

Many people think arts like painting and music cannot directly improve peoples quality of life, therefore, government should spend money on other things. Do you agree or disagree?

In contemporary society, some people claim that arts are of little importance in(基本沒什麼重要性) improving peoples quality of life, and thus(因此) the government should not spend money on them. I am against(反對,贊成寫:be for) this opinion.


The importance of the arts can never be exaggerated(--的重要性怎麼誇張也不過分). First of all, arts provide people with various means of entertainment and relieve their stress. After a days exhausting work, people are willing to go to the concert hall, gallery or theatre, where they can entertain themselves and forget their annoyance temporarily. These activities also enable people to reflect on the significance of life(反思生命的意義) and develop a positive attitude. The government is obliged to construct artistic facilities and organize cultural activities, so as to provide more alternatives for peoples spiritual lives.


In addition, aesthetic education(美學教育) is particularly essential for childrens growth. For example, when children learn to play musical instruments, they need to coordinate(協調) different parts of their body, which is conducive to the development of their intelligence. When they engage in painting, they would have a close contact with nature and have their imagination better developed. Therefore, it is needed for the government to fund artistic programs.


Admittedly, some people may believe that the investment in other areas can bring more benefits to peoples welfare. For instance, if the government invests more in infrastructure construction(基礎設施建設), people would have more convenience in commuting(上下班的交通). If the government establishes more hospitals, people would enjoy better medical service. Although these areas seem to be more prominent, we should not neglect or deny the role of arts in our lives. The benefits of investment on the arts may be less visible, but the works of arts meet peoples spiritual needs and promote their all-round development.

Taking all these factors into consideration, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that(結尾起頭套句) the government should support the arts financially.



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