


(Thank you so much @SusanChul for an awesome translation!)



  • Excuse me, *smile* could you tell me where the exit is?【打擾一下,(微笑)請問您能告訴我出口在哪兒嗎?】

  • Excuse me, *smile* do you have the time?【打擾一下,(微笑)請問您有時間嗎?】

  • Excuse me, *smile* where could I find a restroom?【打擾一下,(微笑)請問洗手間在哪裡?】

  • Excuse me, *smile* where would I find the nearest hotel?【打擾一下,(微笑)請問最近的旅館在哪裡?】

  • Excuse me, *smile* I"m looking for The Great Gatsby.【打擾一下,(微笑)請問《了不起的蓋茨比》被放在哪裡?】


  • I"m sorry, *smile* could you please sign here?【打擾一下,(微笑)請問您能在這兒簽名嗎?】

  • *smile* Would you please let me know when she arrives?【(微笑)請問您能告訴我她什麼時候到嗎?】

  • Could you please call me back when it"s convenient? (You"re probably on the phone, but you could smile anyways to make yourself feel happier.)【請問您能告在方便的時候回電給我嗎?(你或許正在打電話無法讓對方看到你正在微笑,但是你依然可以微笑,這會讓你自己的語氣更友善)】

  • Excuse me, *smile* is this seat taken?【打擾一下,(微笑)請問這個位置有人了嗎?】

  • Excuse me, *smile* do you mind if I use/borrow/take this? (In this case, you are asking if the person would object, so "No" = "No, I don"t mind" = "Yes, go ahead")【打擾一下,(微笑)請問您建議我使用/借用/拿走這個嗎?(在某些情況中如果你在詢問時如果他拒絕了,或許他的意思是「不=不,我不介意=可以,那去吧」)】 (此處可能有翻譯錯誤,望指正)

  • Excuse me, *smile* Professor Lawrence, I injured my writing hand yesterday. I was wondering if I could have some extra time on tomorrow exam? I have a doctor"s note here.【打擾一下,(微笑)勞倫斯教授,我昨天寫字的手受傷了,關於明天的考試,我想您是否能給我調整一下時間,這是我的醫生處方】

  • *smile* May I go to the bathroom? (This is a pet peeve of many middle school teachers. A student usually asks, "Can I go to the bathroom?" and the teacher might respond sardonically, "I don"t know. Can you?" which implies that the student does not have the ability to go to the bathroom.)【(微笑)我可以去洗手間嗎?(此處有一個經常受中學老師抱怨的問題。學生經常會問「我可以去洗手間嗎」而老師通常會諷刺性地回答「我不知道,你覺得你可以嗎?」事實上暗示了學生不應該在課堂上去洗手間。)】



  • *smile* I hope I"m not intruding, but could you tell me about your childhood?【 (微笑)我希望我沒有冒犯您,但是請問您能告訴我關於您童年的一些事嗎?】

Actually hoping to know,【事實上提問者希望了解以下信息】

    • When was the person born?【被詢問者是什麼時候出生的】
    • Where was the person born?【被詢問者在哪裡出生】
    • Where did the person grow up?【被詢問者是什麼地方長大的】
    • Does the person have any siblings?【被詢問者有什麼兄弟姐妹】
    • What kind of people are her or his parents?【被詢問者的父母是哪種人】
    • Was the person a good student?【被詢問者是一個好學生嗎】

  • If you don"t mind me asking, *smile* what do you think about love?【如果您並不介意的話(微笑)請問您對「愛」有什麼理解?】

Actually hoping to know,【事實上提問者希望了解以下信息】

    • Is the person single?【被提問者是單身嗎?】
    • Is the person interested in a relationship?【被提問者對戀愛有興趣嗎?】
    • What kind of past relationships did she or he have?【並詢問著的上一段戀愛經歷是怎麼樣的】


  • Excuse me, *smile* which book are you reading? It looks really interesting!【不好意思(微笑)你正在看哪本書?它看起來很棒!】

  • Wow, *smile* that"s a great shirt! Where did you get it?【喔!(微笑)這件襯衫看起來好贊,你從哪裡買的?】


A: Hi, how are you?【嗨,你過得怎麼樣】

B: Great, how are you?【不錯,你呢】

A: Excellent! I"m staying here for a couple days and I was wondering if you could recommend some fun things to do around town?【很棒,我會在這兒呆幾天,你能告訴我這周邊有什麼好玩的東西嗎?】

- - - - -

Smiling is really important. Smiling will make you seem more polite than any modest diction. If your smile is reassuring, you can ask more personal and inconvenient questions. I"ll give some examples,

Questions you ask for information

  • Excuse me, *smile* could you tell me where the exit is?

  • Excuse me, *smile* do you have the time?

  • Excuse me, *smile* where could I find a restroom?
  • Excuse me, *smile* where would I find the nearest hotel?

  • Excuse me, *smile* I"m looking for The Great Gatsby.


  • I"m sorry, *smile* could you please sign here?

  • *smile* Would you please let me know when she arrives?

  • Could you please call me back when it"s convenient? (You"re probably on the phone, but you could smile anyways to make yourself feel happier.)

  • Excuse me, *smile* is this seat taken?

  • Excuse me, *smile* do you mind if I use/borrow/take this? (In this case, you are asking if the person would object, so "No" = "No, I don"t mind" = "Yes, go ahead")
  • Excuse me, *smile* Professor Lawrence, I injured my writing hand yesterday. I was wondering if I could have some extra time on tomorrow exam? I have a doctor"s note here.

  • *smile* May I go to the bathroom? (This is a pet peeve of many middle school teachers. A student usually asks, "Can I go to the bathroom?" and the teacher might respond sardonically, "I don"t know. Can you?" which implies that the student does not have the ability to go to the bathroom.)

Questions you might ask a person you want to know more about

For more personal questions, I"d suggest asking indirect, open-ended questions and letting the person talk. In the course of telling her or his story, you"ll probably learn what you want to know.

  • *smile* I hope I"m not intruding, but could you tell me about your childhood?

Actually hoping to know,

    • When was the person born?
    • Where was the person born?
    • Where did the person grow up?
    • Does the person have any siblings?
    • What kind of people are her or his parents?
    • Was the person a good student?

  • If you don"t mind me asking, *smile* what do you think about love?

Actually hoping to know,

    • Is the person single?
    • Is the person interested in a relationship?
    • What kind of past relationships did she or he have?

Conversation starters

  • Excuse me, *smile* which book are you reading? It looks really interesting!
  • Wow, *smile* that"s a great shirt! Where did you get it?

In front of any of these questions, you can always add a friendly greeting.

A: Hi, how are you?

B: Great, how are you?

A: Excellent! I"m staying here for a couple days and I was wondering if you could recommend some fun things to do around town?

- - - - -


  • 剛上美國本科如何主動交一些本地的朋友?日常的口語在去之前如何提高?

Excuse me,may I ask you a question?



Hey Andy, can I ask you a question?

Hey Andy, do you have a minute? I got a question.



Excuse me, David, may I ask you a question?



Excuse me, Sir, how could I get to the XXX building please?


Don"t forget to smile at all times when you ask questions :)


Excuse me, would you mind my asking you a question?

除非打斷別人的話,或者突然問陌生人,不然在一般談話中不用excuse me.


如果是請別人幫你,可以先問do you have a minute? 看看對方是否有空,然後多用情態動詞,could you help me with ... 類似的

另外買東西,點菜最後用提問的can I have blablabla please ? 而不是用 I want blablabla

啊! 感覺跑題了!

學習央視記者: what do you see..


Windows 系統下有哪些好的詞典推薦?推薦理由是什麼?

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