高盛為何要設置首席信息官(CIO)這樣的一個職位?職責是什麼?擔任 CIO 的 George Lee 又是怎樣的一個人?

On Tuesday, the firm said in an internal memo that George Lee, co-head of its global technology, media and telecommunications banking unit, will become chairman of that group. He also will take on the newly created position of chief information officer for the entire investment-banking division.

Goldman Sachs Shakes Up Technology Group


2,IT服務管理(一般是ITIL為基礎的IT服務體系,包含IT Support、IT資產管理、CMDB等等)
3,應用系統管理(OA/ERP/CRM等等,投行自己的Trading system維護、Bloomberg維護都包含在這裡)
4,Business Transformation(很多大企業和金融機構都會有這個BT function,用來做一些業務部門的新需求新業務的處理和整合,一般叫做業務變更組,其實就是一堆項目經理在負責)

最後回答George Lee是個什麼樣的人 - 答:不認識、不熟、不知道~

謝邀,同意James Pang的觀點。我就以實例說明為什麼高盛需要CIO。
在Steven Scopellite任內(Steven Scopellite:2007年出任高盛集團首席信息官,於2013年年底退休),Steven Scopellite不斷推動雲計算在高盛內部的應用,目前,高盛集團通過雲計算可以迅速應對機構內出現的高容量數據處理需要,並且雲計算的綜合優勢尤其成本效益已經顯現。而如今,一些金融機構仍然還在對雲計算進行初步探索和初步應用。以此例說明CIO對企業發展的重要性。(2003年時,當時為高盛合伙人的Steven Scopellite,已將雲計算模式機構引入並應用於衍生品業務。成為CIO後,Steven Scopellite便在全機構內部推廣雲計算。)
目前據我所知,高盛集團首席信息官為Martin Chavez,George Lee擔任的是投行部門的首席信息官。
Martin Chavez,麻省理工學院的計算機科學碩士學位,以及斯坦福大學的醫學信息學博士學位。於1993年加入高盛集團,1997年離開高盛,2005年重返高盛並被任命為董事總經理,2006年升任合伙人。

Martin Chavez is the Chief Information Officer for Goldman Sachs. He is responsible for the Technology Division, and has joint responsibility with divisional leadership for the firm』s global strategists. He serves on the Management Committee, Steering Committee on Regulatory Reform and the Americas Diversity Committee. Mr. Chavez is a member of the Firmwide Hispanic/Latino Network and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Network. He also represents Goldman Sachs as a Director of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association.

Mr. Chavez first joined Goldman Sachs in 1993 in the J. Aron Currency and Commodities Division, where he was a Senior Energy Strat until 1997. He returned to the firm as a Managing Director in IBD Strats in 2005. Prior to assuming his current role, Mr. Chavez was Global Co-Chief Operating Officer of the Equities Franchise and before that he was Global Co-Head of Securities Division Strats. He was named Partner in 2006.

Prior to first joining the firm, Mr. Chavez was Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Quorum Software Systems from 1989 to 1993. From 1997 to 2000, he was Global Head of Energy Derivatives at Credit Suisse Financial Products. In 2000, he co-founded Kiodex, Inc. and was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer until 2004.

Mr. Chavez serves on the Board of Trustees of amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, the Board of Directors of Friends of the High Line, the Advisory Board of the Icahn Institute for Genomics and Multiscale Biology at Mount Sinai, and the Campaign Advisory Group of the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Previously, he served as the chairman of the Finance Committee, a member of the Audit and Ethics Committee, and a member of the Board of Directors of PNM Resources, Inc. from 2001 to 2005.

George Lee於1988年畢業於Middlebury大學歷史系,進入紐約銀行任職,後在沃頓商學院攻讀MBA學位並於1994年獲得,1994年加入高盛,2002年被任命為董事總經理,2004年被任命為合伙人。管理高盛全球科技傳媒電信的投資銀行業務,2006年,George Lee負責谷歌二次增發而廣為人知。此外他與eBay、微軟、Expedia、Adobe,百度有合作關係。2011年高盛投資Facebook,George Lee擔任組織者和領導者。

George Lee不是firm CIO,Martin Chavez才是。作為CIO最重要的職責就是管理兩群人:Goldman所有Strategist(簡稱Strat,也就是平時我們說的Quant,大概一千人),還有Tech Division(恐怕得有好幾千人,準確地說是Tech歸Tech Division Head管,而Martin是後者的老闆)。









George Lee is Chief Information Officer, Investment Banking Division, and Martin Chavez is the Chief Information Officer for Goldman Sachs, so ideally George is report to Martin.


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