2017.11.07 精讀筆記:The Economist 171007 · Aging in HongKong


註:經濟學人20171007,China,Aging in Hong Kong






筆記方法參考zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/22,感謝 @胡海濤



Hong Kong is divided over how to cope with its rapid ageing

The government worries about the impact on its coffers

Oct 5th 2017 | HONG KONG

THE chief executive of Hong Kong, Carrie Lam, says she wants to heal the territory』s 「serious」 divisions. On October 11th, in her most important policy-related speech since she took office in July, she is expected to announce her plans for achieving that. One of the most bitter divides is evident in the membership of the Legislative Council, or Legco, to which she will deliver her proposals. There is a rift between advocates of democracy and those who support Mrs. Lam』s government and its backers in Beijing. But on political issues Mrs. Lam』s hands are tied. The Communist Party opposes any concessions to democrats. Instead she will focus on other problems—including, many Hong Kongers hope, the suffering of the elderly in a city that is rapidly ageing. Views on how to deal with this are nearly as divided as they are over demands for universal suffrage.

Life expectancy in Hong Kong pips that of Japan. On average, male Hong Kongers live for 81.3 years and women for 87.3, helped by the city』s affluence and low incidence of smoking. That is welcome, but a huge problem when coupled with a dwindling fertility rate which has resulted in ever fewer working-age people to support the elderly, and implacable public opposition to looser controls on immigration which would allow more workers to enter. The number of people aged 65 or older will double to 2.4m in 2036, or just over 30% of the population, the government reckons . Last year the proportion was less than 17%.

As their numbers swell, so do demands that the government do more to help the elderly. But Hong Kong has always prided itself on its low taxes and fiscal conservatism. It has consistently enjoyed budget surpluses. Giving pensioners more money could break those principles. As often in Hong Kong politics, the debate over what to do pitches democrats, who generally support the idea of more handouts, against pro-establishment politicians, who worry that Hong Kong may become less business-friendly if it turns into a welfare state with high taxes.

Public funds for the elderly are currently aimed at those living in poverty. For such a rich society, the poor are surprisingly numerous. The most visible are the 「cardboard grannies」, old women who collect boxes in poor neighbourhoods to sell for recycling in order to make ends meet. Yet many more elderly poor are hidden from view, say charity workers. Official figures show that in 2015, more than 300,000 people aged 65 and over, or 30% of the total, languished below the official poverty line, which is set at a monthly income of HK$3,800 ($490).

Anyone aged 70 or over can get an allowance of at least HK$1,325 a month. In 2015 144,000 of the very poorest among the over-65s received higher monthly payments of at least HK$3,240 (as well as health-care discounts and, in many cases, subsidised public housing). Others under the poverty line as well as 244,000 above it also qualified for higher payments, at a slightly lower rate than the amount to which the poorest are entitled.

The system involves means-testing, which some Hong Kongers find degrading. Past studies have concluded that over 10% of those who could claim social security do not do so—some of them for fear of losing face. But the handouts are a pittance. At a vast public-housing complex in Kwun Tong district, elderly residents tell of just scraping by. One says she eats the cheapest of noodles to economise on food. With the power-hungry air-conditioning turned off, the heat in her flat is stifling.

Critics call for a 「universal」 state pension paid out to all, regardless of their income. Radically, some even call for tax increases to pay for this (the majority of people in Hong Kong pay very little income tax). They also want changes to the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF), a compulsory pension scheme that is privately managed. It covers about 2.8m people, or nearly three-quarters of those in work, but the jobless fall beyond its reach. For many who are covered, payouts are low. In a recent study, PwC, a consultancy, noted that since the MPF was set up in 2000, its annual returns had been 2.8% on average. That is above the inflation rate, but still poor compared with similar schemes in other rich economies.

Opponents of change express horror at Western countries』 ballooning welfare bills. Some even say that families should shoulder the burden of caring for the old, as is traditional in Chinese societies. The government is in a quandary. It believes that the anger of the poor has exacerbated conflict between democrats and the establishment. To show its concern, it held a public consultation last year on how to ensure 「retirement protection」. But its response to the suggestions made by participants was clear: universal pensions would be too expensive. Boosting the means-tested system would be a better choice.




Hong Kong is divided over how to cope with its rapid ageing

The government worries about the impact on its coffers


  1. 主標題需注意的有兩個短語:be divided over,對……意見不同;cope with,應對。
  2. 副標題省略了部分內容,與主標題的部分內容可以看做一個分開的主從句,impact針對「its rapid ageing」。另外,impact有程度很強烈的意味,翻譯時應體現。





THE chief executive of Hong Kong, Carrie Lam, says she wants to heal the territory』s 「serious」 divisions. On October 11th, in her most important policy-related speech since she took office in July, she is expected to announce her plans for achieving that. One of the most bitter divides is evident in the membership of the Legislative Council, or Legco, to which she will deliver her proposals. There is a rift between advocates of democracy and those who support Mrs. Lam』s government and its backers in Beijing. But on political issues Mrs. Lam』s hands are tied. The Communist Party opposes any concessions to democrats. Instead she will focus on other problems—including, many Hong Kongers hope, the suffering of the elderly in a city that is rapidly ageing. Views on how to deal with this are nearly as divided as they are over demands for universal suffrage.


1、Carrie Lam,林鄭月娥,現任香港特別行政區第五任行政長官


Pro-democracy camp:民主派,又稱Pan-democracy camp(泛民主派),與建制派相反,廣義指支持香港全面推行民主及普遍選舉的政治人物及組織;當中部分黨派也要求中華人民共和國推行自由民主的政治改革、結束一黨那啥(你們應該懂)。

這裡特別說明,剛開始不了解泛民主派和建制派,所以剛開始讀到「There is a rift between……」這句話時怎麼也不理解,意思貌似看得懂,但是邏輯上很奇怪(難道我們不是一個民主社會嗎?),直到查了維基,才知道這是香港的一些黨派的統稱。

3、Universal suffrage:香港普選方案




1、THE chief executive of Hong Kong, Carrie Lam……特首也稱作CEO?


2、take office,就職,多用於政府要職。

3、Views on how to deal with this are nearly as divided as they are over demands for universal suffrage.

  • as……as……,等同於the same as……
  • be as divided as they are over demands……,斷句不應該在over後面斷,考慮到標題中的片語be divided over,可知此句應為……as divided as they are / over demands……,也就是Views on how to deal with this are nearly the same as they are divided over demands for universal suffrage.




Life expectancy in Hong Kong pips that of Japan. On average, male Hong Kongers live for 81.3 years and women for 87.3, helped by the city』s affluence and low incidence of smoking. That is welcome, but a huge problem when coupled with a dwindling fertility rate which has resulted in ever fewer working-age people to support the elderly, and implacable public opposition to looser controls on immigration which would allow more workers to enter. The number of people aged 65 or older will double to 2.4m in 2036, or just over 30% of the population, the government reckons (see chart). Last year the proportion was less than 17%.


1、That is welcome,「welcome」有「令人愉悅的」意思,所以這是「(指前文)這是令人高興的」的意思

2、but a huge problem when coupled with a dwindling fertility rate which has resulted in ever fewer working-age people to support the elderly.

  • dwindling,"ing"形式說明正在減少,可以用「日益減少」一類的詞代替
  • ever,此處用在形容詞比較級前,表示「越來越……」,見「疑難用法」P291
  • ever fewer working-age people to support the elderly,一般翻譯時譯為「越來越少的適齡人數去贍養老人」,但是此處聯繫上下文,強調的是人口老齡化的增長導致了可以贍養老人的年輕人越來越少,而不是願意贍養老人的年輕人越來越少,所以個人以為應翻譯為「可以贍養老人的適齡人口數量越來越少」

3、double to 2.4m in 2036,翻譯為「將會在2036年翻倍,達到240萬」,翻譯方法需注意。

4、Life expectancy,指平均壽命


  • 作「生活」講時,理解為廣義上的「人生」,如lead a happy life,過幸福的人生。若作為物質上的「生計」講,則用「living」,Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. 為生計奔波,可別忙到忘記要過生活。
  • 作「生活」講時,且有形容詞。前不加冠詞,則仍屬於廣義「生活」,如city life,城市生活;加a/an時,則表示有主觀評價、情感、意義、內涵等,表狹義,如a hard life,艱難的生活。
  • 單複數(適用於兩個含義)如果涉及到的人是複數,則用複數「lives」;但作為「共同生活」講時,作為一個整體,用單數,如The couple led a quiet life.
  • 強調寶貴的「生命」,以區分「生活」時,可加very, 如Reputation is the very life of a company.
  • 可指「一生時間」,如果用作法律時,可理解為無期徒刑,He got life for manslaughter.因殺人罪被判無期。
  • For the lift of…,後跟名詞時,for the life of Jesus,耶穌的生平。但如果後跟人稱與主語一致的賓格代詞時,表示「無論如何都不」的意思或有否定意義的反問語句(反問時人稱可不一致),如:


For the life of me, I cannot understand why the terrorists have not attacked our food supply, because it is so easy to do. 我無論如何都不明白,恐怖分子為什麼不襲擊我們的食物儲藏,其實這樣做是很容易的。


For the life of me could anyone please explain why such an excellent show should be cancelled?


這兩個例句中,for life of me 如果取消後,句子也通順,加上之後表示強調之意。





As their numbers swell, so do demands that the government do more to help the elderly. But Hong Kong has always prided itself on its low taxes and fiscal conservatism. It has consistently enjoyed budget surpluses. Giving pensioners more money could break those principles. As often in Hong Kong politics, the debate over what to do pitches democrats, who generally support the idea of more handouts, against pro-establishment politicians, who worry that Hong Kong may become less business-friendly if it turns into a welfare state with high taxes.


1、budget surplus ,預算盈餘,政府收入超過支出的部分;與預算赤字(budget deficit)相對應。稅務收入大於政府支出的餘額

2、Pro-establishment camp,親建制派,與pro-Beijing camp(親北京派)、pro-China camp 意義相同,是香港的政治派系,指擁護或支持香港特區政府現有建制及中國共產黨政府的政黨和人士。包括民建聯、自由黨、新民黨、經民聯、工聯會、勞聯等。


1、As their numbers swell, so do demands that the government do more to help the elderly.

  • as……so……,「疑難」P77第6項說,「as後面的從句,如果缺少成分『how』,從後面主句可以看出為方式狀語從句,此時主語以so開頭,且主謂語顛倒」,拋開「缺少成分how」這句話,其他說明可以解釋,但唯獨這裡貌似不需要「how」,這裡有疑惑……
  • do 用於強調主要動詞(《朗文當代高級英語詞典》「do」釋義3),這裡強調「demand」的迫切性,
  • demand 此處作為動詞時,表示「需要」。而後跟「s」是第三人稱用法。 此處應該是省略了"it",此主句應為名詞從句,it do demands that… 放到主謂語顛倒的狀語從句主句中,則應為so do demands it that…


2、It has consistently enjoyed budget surpluses.

  • enjoy 作為無意識的延續狀態時,可表示為「享受」的意思,通常指比較舒適或有利的享受條件,不用進行時態(參考「疑難」一書P277 (1))。另外「無意識」的解釋,這裡的預算盈餘是不完全可控的,本人理解為無意識。可翻譯為「香港一直享受著預算盈餘的福利。」

3、……the debate over what to do pitches democrats……

do pitches democrats怎麼分析?不明白……





Public funds for the elderly are currently aimed at those living in poverty. For such a rich society, the poor are surprisingly numerous. The most visible are the 「cardboard grannies」, old women who collect boxes in poor neighbourhoods to sell for recycling in order to make ends meet. Yet many more elderly poor are hidden from view, say charity workers. Official figures show that in 2015, more than 300,000 people aged 65 and over, or 30% of the total, languished below the official poverty line, which is set at a monthly income of HK$3,800 ($490).

Anyone aged 70 or over can get an allowance of at least HK$1,325 a month. In 2015 144,000 of the very poorest among the over-65s received higher monthly payments of at least HK$3,240 (as well as health-care discounts and, in many cases, subsidised public housing). Others under the poverty line as well as 244,000 above it also qualified for higher payments, at a slightly lower rate than the amount to which the poorest are entitled.






The system involves means-testing, which some Hong Kongers find degrading. Past studies have concluded that over 10% of those who could claim social security do not do so—some of them for fear of losing face. But the handouts are a pittance. At a vast public-housing complex in Kwun Tong district, elderly residents tell of just scraping by. One says she eats the cheapest of noodles to economise on food. With the power-hungry air-conditioning turned off, the heat in her flat is stifling.


1、The system involves means-testing, which some Hong Kongers find degrading.

  • degrading 釋義:有辱人格的、令人羞恥的
  • find原意為「找到」,但有一引申義可表示「對某事物有何感官」,後可跟賓語補足語作說明(見《疑難》P312)
  • 而此句為狀語從句,「which」是賓語,而「degrading」是賓語補足語


I hope this letter finds you well.

I find this caricature highly offensive.




Critics call for a 「universal」 state pension paid out to all, regardless of their income. Radically, some even call for tax increases to pay for this (the majority of people in Hong Kong pay very little income tax). They also want changes to the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF), a compulsory pension scheme that is privately managed. It covers about 2.8m people, or nearly three-quarters of those in work, but the jobless fall beyond its reach. For many who are covered, payouts are low. In a recent study, PwC, a consultancy, noted that since the MPF was set up in 2000, its annual returns had been 2.8% on average. That is above the inflation rate, but still poor compared with similar schemes in other rich economies.


1、強制性公積金(Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes,簡稱強積金或MPF) ,是香港政府在2000年12月1日正式實行的一項政策,強制香港所有僱員成立投資基金以作退休之用。目的為促進香港金融市場發展以及為香港僱員退休之後多一點經濟保障。





1、Critics call for a 「universal」 state pension paid out to all, regardless of their income.

  • a state pension (system) ?有省略形式嗎?這裡指更加廣泛全面的養老撫恤金制度嗎?還是指整個地區的全部的養老撫恤金?

2、They also want changes to the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF), a compulsory pension scheme that is privately managed.

  • 這裡manage的含義解釋為「進行」?
  • 「that」的的部分是「changes」的從句

3、It covers about 2.8m people, or nearly three-quarters of those in work, but the jobless fall beyond its reach.

  • 注意此類句式中「or」的翻譯方法
  • reach,有「影響範圍」的意思


4、For many who are covered, payouts are low. In a recent study, PwC, a consultancy, noted that since the MPF was set up in 2000, its annual returns had been 2.8% on average.

  • payout,這裡的payout與上文的意思一樣嗎(向內得到養老金)?還是指向外支付強積金?這裡應該需要考慮其背景含義。為什麼此段第一句用的是片語pay out,而這裡用的是單詞payout?個人傾向後一種含義,即向外繳付。


5、That is above the inflation rate, but still poor compared with similar schemes in other rich economies.

  • poor 除了貧窮的含義外,還有很多引申義





Opponents of change express horror at Western countries』 ballooning welfare bills. Some even say that families should shoulder the burden of caring for the old, as is traditional in Chinese societies. The government is in a quandary. It believes that the anger of the poor has exacerbated conflict between democrats and the establishment. To show its concern, it held a public consultation last year on how to ensure 「retirement protection」. But its response to the suggestions made by participants was clear: universal pensions would be too expensive. Boosting the means-tested system would be a better choice.


1、Opponents of change express horror at Western countries』 ballooning welfare bills.

  • 「horror」有震驚、懼怕、厭惡的意思,此處聯繫下一句本人覺得應該用「厭惡」合適,從下一句中部分人認為家庭有承擔照顧老年人的責任來看這一句,應該是對西方的福利制度(高福利制度導致家庭不是照顧老人的第一責任人)的厭惡。


2、Some even say that families should shoulder the burden of caring for the old, as is traditional in Chinese societies.

  • 「even」這裡用「更是」比「甚至」更貼切,翻譯為「有些人更是表明家庭應當承擔起照顧老年人的責任,這是中國社會的傳統。」

3、To show its concern, it held a public consultation last year on how to ensure 「retirement protection」.

  • 「concern」主要表示擔憂、關心等,用在這裡卻又不是很準確。

朗文中有個對「sbs concern」的解釋是「某人的職責」,如果用在這裡的話,its指代政府,比較說得通。

  • 「show」有履行的意思嗎?





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