

歪果仁一樣耿直,除了愛寫歌給EX的霉霉,史上最牛分手歌當屬《Pray For You》。它是美國歌手Jaron David Lowenstein 演唱的歌曲,前女友劈腿了,主角去找牧師想知道怎麼辦才好。牧師告訴他,不要憎恨他們,要為他們祈禱。於是,主角就全程「I pray for you」(請各位寶寶關注這個p~~~~ray)祝你車爆胎,飛機熄火,花瓶空降砸你的頭,生日沒人記得……。這首歌被人們稱為史上最刻薄最怨毒最最強悍的詛咒歌曲。

I pray your brakes go out running down a hill


I pray a flowerpot falls from a window sill and knocks you in the head like Id like to

我祈禱花瓶從窗戶跌落 ,並就像我希望的那樣打中你的頭

I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls


I pray you are flying high when your engine stalls


I pray all your dreams never come true


Just know wherever you are honey I pray for you


另一首異曲同工之妙的歌曲,失戀男給前女友的50種死法《50 Ways To Say Goodbye》是美國著名流行搖滾樂隊Train的一首單曲。其主歌部分引用著名音樂劇《歌劇魅影》中的音樂《The Phantom Of The Opera 》。

How could you leave on Yom Kippur?


Thats cool


But if my friends ask where you are Im gonna say

但若我的朋友問及你的去處 我會這麼說

She was caught in a mudslide


Eaten by a lion


Got run over by a crappy purple Scion


Help me, help me, Im no good at goodbyes!

幫幫我 幫幫我 我從來不擅長分手

She got lost in the desert


Drown in a hot tub


Danced to death at an east side night club


Help me, help me, Im all out of lies

幫幫我 幫幫我 我已編不出謊言

推幾部適合單身狗看的片子,人間有真情 人間有真愛,有愛的寶寶才可愛啊。

只有自己變得更好了,才更容易遇上你的the one呀!

《藍色情人節》Blue Valentine


Dean(瑞恩·高斯林 Ryan Gosling 飾)和Cindy(米歇爾·威廉姆斯 Michelle Williams 飾)是一對普通夫妻,在朝夕相處六年之後,兩人的婚姻出現了裂痕。Dean為了修補愛情,特意訂了主題酒店想重燃激情,可是兩人卻一直不時因為各種事情發生爭執。感情沒有得到修復,爭吵卻愈演愈烈……

Blue Valentine is a 2010 American romantic drama film written and directed by Derek Cianfrance. The film premiered in competition at the 26th Sundance Film Festival. Derek Cianfrance, Cami Delavigne, and Joey Curtis wrote the film, and Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling played the lead roles as well as serving as co-executive producers for the film. The band Grizzly Bear scored the film.

The film depicts a married couple, Dean Pereira (Gosling) and Cynthia "Cindy" Heller (Williams), shifting back and forth in time between their courtship and the dissolution of their marriage several years later. Michelle Williams was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress.


《BJ單身日記》Bridget Joness Diary

布里奇特?瓊斯(蕾妮?齊維格 飾)是一個32歲的單身女子。她的工作及生活都是平淡無奇的,她唯一想得到一份真摯的愛情,就算有一眾好友在身邊及時安慰,布里奇特還是沒有好過點。這時在她與風流倜儻的上司丹尼爾?克里弗(休?格蘭特 飾)產生了感情,丹尼爾原來早與女友訂婚,使布里奇特傷心不已。高傲卻真實的馬克?達西(科林?菲爾斯 飾)也表示對她的愛慕之情。布里奇特周旋在兩個男人之間,不知如何選擇。

Bridget Joness Diary is a 2001 British-American-French romantic comedy film directed by Sharon Maguire and written by Richard Curtis, Andrew Davies, and Helen Fielding. It is based on Fieldings novel of the same name, which is a reinterpretation of Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice. The adaptation stars Renée Zellweger as Bridget, Hugh Grant as the caddish Daniel Cleaver, and Colin Firth as Bridgets "true love", Mark Darcy. Production began in May 2000 and ended in August 2000, and took place largely on location in London and the Home Counties. The film premiered on 4 April 2001 in the UK and was released to theatres on 13 April 2001 simultaneously in the UK and in the US.

Bridget Joness Diary received positive reviews and was a commercial success, grossing over $280 million worldwide. Zellweger was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in the film. A sequel, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, was released in 2004 and another sequel, Bridget Joness Baby, was released in 2016.


《和莎莫的500天》(500) Days of Summer

來自新澤西的湯姆(Joseph Gordon-Levitt約瑟夫?高登-萊維特 飾)是一個沉溺於英倫哀歌與《畢業生》情境的年輕人。他供職於一家賀卡公司,任務是撰寫富有創意的祝辭。某次會議上,湯姆的老闆把新助理介紹給大家,她是來自密歇根的魅力女孩莎莫(Zooey Deschanel 佐伊?丹斯切爾 飾)。莎莫自幼父母離異,因此對於感情的態度與眾不同。湯姆和莎莫沒有一見鍾情,但卻在一次酒吧K歌后彼此示好,成了非典型的戀人。而且這段辦公室戀情迅速升溫,愛火燒得誰都無法預料。最後,在一個餐館裡,莎莫對湯姆說了絕情的分手。深陷情網的湯姆,經受不住失戀的打擊,鬱鬱寡歡,周圍的夥伴們希望幫他走出陰影,然而,這並不是故事的全部,本片以湯姆的視角把時間重新組接,讓觀眾在對比中體味500天戀愛的弦外之音…

500 Days of Summer (stylized as (500) Days of Summer) is a 2009 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Marc Webb from a screenplay written by Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber, and produced by Mark Waters. The film stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel, and employs a nonlinear narrative structure, with the story based upon its male protagonist and his memories of a failed relationship.

As an independent production, the film was picked up for distribution by Fox Searchlight Pictures and premiered at the 25th Sundance Film Festival. It garnered critical acclaim and became a successful "sleeper hit", earning over $60 million in worldwide returns, far exceeding its $7.5 million budget. Many critics lauded the film as one of the best from 2009 and drew comparisons to other acclaimed films such as Annie Hall (1977) and High Fidelity (2000).

The film received Best Original Screenplay and Best Screenplay awards at the 14th Satellite Awards and 25th Independent Spirit Awards, respectively, as well as two nominations at the 67th Golden Globe Awards: Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy and Best Actor – Musical or Comedy (Gordon-Levitt).


《他其實沒那麼喜歡你》Hes Just Not That Into You

幾個女孩兒帶著愛情的夢想在城市中跌跌撞撞,而此時一直未遇真愛的GiGi在酒吧老闆Alex(Justin Long 飾)的口中聽到了讓所有女人心碎的話「He is just not that into you!」


A film based on the book was released by New Line Cinema on February 6, 2009. Produced by Flower Films (Drew Barrymores production company), filming was completed at the end of 2007. The film was released in theaters February 6, 2009.[Ken Kwapis directed the film, which featured an all-star cast including Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Kevin Connolly, Jennifer Connelly, Bradley Cooper, Ginnifer Goodwin, Scarlett Johansson, and Justin Long. Despite receiving mixed reviews from critics, it was a box office success, grossing over $180 million worldwide.


《消失的愛人》Gone Girl

結婚五周年紀念日的早上,尼克·鄧恩(本·阿弗萊克 Ben Affleck 飾)他返回家中時, 發現客廳留下了暴行的痕迹,而妻子竟不見了蹤影,而現場留下的種種蛛絲馬跡似乎昭示著這並非是一件尋常的失蹤案,其背後或許隱藏著裂變於夫妻之情的謀殺罪行。艾米的失蹤通過媒體大肆渲染和妄加揣測很快聞名全國,品行不端的尼克被推上風口浪尖,至今不見蹤影的愛人對他進行無情審判,你儂我儂的甜言蜜語早已化作以血洗血的復仇與折磨……

適合人群:喊著「終身不結婚」口號的單身狗。號稱是,讓情侶看了想分手,讓夫妻看了想離婚的愛情電影。當他喜歡cool girl,你就化身cool girl。當不想扮演的時候,就會相互埋怨說,人生若只如初見。


歷經過十根手指都數不完的情人節 有過那些寂寞、失落、苦痛的情緒 才賦予了期待、開心、幸福的意義



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