《芳華》影評 | 鍍金般的時代



Review: In "Youth," the People"s Dance Troupe, in Love and War

The Chinese director Feng Xiaogang is not quite the Asian Steven Spielberg, but like the American director, he"sachieved blockbuster successesin a variety of genres. His 2006 film,"Legend of the Black Scorpion,"was asumptuous[1], "Hamlet"-derived, martial arts period piece."If You Are the One"from 2008 was a romantic comedyset against the backdrop ofentrepreneurial wealth. And last year"s"I Am Not Madame Bovary"was anot-quite-successful formal experimentinadapting a best-selling novel.

中國導演馮小剛並不能算是亞洲的史蒂芬·斯皮爾伯格(Steven Spielberg),然而同這位美國導演一樣,他涉獵的多種類型片都成了流行大片。2006年的《夜宴》是一部源自哈姆雷特的華麗武俠古裝片。2008年的《非誠勿擾》是一個以企業家財富為背景的浪漫喜劇。而去年的《我不是潘金蓮》則是一次改編暢銷小說的正式試驗,但不太成功。

[1]sumptuous: Something that is sumptuous is grand and obviously very expensive. 奢華的

...a sumptuous feast.





His new film, "Youth,"based on a Yan Geling novel, is about a People"s Liberation Armydance troupe in the early 1970s. Western viewers will detect resonances[2]of"Stage Door" and "The Way We Were"in the story, which largely focuses on the disdainful treatment received by the newcomer He Xiaoping (Miao Miao), a girl from a poor background who"s been recruited by the heroic, idealistic Liu Feng (Huang Xuan). During the Sino-Vietnamese war, the entertainers are forced to become warriors and medics.

他的新片《芳華》根據嚴歌苓的小說改編,講述1970年代初一個部隊文工團的故事。西方觀眾會在故事情節中發現與《摘星夢難圓》(Stage Door)和《往日情懷》(The Way We Were)相似之處,舞團新人何小萍(苗苗飾)出身貧苦,被充滿英雄氣概與理想主義的劉峰(黃軒飾)選入舞團,影片很大程度上集中在她所遭受的歧視和排斥上。在中越戰爭期間,這些文工團成員又被迫成為了戰士和醫務人員。

[2]resonance: the special meaning or importance that something has for you because it relates to your own experiences〔因與親身經歷有關而產生的〕共鳴

a tradition that has little resonance in the 21st century


His words will have resonance for many musicians.


還沒有觀看這部電影的朋友,如果又恰好感興趣的話,不妨先看看豆瓣上的劇情簡介:根據嚴歌苓同名小說改編,講述了上世紀七十到八十年代充滿理想和激情的軍隊文工團,一群正值芳華的青春少年,經歷著成長中的愛情萌發與充斥變數的人生命運。樂於助人、質樸善良的劉峰(黃軒 飾),和從農村來,屢遭文工團女兵歧視與排斥的何小萍(苗苗 飾),「意外」離開了浪漫安逸的文工團,捲入了殘酷的戰爭,在戰場上繼續綻放著血染的芳華。他們感受著集體生活的痛與暖、故人的分別與重逢,還有時代變革之下,每個人的渺小脆弱和無力招架。而昔日的文工團戰友蕭穗子(鍾楚曦 飾)、林丁丁(楊采鈺 飾)、郝淑雯(李曉峰 飾)、陳燦(王天辰 飾)等人,在大時代的背景之下,每個人的命運大相徑庭,擁有著出人意料的人生歸宿……從來不需要想起,永遠也不會忘記。

The movie"s depiction of cultural change is tidy to the point of being facile, which isn"t to say it"s ineffective. (It seems to have ruffled some feathers[3]in its native country, where its release, intended for September, was held up until recently.)


[3]ruffle (one"s) feathers: To ruffle someone"s feathers means to cause them to become very angry, nervous, or upset. 使某人憤怒; 緊張; 沮喪

His direct, often abrasive approach will doubtlessruffle a few feathers.


Asa straight, sentimental melodrama, "Youth" works well. While there are a lot of conventional tropes, the castenacts[4]them with such fresh, tenderhearted sincerity that they regain some power.


[4]enact:If people enact a story or play, they perform it by acting. 表演.

She often enacted the stories told to her by her father.



LeBron 的 Le,McGrady / McKinsey 的 Mc,還有 LaFrentz 的 La,是怎麼變化出來的?為什麼會在名字中出現兩個大寫字母?
To improve is to change; to perfect is to change often

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