


Enter Stregato the self-named assidious low-profile who had a late start of English-learning odyssey where multifarious Herculean goals are set for the apotheosis of self-improvement, at least matching those who are bigshots stride for stride, and where Sisyphean ordeals transpire but will eventually find themselves lost to into oblivion. An English-maniac and somewhat introvert, I would like to take this opportunity to get lost with all of you with full-steam vivacity and vitality, never settling down with all the accolade cast on our hands. Let us get into our stride.

這段自我介紹彙集了很多典型的用詞問題。比如,上文中出現了很多大詞和難詞:odyssey, herculean, apotheosis, big shot, Sisyphean, accolade,但這些詞全都用錯了。下面是簡短的分析:

(1)odyssey 一詞來自希臘史詩《奧德賽》,相傳為荷馬所作,描述了奧德修斯在特洛伊戰爭後,輾轉十年返回家園的種種經歷。這個詞的引申義為「漫長而驚險的旅程」,比如可以說 "his historic odyssey through the Spice Islands",這裡用 odyssey 來指坎坷的英語學習歷程並不恰當

(2)herculean 含義為「艱巨的,費力的」,常見的搭配為 a herculean effort/task,不可以用 herculean 來形容「目標」,可以改成 ambitious goals

(3)apotheosis 是一個很正式的詞,一般用來指藝術或者人物品質的典範,可以說 the apotheosis of romantic art (浪漫主義藝術的典範),但不能說 the apotheosis of self-improvement

(4)big shot (原文bigshot為誤用)一般指「(群體或機構中的)要人,大人物」,比如 a big shot in local politics,作者在這裡要表達的含義是「英語很厲害的人」,不能用 big shot 來形容,根據語境可以改為 advanced English learners

(5)Sisyphean 來自希臘神話西西弗斯的傳說,西西弗斯因前生罪惡受到懲罰,要無休止地將一塊巨石滾到山頂,而巨石到山頂後總是一再滾落。Sisyphean 的引申義是「(任務)不可能完成的,永無止境的」,我們可以說 a Sisyphean task,但不能說 a Sisyphean ordeal

(6)accolade 一般指藝術家或科學家獲得榮譽或嘉獎,而原文語境是「不滿足於別人對我們的誇獎」,不能使用accolade 這個大詞。此外,原文 ...never settling down with all the accolade cast on our hands,"settle down with" 用法也有問題(該用法不存在),關於 settle down 的常見搭配是 settle down to sth.(集中精力做某事)。根據原文意思可以將句子改為 ...never sitting on our laurels.

(7)get lost 用法有誤。作者原本是想表達「和你們一同沉浸在英語的世界」,但寫出來變成了「和你們一同在英語的世界裡迷失(get lost)」。這裡可以直接改成 I would like to take this opportunity to share the pleasure of learning English with you.

(8)oblivion 同樣是一個很正式的詞,它有兩種含義「(某事物)被遺忘;被(炸彈等)摧毀」,不符合原文的語境「這些西西弗斯式的困難與挑戰最終會消失」。




作為對比,我們可以看看同樣以難詞和複雜句式著稱的《經濟學人》是怎麼寫作的(段落節選自文章 The case for liberal optimism):

This newspaper churlishly deprives its editors of the egocentric adornments of our trade.Tragically, these pages include no weekly 「editor』s letter」 to readers, underneath a beaming, air-brushed picture. Online, there is a weekly e-mail, but that comes from your 「desk」, not you. As editor, you spend your time in deplorable obscurity, consoled merely by the fact you have the nicest job in journalism. But there are two indulgent exceptions: a brief mention when you are appointed; and this valedictory leader, which attempts to sum up the world that has hurtled across your desk.

上文同樣使用了不少大詞,比如 churlishly, egocentric, deplorable, indulgent, valedictory, hurtle, 但它們非常形象且恰到好處。例如作者故意用 churlishly deprive, deplorable obscurity 這些大詞來強調《經濟學人》對編輯的「不友好」,導致很多人籍籍無名(因為雜誌上所有的文章都不署名,也沒有所謂的「編輯的話」欄目),以此來達到自嘲效果。



Enter Stregato the self-named assidious low-profile who had a late start of English-learning odyssey where multifarious Herculean goals are set for the apotheosis of self-improvement...


I started to learn English at an older age and set out with ambitious goals of achieving fluency in it.



比如對於單詞 deplorable,怎樣確定它的合理搭配和使用語境呢?去翻一翻詞典吧,你會看到這樣的解釋:

由此我們可以確定,deplorable 可以指人的言行讓人憤慨,也可以指環境條件非常惡劣,常見的一個搭配是 deplorable conditions/behaviour/incident,寫作時遵守這一點就不容易犯錯。

除了查詞典之外,有兩個地方還需要我們特別注意:1.近義詞辨析 2.表達多樣性


何偉在《江城》(River Town)曾經寫過這樣一個句子:

對於「提及……話題」這一表達,作者用的詞是 broach,而不是我們常用的 mention/raise,因為 broach 除了帶有「提及」的含義,還包含了另一層意思「提及的話題通常會令人尷尬、不快或引起爭論」,這與原文語境更為契合。




(a) Just as drones can make up for poor roads, the theory goes, mobile phones can overcome a lack of well-functioning banks, portable solar panels can stand in for missing power stations and free learning apps can substitute for patchy education.

(b) Eventually, America ran into trouble too. The tech-stock bubble burst in early 2000, prompting a broader share price slump. Business investment, particularly in technology, sank; and as share prices fell, consumers cut back. By early 2001 America, along with most of the rich world, had slipped into recession, albeit a mild one.


(1)近義詞替換,例如使用 make up for,stand in for,substitute for 這幾個短語來表達相同的意思「代替,頂替」。

(2)表達方式轉換,例如要表達「經濟下滑」,有 run into trouble,prompt a share price slump,business investment sinks,share prices fall,slip into recession 這幾種不同的說法。




除了 important 還能用什麼詞表達「重要的」

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