MWRP讀物推介|哈克貝利?費恩歷險記Huckleberry Finn

《哈克貝利·費恩歷險記》(Huckleberry Finn)是「百萬英語閱讀計劃」MWRP叢書——英漢對照中級英語系列讀物第I輯之10,適合已掌握1500基本英語辭彙量(相當於初中畢業)的讀者閱讀。




本書作者馬克·吐溫(Mark Twain 1835—1910)是美國著名小說家,本書出版於1884年12月。




1. 關於可讀性:這是根據美國Rudolf Flesch博士的統計方法計算出的Flesch Reading Ease(弗萊士易讀度),計算根據是句子的字數和100個字內音節個數等,數值在0和100之間,數目越大,文章越容易讀。

2. 1500基本辭彙外的單詞不包括由這些詞構成的合成詞 (如:schoolboy<=school +boy)和派生詞 (如:proudly <= proud + ly)。

3. 專有名詞(人名地名)或由專有名詞派生的辭彙以及感嘆詞不計入生詞。

4. 1500詞外詞數(生詞數)包含重複詞數。比如一個單詞以不同形式出現3次,則按3次統計。

5. 在1500詞外詞條數中,重複的單詞或者一個單詞的不同形式統計為1次。

6. 正文每一千字處都有字數標誌,便於讀者掌握閱讀進度。

7. 1500基本辭彙外的詞在原文部分用粗體顯示,譯文部分用深色粗體,由於翻譯的緣故,兩部分的詞性和意義並不完全對應,僅供參考。

8. 本系列讀物的前三本生詞全部標註,以後只標註兩次,出現兩次以後生詞就不再標註。


lijianing1012015-12-19 21:43:52



Huckleberry Finn


Chapter 1


You won』t know about me unless you have read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mr. Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly.


Now the book is like this:


Tom and I found the money that the robbers hid in the cave, and it made us rich. We got six thousand dollars each -- all gold. Well, Judge Thatcher kept it for us and gave us an interest of a dollar a day each all the year round -- too much for one to spend.


The Widow Douglas took me for her son, but I couldn』t stand the life in her house, so I ran out. I got into my old rags and my barrel again, and was free and satisfied. But Tom Sawyer found me and said he was going to start a band of robbers, and I might join if I would go back to the widow. So I went back.


The widow cried over me. She put me in the new clothes again, and I couldn』t do anything but sweat and sweat, and feel uncomfortable. Pretty soon I wanted to smoke, and asked the widow to let me. But she wouldn』t.


Her sister, Miss Watson, a slim old maid, with glasses on, had just come to live with her. She made me work on a spelling-book. I couldn』t stand it any longer. Miss Watson kept finding fault with me, and it got tiresome.


I went up to my room with a piece of candle, and put it on the table. Then I sat down in a chair by the window and tried to think of something cheerful, but it was no use.


I got out my pipe for a smoke. The house was still now, and the widow wouldn』t know. Well, after a long time I heard the clock away off in the town striking twelve. Pretty soon I heard a branch breaking down in the dark among the trees -- something was moving.


I sat still and listened. At once I could just hear a 「me-yow! me-yow!」 down there. That was good!


I said 「me-yow! me-yow!」 as softly as I could, and then I put out the light and climbed out of the window. I slipped down to the ground and, sure enough, there was Tom Sawyer waiting for me.



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