Why Should Women Stick Together

This is the homework for my "Feminist Theory" class. Believe me, when first seeing this question, I had the same feeling as yours. What are you talking about?! Women are sticking together! They have the same enemies, which are the patriarch society and oppression. How come they dont rely on and trust each others. Well, after reading some articles, I realized that I was totally wrong.

Try imagining a black, lesbian women(Which, by coincidence, is one of the author whose articles I read), will you regard her as the same women as anyone else. Well, your answer may be yes, okay, lets move on to the next question, if all the women love each others, and respect each others, why are women keep wetchating other people and saying her friends, colleagues, or classmates are assholes? See, thats the problem, women are fighting a "civic war" while their true enemies are standing outside and pillaging their lands!

Below are my answer to this question, you guys can just look through it for fun, and maybe it can give you some ideas why women should stick together.

I am a man, so I do not have a chance to witness the "distrust" and "discrimination" among women by myself. However, I want to point out that Lorde is a black lesbian feminist. In this case, what she is suffering from, may be the most extreme discrimination, both from men and women. She may be the tiny minority, and this is why she is speaking for the minorities. She also points out the reason why women should accept and celebrate their differences, for "it is a function of creativity", and can help women "seek new ways of being in the world". Only creativity can help women stand outside of their rigescent thinking model, and be able to fight with paternity. So what Lorde suggests is that all women, include poor, color, lesbian, and so on, should stick together to seek a new world.

Also you are talking about the effects of family. I do realize that womens oppression itself is a social problem, and family can be most crucial cause for that. As Flax stated out, oppression of women is the "structure of the world", and families do not teach their daughters to fight for a new world, instead, they teach them to "fit" into the world, the patriarchal world. Family tells woman what she ought to be, which can be a great tragedy. As Flax said, there are "3 basic realms of human activity", and if family, which is the "production" part, does nothing, it will cause bad influences on the other two parts. In "reproduction" part, women will suffer both the class segregation and sex segregation, and in "psycho dynamic" part, the mental gap between males and females will become more and more difficult to eliminate. What Flax proposes is that we should "transforming all 3 spheres" in order to help women achieve the real equity, and to do this, we need the strength of all women.

So Flax and Lorde are both trying to tell us that women need to stick together, and there should be no more fighting among women their own. I totally agree with that. As Flax said on her article, "Relationships between between men and women is not a problem, but womens oppression itself is a social problem, there should be no excluded or included", beating the patriarchy is not the goal for Feminists, it is overcoming the oppression. Not until then, women should always be stick together.

So, sisters out there, if you want to stop the oppression, the pain that women have suffered for thousands of years, sticking together, to fight for a new world!



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