

我推薦一本原版入門書籍《綠野仙蹤》,英文名The wonderful Wizard of Oz。大家都在強調英語語感,但是對於如何得到這種語感又有迷之困惑。我告訴大家一個篤定的能得到語感的方法,就是閱讀至少10本原版書。但是對書籍的難度有標準,那就是你翻開一頁,裡面的單詞大部分都認識,不認識的不超過10%,簡言之這本書即使你不能每個字都認識,也能了解不認識那部分的大意。書中沒有太多晦澀的隱喻、複雜的背景等東西,情節相對簡單。下面我就以前讀過的一些書來解釋下為何閱讀這樣的書才能產生語感。

我先讀的是James Patterson的First Love,雖然大部分單詞也能認識,但是情節複雜,內心活動較多,抽象心理較多,進行推理也很難準確或者到位,而且難以對上下文進行驗證。當時花了一個星期才讀完這本並不厚的書,感覺沒得到太多信息或概念,收穫不大。

接下來讀的一本書叫做The Arraignment作者是Steve Martini,這本書比First Love總體更難,結果發現剛讀幾分鐘就走神,把自己拉回來之後馬上又走神,只能不能反覆地往回看。這本書是有關法律的,專業性太強,情節複雜,人物關係眾多,遇到生詞之後,因心理活動、抽象概念過多而難以理解或推測。

嘗試再三,實在讀不下去,我拿起Thewonderful Wizard of Oz開始讀,發現一開始就被吸引了,描述都很具體有畫面感,人物很少,情節也比較簡單,信息量少,這時候我就有餘力對其中的畫面展開聯想,對故事情節也推測的比較順利,還在上下文中對推測進行了正確的印證,越讀越有信心,一天花短短兩三個小時即可讀50頁左右,即使不認識的生詞也能順利地推測出意思。


One of the big trees had been partly chopped through, and standing besideit, with an uplifted axe in his hands, was a man made entirely of tin. His headand arms and legs were joined upon his body, but he stood perfectly motionless,as if he could not stir at all(P36).

On the other side of the water they could see the road of yellow brick running through a beautiful country, with green meadows dotted with bright flowers and all the road bordered with trees hanging full of delicious fruits.They were greatly pleased to see this delightful country before them (P54).


再對比我讀的這本隨時走神的小說The Arraignment,隨便節選一些內容如下:

I can tell that this is a sobering thought, one that has him forgettingfor the moment who might have hired me and thinking instead about the skyoutside—and how long it might be before he gets to see it again(P144).

Espinoza』s murder is all over the front page of this morning』s paper,along with pictures of Saldado』s apartment building fence off from the street byyellow tape. Harry has brought copies along with a chance of clothes to myhospital room at County General. Security is sitting outside my door, makingsure I don』t leave(P257).


根據The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,再談談關於辭彙意思推斷及驗證的例子:

There upon the Wicked Witch enchanted my axe, and when I was chopping away at my best one day, for I was anxious to get the new house and my wife as soon as possible, the axe slipped all at once and cut off my left leg(P39).

Again I went to the tinsmith, and again he made me a leg out of tin. After this the enchanted axe cut off my arms, one after the other, but,nothing daunted, I have them replaced with this one(P39).

「This is bad,」 said the Tin Woodman, 「for if we cannot get to the land weshall be carried into the country of the Wicked Witch of the West, and she will enchant us and make us her slave(P56).」



「Well,」 said the woman, after thinking it over and taking another peep atthe Lion, 「if that is the case you may come in, and I willgive you some supper and a place to sleep.」

這段話發生在女孩帶了頭獅子要求寄宿一家農家,農家主人看到獅子之後比較害怕,女孩解釋說這頭獅子膽子小,並不傷人之後,主人給出的回應。那其實這個短語的意思就是如果你堅持把獅子帶家裡來的話,那麼我還是給你提供晚餐和睡覺的地方。特別是think over以及peep at這些詞的使用,說明主人是雖然害怕還是接受了,內心是寬容而善良的。




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有哪些書看完會讓人很後悔?——名氣很大,what a shit,這寫的啥玩意兒?

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