







謝@dizzarz 邀請,在這裡搬運我之前轉載的一位前輩的文章,算是對王老師答案細節的一些補充。



這個貼的標題是:沖繩空手的基本訓練之一:通過 三戰 的訓練提高力量 Kime

1. 這只是多種訓練中的一種,但是它是很基本很重要的一種訓練。

2. 標題說的是 三戰的訓練, 這個與把三戰型 (SANCHIN KATA)練完其實再意義上是有區別的。三戰訓練是一系列圍繞著 三戰型所代表的理念 的各種輔助訓練,當然也包括了三戰型自身的訓練,對各組肌肉用各種負重訓練,試味和抗打訓練,呼吸配合的訓練 等

3. 這個貼是與 另一個關於 「KIME」 的貼是相關的http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1793759523

在那個貼里 jianlilijian @jianlilijian 說到「鬆緊轉換」,這是完全對的而且是一個關鍵的概念。剛柔流里「閉手型」三戰型是全程全身緊的,但「開手型」是鬆緊轉換,快速移動,瞬間發力kime固定,然後瞬間再放鬆。沖繩的型里Kime之後就不會再有肩膀震動,腰胯繼續轉動,手臂抖動等的小動作。但是kime之後瞬間放鬆這個卻是觀察得到的。(註:但是比賽型里常見的一些壞習慣,這也是許多衝繩空手道老一代師範反對現代比賽式型的一個原因,因為許多的選手為了表演而大幅度,過度的扭腰轉肩膀然後轉回來,似乎發力強大應用全身的力,但套用東恩納盛男先生的話,這叫「KIME 失控」「Try to Kime but loss of control」)。不過扯遠了。。。。這個話題以後有機會再說。。。


長時間收緊各部位的肌肉首先有建立 「肌肉記憶」(MUSCLE MEMORY)的功能。就像其他各種動作一樣,當我們把一個動作多次重複後,腦里神經結構會重組以便將啟動這些動作的型號更快更有效的發動和傳輸(這個過程現在生理學家們還沒完全的定論是怎麼樣實現的)。因此某些動作練習多了之後變成了習慣,甚至變成了淺意識的反應。全身肌肉的收緊來實現 「Kime",這個過程也是可以通過重複反覆的練習以便養成相應的「肌肉記憶」,讓全身的肌肉在很快的時候同時收緊。


我們的肌肉是由無數的肌纖維(Muscle Fiber) 組成的,人體啟動肌肉發力的過程是由大腦通過運動神經元(Motor Neurons)發送微弱的電信號給相應的肌纖維,肌纖維收索導致肌肉可以運動發力。每條運動神經元會控制一定數量的肌纖維。一個運動單位(Motor Unit) 指的是一條運動神經元及其支配的所有肌纖維,因此每組肌肉也可以理解是無數運動單位合成的。要把瞬間動作的發力最大化不只依靠肌肉的大小(Muscle Mass),還必須儘可能的讓肌肉里最多的運動單元在最短的瞬間內啟動,並且在發力的過程中維持這些運動單元的啟動狀態,一直到該動作的過程完畢。因此中樞神經系統(Central Nervous System)每次能夠在最短的瞬間內啟動多少個運動單元(Muscle Activation Potential)以及啟動信號發放的頻率(Firing Rate)成為決定肌肉發力的兩個重要因素。鮑迪奇氏定律(Bowditch』s Law)中說明了單獨一個運動單元所發的力與信號的強弱無關但與信號的頻率有關,每個運動單元的發力要不就是 0% 要不就是 100%,而身體控制發力的程度靠的是啟動相應數量的運動單元。發力時運動單元的啟動是有順序的,人體結構的設計是啟動小的運動單元之後再再啟動大的運動單元,一直到足夠的運動單元被啟動把工作目標達到為止。這使肌肉發力的過程更平緩而不是跳檔的增加發力程度。(註:亨利. 鮑迪奇1840~1911 是美國當代的生理學家 )生理學上肌纖維分三種,分別為Type-1類 (Fast Twitch快跳), Type-2類(slow Twitch慢跳),以及TYPE-2B 類(slowTwitch2 慢跳2)。一般大的肌肉組裡啟動的時候若是要求快動作的是先讓快跳肌肉先啟動,然後讓慢跳肌肉接力繼續動作。因此如何在最短的時間內將所有的運動單元從小到大的全部啟動起來就是爆發力重要來源。所有運動員都知道在鍛煉的時候必須提高有氧能力(Aerobic Capacity)和耐力. 但提高腦和中樞神經系統能同一時間內啟動的運動單元的總數也是一項很重要的訓練項目。為了刺激腦和中樞神經系統讓它們能夠提高運動單元的應用率和信號的頻率的方法是在短時間內驅使身體承受極限或者接近極限的負載或運動量。


這種訓練方式要求訓練者依賴意念同時將全身的肌肉盡量接近極端的縮緊,就是將所有肌肉中的所有運動單元儘可能的同時啟動,不單這樣,這個過程也要求 Type-1肌肉被啟動後而是Type 2 和type 2B 肌肉接力之後,Type1 必須繼續發力。


不能肯定當沖繩空手家將三戰改成又慢又重的動作並且要求依賴意念同時將全身的肌肉盡量接近極端的縮緊的時候他們是憑藉自己多年嘗試而得到的經驗悟出來的方法,(或者是參照並結合了西方醫學的一些知識 ?? 畢竟鮑迪奇氏也是19世紀末的人。。。),但可以肯定的是,三戰型里的訓練方式以及負重的輔助運動訓練有助於提高腦神經系統同時啟動更多的運動單元以及提高發送信號的頻率

下面是轉貼某國外師範 有關如何將力量加大的一些捷徑方法 :

#1: Irradiation 輻射作用

This one is the easiest. It』s actually ridiculously easy. Childish, even.Here』s what you do: Perform a set of one-arm strict curls with a dumbell that allows about five solid reps. Make sure that your elbow stays at your side and does not drift back. If you don』t have a dumbbell, do something else instead, basically any exercise that uses one arm.

這個太簡單不過了,小兒科 (他說的),用啞鈴舉重運動。

Note how many reps you have done (in good form).


Rest for 5 min (important for the recovery of your CNS [central nervous system]).

Do another fiver but with one difference: on the way up crush the dumbbell to sand. At this point you cannot help noticing that your arm has suddenly gotten a jolt of extra energy, as if your tensing forearm has sent some juice up into your biceps. 休息五分鐘然後再做,但這次捏緊手掌將握力加大。你會發現前臂的力也隨著握拳的力加大了。

Which is exactly what has happened. Whenever a muscle contracts, it irradiates nerve force around it and increases the intensity of the neighborhood muscles』 contraction. Irradiation is one of the so-called Sherrington Laws, and its effect is strongest in your hands. Doing a knuckle pushup? The same thing applies. Squeeze your fist until it whitens. You are bound to do a few extra reps.Dead easy.(「And he calls this a 『secret』?! I want a refund!」)To examine more closely how this works, make a fist. A super tight fist! Note that as you grip harder and harder, the tension in your forearm overflows into your upper arm, and even your shoulder and armpit. That』s pure irradiation, baby. You will increase your strength in any upper body exercise by strongly gripping the dumbbell, the barbell, the pullup bar, the floor, your opponent etc. in this manner. Admittingly, pushing exercises take some knack - but in the pulling ones the effect is immediate. Experiment with the force of irradiation in other body parts too, like your legs (stances) when doing, for example, kata Sanchin. Indeed, the masters knew this 「secret」 a long time ago…



Secret #2: Bracing預備式的發力

Look, a decent arm-wrestler loads all his muscles with tension just before the ref yells 「Go!」, but a top arm-wrestler will load even before he grips up with his or her opponent.Compare this to a beginner, who waits for the referee』s command to pull before 「turning on」 his biceps, as he finds himself hopelessly pinned without even knowing what hit him.


We call this the power of bracing. According to Russian sports scientists, isometrically tensing your muscles before a dynamic contraction can improve your performance by up 20% (Verkhoshansky Siff, 1996).

這個我們叫做預備式的啟動肌肉。蘇聯的運動科學家發現,在實際發力前先激活啟動肌肉可以讓自己的發力增加 20%。

Just imagine facing an opponent who knows this! You are already at a 20% disadvantage before the fight!Dang!This bracing technique is one of the secrets of gymnasts』 amazing strength. Note how an elite gymnast will tense his body before he grabs the rings or some other apparatus instead of waiting for the load to be upon him. He is reminding his body of the skill it is about to perform, and physically bracing himself for the task.


So here is what you do: Before picking up a heavy weight you are about to curl, take a nice breath and tense your whole body, especially your midsection. Kind of as if you are about to do a plank. Then keep the tension for the duration of the set. And that』s it.You』re about to do some heavy bench pressing? Nemas problemas. Just tense up your whole body, from your fingers to your toes, and take a big breath before you have even unracked the bar. Don』t lose that tension while you are positioning the bar over your chest and later lowering and lifting it.Done! (Side note: Have you ever seen weightlifters 「sipping」 in air? That』s because they are busy tensing up all that muscle juice. So if you must breathe, breathe very shallow, and 「sip」 air, to keep the tension. This you will of course recognize from the Okinawan style of Uechi-ryu Karate, which has perfected this trademark 「sipping」 breathing technique.)Oh, and if you didn』t notice, this we generally practise in kata Sanchin.

方式三: Successive Induction一組肌肉啟動會讓相反動作的那組肌肉在短時間內力量也曾大。

Successive induction… The mere sight of the term tells us this is some serious stuff.According to this law, a contraction of a muscle—say, the triceps—makes its opposite muscle—in this case, the biceps—stronger than usual for a short time afterwards. It is perhaps easier to apply this 「active negative」 technique to a bench press.First, cramp your pecs. Then without relaxing them, 「row」 the barbell into your chest while slightly forcing your chest out to meet the bar. In addition to making you stronger through activating your muscles more intensely and making a better use of elastic energy, active negatives will be of tremendous psychological help on heavy attempts. I mean, who haven』t seen big bodybuilders tentatively feel their way down when trying a max bench or squat, ending up too fatigued (and psyched out!) to come up again.Result: massive fail.Don』t be that guy.

4. Power Breathing 用力(深度)呼吸【圖片】Apparently, Bruce Lee used to say that martial arts rely more on 「breath strength」 than 「body strength」. Indeed, cranking up the 「breath strength」 will boost the 「body strength」 pretty effectively. Enter the pneumo-muscular reflex (Zatsiorsky, 1995). The effect of breathing patterns and the intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) on strength is oddly ignored by most Western strength training authorities, yet compressed breathing or 「power breathing」 is one of the most powerful ways of increasing muscular strength in existence!Hey, did I mention Sanchin yet? Here』s a thought experiment for you: Think of your brain as a music player. Now think of your muscles as speakers. Where do you think the amplifier is?In your stomach. Special 「baroreceptors」 in your body measure the intra-abdominal pressure and act as the volume control knob. When the IAP bottoms out, the tension in all your muscles drops off. So use your breathing to heighten the internal pressure, making your nervous system more excited. This will make the nerve cells (of your muscles) become 「superconductors」 of the commands from your brain. So by cranking up the IAP volume knob you automatically get noticeably stronger, in every muscle of your body - in any exercise!That』s the power of breathing.Ever done the zercher squat? I used to do them ass to grass. When I did my heaviest attempts (~100% RM), the pressure sometimes made me feel like my stomach was about to pop like a balloon. If I hadn』t used Sanchin breathing (「power breathing「), I would quickly have become a pool of meat and blood under that bar.Scary, yet so fascinating…Of course, breathing can be done in different ways. Hissing, grunting… it』s pretty individual. Another Russian maniac experimenter, Vorobyev (1977), determined that both holding one』s breath and groaning increases strength. Screaming is not bad either. According to research by Ikai and Steinhaus (1961), subjects who shouted during exertion got a respectable 12.2% strength boost!Kiai, anyone?Remember that if you are serious about your power breathing, work on you inhalation as well as exhalation. Most people forget that part. Always inhale through your nose rather than mouth and attempt to draw the air low into your belly.

That said, high tension and power-breathing techniques are still not appropriate for people with heart problems or high blood pressure.Consult a physician.

上面這篇文章里把一些發力的方法描述出來 (啊。。。。沒全部去翻譯,別噴。。。)

但是其實這些道理離不開肌肉之間的配合發力,肌肉纖維之間配合啟動的節奏,時間,還有腦神經如何控制肌肉發力的原理。當然還有呼吸,呼吸也會啟動某些肌肉組 (試一試咳嗽,最主要啟動的是腹肌),但是呼吸啟動的不是表面的腹肌,而是深層的腹肌。。。。這個又牽連到發勁的方法,利用哪些肌肉和身體結構來發力 ,另一個話題了。





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