
[第183次聽寫] them弱讀後長什麼樣?


我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫1分鐘電影, 已經堅持6個月了. 你想不想找一種輕鬆的方式提升自己的聽力? 跟我一起每天聽寫電影吧!



Hold up. Focus. Show em what you got, buddy. The fist, show them the fist

注意這裡第一個them弱讀為[?m], 寫做em.


是否弱讀完全看說話人強調的是什麼, 語速如何, 沒有一定要弱讀一說

hold up有N個意思, 一個一個看過去, 最後一個意思是我們要的.


從第141篇開始, 我不再放出我自己聽寫的版本, 而是改為在答案上標記重難點, 大家特別注意一下我加粗的地方.

1 -I love it! -Not bad.

2 Anybody elses suit riding up on them?

3 Hey, guys! Check this out.

4 Id like to introduce, Baymax 2.0.

5 Hes glorious.

6 Hold up. Focus. Show em what you got, buddy.

7 -The fist, show them the fist. -No, not that. The thing, the other thing.

8 Rocket fist make Freddie so happy!

9 -Thats just one of his new upgrades! Baymax, wings. -No way!

10 -Thrusters. -I fail to see how flying makes me a better healthcare companion.

11 I fail to see how you fail to see that its awesome! Full thrust.

12 Steady, big guy. lets just take this slow. Up, up, up, up, up!

13Thrust, thrust, thrust! Too much thrust! Too much thrust! Too much thrust!

14 No, no, no, no! Back on! Back on! On! On! On! Go up! Up, up, up! Oh, man!

15 Maybe... Maybe enough flying for today. What do you say?

16 Your neurotransmitter levels are rising steadily.

17 -Which means what? -The treatment is working.

18 Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no! Baymax! Yes!

19 That was...That was...

20 Sick. It is just an expression.

21 Thats... thats right, buddy.

22 I am never taking the bus again.


乾貨 | 口譯程序與策略【二】

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