
[第125次聽寫] 咱們裸熊 假如你站在500米的高樓之上

[第125次聽寫]_騰訊視頻 https://v.qq.com/x/cover/w0560s8ezt5/w0560s8ezt5.html

我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫1分鐘電影, 已經堅持4個月了. 你想不想甩掉字幕看電影和美劇? 跟我一起做聽寫吧!


this is the police.

we have you surrounded.

give up now.


this is all a big mistake.

we were just getting back our stuff.


wait. what?

action budddies.

This isnt ours.

Its mine, dummy. I rented it an hour ago.

what the...

so, innocent mistake.

not our stuff

no harm, no felt(no harm, no foul), right?

those guys have been running around the city destroying stuff.

They ruined my T-shirt stand(T-shirts stand)

Those guys came into my restaurant and ordered only ice water.

hey, we tipped.

yeah, with a table mat drawing.

jump now. we will catch you and then put you in jail.

do the right thing.

okay, brothers.

group huddle.

Im not gonna lie.

Its not looking good.

looks like the real criminal might have been us.

and now we must face the consequences.



no harm, no foul

If there was no bad outcome to an action, then theres no need to be angry or upset about it.

A: "Oh, excuse me! Im so sorry for knocking over your glass!" B: "Its OK, it was empty. No harm, no foul!"

沒有造成危害, 就沒關係, foul指犯規


[第183次聽寫] them弱讀後長什麼樣?
乾貨 | 口譯程序與策略【二】

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