
為什麼look forward to後面一定要接doing,其中的doing是非謂語動詞嗎?


為什麼look forward to後面要加doing?答案是,因為to在這裡是介詞。

那麼由此帶來的問題就是,該如何將它和不定式to do區分開來呢?很簡單,讀完下面的內容你就明白了。

先來看to做介詞的意義。所有的介詞at,on,in等等本質是用來表明「對象」之間在空間上的關係。例如 at the cafe 和 in the cafe,前者將cafe想像成了空間的一個點,而後者將cafe表現成了一個3D空間。同樣,to 做介詞的時候,同樣表明了一種空間關係,如下圖:



I go to the bookstore every week.


I gave the book to him.


其實,介詞的英文為preposition,用詞綴法拆分為pre + position就已經不難理解,本質上,介詞就是出現在位置(position)前面的詞,譬如 in the room,at the corner,on the table 等等,介詞都出現在「位置」前。


2點50: ten to three



I look forward to your reply.

基於 to 的空間意義,your reply就是箭頭所指的那個目的地,時間就是移動的箭頭。所以,這裡的介詞 to 後面應該跟一個「目的地」,是一個名詞屬性的東西。那麼,如果 to 後面是一個動詞,我們自然要把動詞變為動名詞形式,這樣它才具有了「名詞屬性」。於是,

I look forward to receiving your reply.

類似的舉幾個例子,你試著從空間的角度感受一下意象,也就不難理解為什麼後面要用 doing 的形式了。

I am addicted to the habit. / I am addicted to smoking. (the habit = smoking)

devoted to the goal / devoted to learning. (the goal = learning)

Reporter should stick to their ethics. / Reporters should stick to investigating the facts. (their ethics = investigating the facts)

看到了吧,本質上,介詞 to 後面需要的是一個名詞,所以你需要將動詞「名詞化」滿足這個條件。

理解了上面的,就不難區分不定式 to do 了。上面介詞 to 本質上都是在空間上向目的地的移動,相對的額,不定式 to do 表明「將要去做的事情」,它強調「做」這個動作本身。

I go to the bookstore to read books.






Many out there have their own way to decipher the phrasal verb "to look forward to", but hardly anyone has proposed a cogent analysis.

Take @Ernest Lee"s response. Yes, the verb "look" is intransitive. Like many other intransitive verbs, "look" has to precede a preposition before a noun/pronoun: look after yourself, look for my pencil, look at the sky, etc. It"s usually not acceptable to say "look my pencil". Bearing this in mind, @Ernest Lee made a deduction about "look forward to something", as "forward" is an adverb and between"look" and "something" we need a preposition "to". That sounds as if it makes sense.


(1) it"s also okay to say "looking to do something".

An intransitive verb is not necessarily followed by a preposition. "Intransitive verb (+adverb) + to do" can also be valid.

e.g. The government is looking to improve the rail network.

They always strive hard to achieve their goals. (We can"t say "strive hard to doing" as @Ernest Lee puts it: "intransitive + adverb + preposition + doing")

(2) the verb "look" can be transitive too.

She looked me in the eye, and I could felt her infatuation.

They looked him up and down, thinking he couldn"t afford this pocket watch.

So we don"t need the idea that "look" has to cling on to a preposition, and we don"t have to pin ourselves down to identifying the word "to" (that follows an intransitive verb like "look") as a preposition.


But why do we use "look forward to something/doing something" rather than "look forward to do something"? The answer couldn"t be simpler. Well, first, you have to figure out what this phrasal verb means.

Never try to get the precise meaning by roughly putting it into your mother tongue. The interference from your mother tongue is often the reason you are in the dark.

"Look forward to" is not equal to "expect to", though many learners find one bears a close resemblance to the other when they translate them into Chinese.

"Expect to" means "believe that something will happen or that someone will do something", so it"s okay to say "we expected him to learn some Spanish"/ "he expected (himself) to learn some Spanish" / "he expected that he could learn some Spanish". We call it an occurrence if a chunk reveals who does what (i.e. the action taker(s) AND the action) . We can always have an occurrence (e,g. him/himself/he + learn) to "expect".

"Look forward to" means "think about", or rather, 「think about (something) because pleasure will be there if it happens". That is, we can"t have an occurrence (action taker + action) to "think about" or "look forward to". It is wrong to say "I think about Tim to come." Instead, we just "think about the action" or "think about the action taker(s)". For example, everyone thinks about wealth / getting rich. Consequently, we only say "we look forward to wealth", and "we look forward to getting rich".

哎呀,@King-Cheung反對我,還是個Applied Linguistics的,看來不是碩士就是博士吧,而且還是用英文寫的回答。真理越辯越明啊,那就來撕一把吧:


  • Many out there have their own way to decipher the phrasal verb "to look forward to", but hardly anyone has proposed a cogent analysis.

  • The interference from your mother tongue is often the reason you are in the dark.




2)先說第二點,look能做及物動詞與look在look forward to裡面根本不矛盾啊,無非就是look這個動詞有及物和不及物兩種情況唄,我不知道為何這點能拿來做反對的理由。


  • They always strive hard to achieve their goals.

= To achieve their goals, they always strive hard.

所以這個句子根本就與「不及物動詞不能直接加賓語」不矛盾嘛,你完全可以把「to do」視為目的狀語嘛。

  • The government is looking to improve the rail network.


    • look視為及物動詞,to do視為look的賓語,相當於want to do sth.
    • look視為不及物動詞,但是to do仍然不是它的賓語啊。look在這裡是系動詞,to do是其表語(補語)嘛,相當於She looks happy.




1)為什麼look forward to後面一定要接doing,而不能接do?

2)look forward to doing中的doing是非謂語動詞嗎?

1)因為look forward to中的to是介詞,介詞後面要接名詞性質的成分,所以要用doing,而不能用do。這個規則大家其實都是知道的,但是這個to上面又沒有打上「介詞」的標記,所以更深層次的問題其實是:



回到本題,「look forward to」中的look就是一個典型的不及物動詞(大家都記得look at sth.要用at,不能直接用look sth. 當然look也有做及物動詞的時候,但是不妨礙它在這個片語裡面是不及物動詞),所以look要加賓語要先加一個介詞,比如to,那就變成了「look to sth.」(表示朝向某事物看,to表示方向)(當然這個片語只是理論上存在,實際上用了look at代替,但是你們明白的我的意思:look要先加一個介詞,然後再加賓語)。大家能理解look at sth.但是不能理解look forward to doing sth.,很可能是被forward這個詞混淆了,其實forward是個副詞:

副詞當然是修飾動詞的,所以look forward表示向前看,但是這仍然是個不及物的動詞片語,後面要接賓語,還是要先加上介詞,所以加上介詞to表示方向,然後再加上賓語doing,就成了look forward to doing。





  • swimming pool中的swimming就是動名詞做定語,因為pool自己是不能swimming的
  • flying plane中的flying就是現在分詞做定語,因為就是plane在flying

區別還有其他的很多,總之就是在語法術語「動名詞」和「現在分詞」之間選,你們又不是語法學者,你們的考試中也不會直接考你語法術語的辨析,所以只要你知道look forward to後面要用doing而不是do就好了,至於這裡的doing到底是「動名詞」還是「現在分詞」,又有什麼要緊呢?

look forward to的to是介詞,介詞賓語必須是一個名詞性的成分;want (to do)的to是提示不定式的一個助詞(particle,亦譯作小品詞)


Practical English Usage 3rd

1.look forward to,此處to是作為介詞。

2.第一點可能看不懂,那就翻譯成中文。look forward to已經翻譯成"期待著"的意思了,那就是我期待著?一件事,即look forward to sth. ,也就是look forward to +一個名詞性的東西,那除了Sth.之外,就是doing的動名詞形式了。

3. 拓展到別的更多也就很容易理解了,比如pay attention to doing/ sth. ,devote oneself to doing / sth.等等都是這個道理啦,翻譯成中文感受一下馬上就明白了。


to一個是不定式符號,是一個不定式的開始 比如: decide to do

也可以充當介詞,比如 go to school



It"s because you are looking forward to something. Something is a noun.

固定搭配 look forward to something。






我平時為了方便都這麼教: 先教look forward to sth. 期待某事(物)

| sth(事物)是名詞,所以to後面接名詞 |


把look forward to 後面加的東西想像成是一個東西或者憧憬而不是一個動作。


「I succeeded because I willed it.」,應該是willed還是would?這是訛傳還是特例?

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