

屬於比較傳統的英國大學,建築和樓房都比較舊了,當然近幾年也蓋了不少新樓,Business school和主校區的一個什麼building(忘了)都是新蓋的。(國際學生給輸送了不少金元啊...)



Feedback of Exchange in Newcastle and York St John By Bin Yu




Note: This feedback is based on the personal experience of Bin Yu, a Chinese student of Malmo University who was exchanged to the UK January 2016 - January 2017.

Part 1 Newcastle University. January - June 2016 spring term


1. Introduction to Public Relation.

2. Visual Culture.

3. Celebrity Culture.

Highlights of infrastructures:

1. Strong database

I could always get what I want. If the book is not available, I could still get it the next day.

The positive side is that I never experience frustrating due to lack of information. The negative side is that Im easy to get lost in reading papers.


2. 24 hours Library and 25 pounds for print each semester.

1) Each student is provided 25 pounds to print. 2-4 pennies per A4 sheet. It covers all my print tasks. The printers run like the newspaper machines.



2) Four libraries around the campus.

Library Robinson is open 24 hours. The other three close at 24:00.


3. Recap system.

The modules have been recapped, including PPTs. The students could access to recap via a system called "blackboard". The available situation of computer clusters is shown on campus app.


4. Accommodation in Easton Flat is close to the library and half surround by a royal grammar school. Quite at night and lively in the morning.


Highlight part of academic and student activities:

1. Abundant student activities 學生活動很豐富

The student activities are very job hunting orientated.

1) The student centre invites industrial employees and employer to share their experience. The guests could be the journalists from BBC and Newcastle local express or the officers of Air Force.Chance are there to build connections between students and the guests after each talk.

Seminars hold regularly by staff and employers, such as PWC. There is a routine lesson showing how to prepare interview for PWC at the student centre. Besides the student centre, each faculty and department have their own events, business school, education school, linguistic school, all have different events.


2. Abundant academic activities 豐富的學術活動

Each Tuesday has guest lectures. 每周二都有客座講座

Countless seminars and lectures I could drop in every week.

I even joined a faculty meeting of Media, Culture and Heritage Department, as the only student.

It is really open to EVERYONE.

Highlights of selective modules:

1. COM2023 Introduction to Public Relations (Ms Laurel Hetherington. Mrs Sally Keith, Mr Jonathan Ward)

Around 100 students. This classroom is always full. This module is highly related with the latest news and events around the world. It also includes the guest lectures in relation to PR and outside campus activity, which is held by a local PR company to share their industrial experience, I have chance to meet PR students from Northumerberland University. The seminars are to analysis the newspapers of that day and focus on the PR in UK context. 8 to 10 students

in each seminar.

The course literature book is called PR Today, an introduction book in relation to PR which shows the reader what is PR and how to organise PR events.

The exam has two parts: An exam which I have to write on 8 pages of PPT to introduction what is PR in an hour; And a PR plan.

2. COM2077 Visual Culture ( Prof. Christoper Whitehead )

A course around 20 students. The course I enjoy the most. It discusses the relation between paintings and politics, also includes the content of how an art gallery or museum display its objects in order to express their attitudes. It involves intensive observation of western painting and advertisement pictures. There are also practicalcourse that we have to work out how to display some real historical objects in a certain period of time. Michel Foucault is the name I hear quite often in this course. The others include Roger Fry, Pierre Bourdieu and John Berger.

The course literature which I should recommend is 1)"The Ways of Seeing" by John Berger. The another one is 2)Visual Culture by Richard Howell. Richard Howell summarised and comments on several theories in his book, which include John Bergers, Roger Frys and Ernst Gombrichs theory in relation to how to view a painting.

Besides these course literature, Id like to recommend Paul Gauguins 3)Noa Noa and 4)Letters to His Wife and Friends. And 5)Roger Fry by Virginia Woolf.

The exam has two parts: a group work presentation in relation to museum or art gallery display. An essay 2000 words.

3. COM2080 Celebrity Culture (Dr Gareth Longstaff )

A course around 90 people. A good chance to see the popular culture from a UK perspective. I learned what is "nostalgia" and "common memory" in this course. The seminar group is around 20 people.

Highlights of culture experience outside of campus:

1. Discovery museum, which has the Turbinia, the fastest steamboat of the world of 19th century.

2. Oriental Museum, Durham University.

3. Opera House. Drama - Oliver. For me, its a theatre enlightenment.

4. Scotland National Gallery. In Edinburgh but worth to visit.

5. Sage Gateshead. Newcastle student orchestra.

6. Boat Racing between Durham and Newcastle University on Tyne river.

7. Northumberland University sometimes has open lectures in relation to language acquisition which I followed.

8. Football Match between Newcastle and Manchester United.


1) Most modules are full before I arrive. My previous plan was totally changed after I arrived at Newcastle. (This change, of course, has its positive aspect. Its good to broaden my horizon ).

The module quality is high from my point of view, I do enjoy the life in Newcastle.








紐卡斯爾大學(Newcastle_University),也譯作新堡大學或紐卡索爾大學,是一所位於英格蘭東北部泰恩河畔紐卡斯爾的一流研究型大學。該校創建於1834年,創建之初名為「醫學與外科學院」(School of Medicineand Surgery),隨後成為分裂改制前的杜倫大學的另一半部的學院,在1963年根據國會法案(Act_of_Parliament)與杜倫大學分別成立各自獨立的學校,正式全名為「泰恩河畔紐卡斯爾大學」。










尤金妮公主(Princess Eugenie),英國公主,英國王室成員,伊麗莎白女王的孫女

憨豆先生(Mr Bean)-著名喜劇明星(紐卡斯爾大學電子工程專業畢業)

克里斯·文斯(Chris Vance),著名演員,《越獄》第三季中飾演James Whistler




威廉·阿姆斯特朗,第一代阿姆斯特朗男爵,英國工程師,阿姆斯特朗惠特沃思(Armstrong Whitworth)公司 的創始人








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