訪GRE寫作大神tesolchina - GRE作文互動論壇 寄託家園留學論壇




這個問題很大,也關乎到應試能力與英語硬實力兩方面。但單純從應試角度而言,可以從以下幾方面努力:1. 提高打字速度,這是基本;2. 看完題庫,確保沒有生詞;3. 明確應對Issue和Argument的基本方法論(如:如何應對十大類Instruction);4. (如時間充裕)寫完所有題目的提綱(GRE寫作的題目是已經放出來了,這一點要利用好);5. 積累素材(包括語言素材和內容素材,這一點可以靠讀範文在短期內實現);6. 全文練習(如時間緊迫,則練習4篇Argument;時間充裕可以向Issue發起衝擊)


我是報的kmf的課程,這裡簡單說下 :






鏈接:如何整理GRE寫作邏輯關係 - 美申留學老陳的文章 - 知乎專欄

  • 來源:美申留學
  • 作者:美申留學老陳














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