

本人初三下學期開始參與英文學術辯論的Public Forum辯論,到現在已經有一年余月了,參加National Forensic

1. China
should prioritize reducing the gap between rich and poor over economic growth.

Key Words:economic growth, rich-poor gap, priority




1. 中國作為社會主義國家和美國最大的區別在哪?美國就一定沒有國有企業么?中國目前的發展和19世紀到20世紀的美國是否有可比性?//美國的大蕭條時期和羅斯福新政以對比中國

2. 社會福利的二次分配是否真的能夠縮小貧富差距?還是只是在掩蓋這個問題、舒緩社會矛盾?中國政府目前還是否有能力應對人口老齡化帶來的財政壓力?//再分配緩解貧富差距促進經濟發展

3. 中國的分散性經濟系統使得各地區政府對當地的教育醫療住房等負有直接責任,但這也成為了擴大貧富差距的一個重要原因。那麼中國當初是否是因為經濟實力不足而建立了這樣的系統呢?中國現在又是否有能力建立一個更為健全的全國性福利機制呢?//經濟問題是貧富差距的重要原因

4. 中國的快速城鎮化進程是否在一定程度上擴大了貧富差距以及公民的一系列生活問題?比如大量城中村?//城鎮化(經濟發展的側影)是否會拉大貧富差距

5. 靠政府補貼能否拉動內需?還是會像美國一樣導致政府赤字擴大、不得不印發貨幣造成通貨膨脹?要抵禦經濟危機拉動內需很重要,那麼拉動內需到底有哪些有效措施?縮小貧富差距可以有多大的效果呢?

6. 劉易斯拐點應當如何判斷?

7. 中國經濟很大一部分還屬於勞動密集型產業,那麼加快企業轉型來發展經濟會不會導致更高的失業率以及由勞動者素質偏低造成的用工荒?要應對這一問題,教育是否是唯一出路?

8. 貧富差距對於高犯罪率的影響很大么?

9. 為什麼說對於國家經濟的持續健康發展來說,將引進外資與出口轉到拉動內需和發展第三產業很重要?

10. 為什麼說經驗主義的例子告訴我們如果勞動力市場被壟斷那麼最低工資並不會造成更高的失業率?什麼造成勞動力市場的壟斷?

11. 經濟的不平等性對中國經濟的刺激性到底大么?

12. 為什麼說貧富差距過大會是市場經濟的失敗?計劃經濟體制下就一定不會有過大的貧富差距么?

13. 什麼是Neo classical新古典經濟主義?Neo liberalism新自由主義?

14. 有人說經濟頂層的收入增長速度大於底層是正常的,否則如果相反,就會造成對投資機會的毀滅性打擊,為什麼呢?這樣的說法有事實依據么?

15. 泰國目前的動亂主要原因是日益擴大的貧富差距么?

16. 中國的強制戶口制度真的會造成更大的貧富差距么?而解除戶口制度真的可行么?//戶口制度加劇差距

17. 目前縮小貧富差距的主要方法社是建立社會保障體系么?

進而,在與辯友的Crossfire中提取立論的論點且準備Debate book(比賽中可能遇到的問題和應對方法)此處略,見仁見智。


Constructive Speech (pro)

Dear judges and my opponents. We affirm that china should prioritize
reducing the gap between rich and poor over economic growth. We』ll use
following framework to evaluate our points.

&<1&>Our first contention is that the achievements of the reform
and opening-up should be shared with every individual in the society. The
premier of the state council has claimed in Report On The Work Of The
Government 「the fundamental goal of a government"s work is to ensure that
everyone lives a good life.」

In past three decades of reform and opening up, we have made great
achievements. Our previous leader Deng Xiaoping said, 「Rich former leads
latter, eventually together」. But the fact is, in past 20 years 20% richest
households own nearly 50%of the social wealth and the percentage is rising year
by year. At the same time, 20% poorest households own less than 5% of the
social wealth according to Distribution of income or consumption by quintile
released by the World Bank. So you can see the fruits of our reform aren』t
shared relatively equally with everyone, and it is time to redistribute and
make the people who get rich first take their obligation to help the poor

「The people are the foundation of a
nation, and a nation can enjoy peace only when its foundation is strong.」 Li

&<2&>Our second contention is that the public credit is
deteriorating because of the problems caused by the huge income gap. It can
even jeopardize the social stability and mobility and finally polarize the

Not a single country could grow its economy rapidly while unrests
and wars are taking place across the country. In the past 30 years our
government paid less attention to the redistribution of the national wealth,
which results in the accumulation a large number of conflicts in the Chinese

For example, the relatively low investment in health-care and
imperfections of the health-care system caused a hard relationship between
patients and doctors. Will they believe in the government?

On the other side, the number of aging people is increasing
overtime. By the end of 2013 people aged over 60 years old will make up 14.3%
of China』s
whole population. Because of the birth control, people from our generation have
to take care of two parents which means huge financial burden. If our
government doesn』t alleviate the burden, there will be a large amount of
homeless old people. Will the old people believe in our government? Will you
believe in our government when you grow up?

That』s the question I want to ask.

&<3&>Our third contention is that reducing the gap is an
incentive to our social mobility and economy. First, redistribution will bring
enthusiasm to the poor. Take a look at this: Students came from rural areas
only made up 17% of new students who entered Qinghua University,
and the percentage is getting lower and lower. Over this you can see the social
mobility is deteriorating. Redistribution is a sign for the people who can』t
get a better life by their own hard work. They』ll be able to work harder in
order to leave the bottom of the society. Second, not until a person no longer
needs to worry about his life, will he consider about consumption. The
redistribution will feed the basic needs of a larger number of poor people in China. And it
will even give them money to consume. That will certainly promote our domestic
consumption. So that our economy will develop healthier.

To conclude, we should change the situation that our government paid
less attention to the redistribution for long-term and healthy economic growth.
That is why we affirm that china should prioritize reducing the gap between
rich and poor over economic growth.

2. States ought to possess nuclear weapons.

3. Developed countries have the moral obligation to mitigate the
effects of climate change.

4. The Permanent Membership of the United Nations Security Council,
on balance, sets back the objectives of the UN.



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