







而現代占星的世界觀老實說,我不是特別清楚,也許它比較多元,混合了心理學、現代科學、New Age、現代神秘主義等影響。












上述是小行星和三王星等要素出現的原因,而古典占星的恆星和阿拉伯點,不大被現代重視的緣故可以歸結為3。除此之外,Barbara Dunn曾在她的書中提到一個觀念:「若星辰或其他的天體現象無法被觀測,那麼它們即是無任何影響力的」。也正因為如此,現代的古典占星師們也不會太過重視三王星和小行星,這屬於觀念的不同,可以歸結為1。




古典占星論命的斷語和判斷非常多,尤其是先天稟賦那一套理論,像是中國的傳統命理,論命格的貴賤,論人生的成就高低。在中世紀(古典占星又被稱為中世紀占星Medieval Astrology),古典占星非常符合當時社會的價值觀:人的命運是諸神在星空中已經寫好的劇本。如同屠夫的兒子生來就是註定要做屠夫,鐵匠的兒子就要做鐵匠。所以古典占星中論命的部份很多,其基調是認為人是無力改變自己的命運的,無論好壞。



這是個需要很長篇幅回答的問題,我懶得回答了,直接引用書吧。另外,我英語很差,翻譯得不好可以指出來。引用於《The Real Astrology》

This is
exactly the kind of clear, straightforward judgement that would havebeen sought
throughout mostof astrology』s long history, and that is still obtainable today,
provided only that the methods of the true astrological tradition areused
rather than their distortedmodern counterparts. Modern astrology is incapable
of providing such a judgement. There are two reasons for this. One, is a matter
of preconception: it no longer aims to do so nor does itbelieve
it possible; the other is a question of tools, as, for reasons which we shall
explorelater, inits passage into the modern world astrology has beencompletely
andunrecognisably transformed and most of the tools with which it once
workedthrown overboard.


astrology demonstrates an absolute obsession with the inside of one』shead. The
traditional astrologer began with the assumption that his client wasreasonably
well appraised of what was happening between his ears; what he didnot know, and
therefore wanted information about, was what was happening inthe world outside.


psychological oriented are we now that the world outside has but small
importance, being seen only as provider of grist to our mental mill; what is
ofparamount significanceis whatever mood the individual might be indulging
atthat moment.When necessary, traditional methods of astrology can
providepsychological analysis of great subtlety, themore so for being cast in
concreteterms rather than psychoanalytic jargon; one of its great strengths in
practicaluse is the determining of what might be happening in other people』s
psychology —
whether, for example, one』s opponent in a court case is determined to battle it
out or if he will settle at the first sign of conflict. But most of its aim,
althoughby no means its highest goal, is to give an indication of what might
happen inthe world.

因此以心理學為導向是我們因為對外部世界不夠重視,看上去只是像在給我們的心智工廠提供食糧;最重要的是無論怎樣的心態,個體可能會沉浸在當時的狀態中。在必要的時候,傳統占星的方法可以提供非常細微的心理分析,但更多的是推算具體情況而不是心理分析;它最大的一個優勢在於實際用途中判定其他人的心理可能會發生什麼 — 或者,例如,一個人的敵人在訴訟案件中決心鬥爭到底或者他將會首先解決問題。但是它大部分的用途,儘管沒有最高目標,是給出一個在世界中可能會發生什麼的指示。

am to drive from London to Glasgow and wish to know when I will
arrive. I look at the map to see how far it is. I check the TV travel information
to seeif the road is being dug up. I look at the weather forecast to see if
rain will slow my journey. There are still imponderables. A modern astrologer
might tell me that my desire to driveto Glasgow has something to do with my
puer aeternus; an astrologer working with traditional methods will tell me
rather more usefully that there will be a pile-up on the direct route, so if I
take that road I will be stuck for several hours in a tail-back. The function
of astrology is to give a clear, dispassionate overview of the situation in
question, whether that situation be the whereabouts of the documents or my
travel plans, the fate ofnations or a man』s life and his spiritual strengths
and weaknesses. The greatestcaution must be exercised when peering into the
future, for all things are subject to the Will of God and the workings of His
Will are not alwaysscrutable by man; nor is it desirable that we should behave
as if they were. Butthe clear analysis of a situation, beyond the fog of our
wishes, fears andignorance, has, for some thousands of years
since the Revelation of the scienceto man in Babylon, been highly


The edited
highlights of the following chart point the difference between thetraditional
and modern approaches. The chart is borrowed from a lecture by arespected
teacher of modern methods. He explained that one of his studentshad had her
handbag snatched three times in a matter of days. She had not lostanything of
great value, nor had she been hurt, but she had, obviously enough,found this an
unsettling experience. She asked the teacher to look at her birth-chart to see
what was happening to her. The diagram shows only the relevantplanets.


key, as correctly identified by our lecturer, is the aspect between Saturn() and the Moon (). At the time when these events took place, Saturn in the sky was
returning to the same position it had held at the moment of the student』s
birth. This is known as a Saturn return and occurs to everyone ataround 29
years of age, marking one of the major turning-points in the life. Theplanet
returning to its original position activates, as it were, the potential
storedat that point. The aspect between Saturn and the Moon connects this
returnwith the student』s emotions. Our teacher』s considered opinion was that
shecould expect to experience something unpleasant, but that there was no way
ofknowing whether this would be an external event or an internal feeling
ofunhappiness. This was, indeed, the whole argument of his lecture, that it
isimpossible to tell whether things shown by the chart will happen in the
outsideworld or as states of mind. We might think that it would be useful to
knowwhich, but this desire indicates only what undeveloped folk we are.


the poor tools of modern astrology, and its even poorer aims, thisargument is
correct. Let us look at the same small section of a chart from atraditional
perspective. Saturn is the Great Malefic, the Big Bad Wolf in thechart; we do
not like it. When it is well-placed, in a sign where it is strong- such as
Capricorn or Aquarius - it can behave itself and confer unexciting but valuable
benefits such as discipline, gravity and endurance; in Pisces, where it ishere,
it is weak, so it is going to bring misfortune. It aspects the Moon, which ison
the cusp of the second house, which is the house of possessions. Saturn is
theplanet of boundaries; here, it is weak and associated with possessions; we mightsuspect
an inherent difficulty on questions of what is mine and what is thinesurfacing
throughout the life. The twelfth house, where Saturn is placed, is thehouse of
secret enemies; so, more specifically, we have a proclivity towardsmalicious
secret enemies afflicting her possessions.


the sign in which Saturn falls, isoneof four signs called 『double-bodied and
thence indicative of duality; so there is more than one secret enemyafflicting
her possessions, or more than one occasion when this will happen. The Moon is
in Taurus, where it is strong, much stronger than Saturn; thepossessions, as it
were, are stronger than the secret enemies, so her assailants arenot about to
drive up in a truck and empty her house. The loss will be onlysmall. Taurus is
a feminine sign, ruled by Venus, so we are considering somespecifically
feminine small possessions. Being by nature fixed and earthy, Taurusis
associated with holding; a small feminine possession that holds things is known
as a handbag. The angle of the aspect from Saturn to Taurus is 60 degrees (that
is, they are two signs apart = one sixth of the zodiac; one sixth of 360
degrees is 60). This is called a sextile,
and whatever a sextile indicates willhappen easily: the thefts happened easily.
Had it been a 90 degree aspect,indicating that they happened with difficulty,
we would have expected her to behurt. So we have the repeated theft of a
handbag by persons unknown occurringwithout hurt. We can then take the
characteristics of Saturn combined with thecharacteristics of Pisces to give a
close physical description of the first of the thieves. Yes, we have the
benefit of hindsight - but so did the modern astrologer who was unable even to
decide even whether this unknown unpleasantness would be an event or a state of

雙魚座,土星所在星座,是四個被稱為「雙體星座」的其中一個並因此是二象性的表現;因此有不止一個的秘密敵人折磨她的財產,或者當這個(被偷竊)發生的次數不止一次。月亮落在金牛座,它強壯的位置,比土星強壯;財產,正如它那樣,比秘密的敵人要強壯,因此襲擊她的人不能開著卡車搬空她的屋子。損失將會非常少。金牛座是陰性星座,由金星守護,因此我們考慮某些特別的女性小量財產。(金牛座)天性是固定和土象星座,金牛座與固定的物質聯繫在一起。土星與金牛座形成相位的角度是60度(那是因為它們相距兩個星座=一個周天的六分之一;360度的六分之一是60度)。這被稱為六合,並且不管怎樣六合相位表明事情將會很容易發生:盜竊發生得很容易。如果是形成90度的相位,表明它們將會發生得很困難,我們可以解釋為她受傷了(好像說小偷盜竊一個東西,如果很困難則會與被盜竊罪發生衝突,命主就容易受傷)。我們之後可以將土星的特性與雙魚座的特性結合起來,從而給出一個很接近第一個小偷的外形描述。是的,我們這是事後諸葛亮 –

great attraction with things psychological, of course, is that they are totally
unverifiable. The astrologer can say what he likes about them and nobody canprove
him wrong. The car-mechanic, who either fixes the car or fails to fix thecar,
might envy this ability to turn everything into a subjective question ofmood.
On the odd occasion when the astrologer says something with sufficientclarity
to render it capable of contradiction, the client might object: 「But I
don』tfeel like that at all」; but the client is under a misapprehension, not
realising thetrue nature of their own feelings. I recently judged the
birth-chart of a clientwho had previously had the same task performed by a
leading practitioner ofthe modern astrology. 「She kept talking about my
childhood,」 he complained,「Even though I told her I wanted to understand the
present trends in my life.She kept talking about my problems with my mother. I
told her I had alwaysgot along well with my mother; but she just said I was
refusing the face theissue.」 「I』ve fixed your car,」 says the mechanic, 「It』s
just sulking. Here』s my bill.」


Out in
the real world, we have documented accounts of the accuracy thatastrology could
provide. The astrologer Guido Bonatti wasconsigned by Danteto the fourth bolgia
of the Inferno; the Earl of Mount-Serrant had a
ratherhigher opinion of his abilities.When the Earl was besieged, Bonatti
advisedhim that if he were to sally out and attack his enemies at a certain
time heshould defeat them, forcing them to raise the siege. He, however, would
receivea dangerous, but not mortal, wound in the thigh. The Earl attacked as
advised.Despite being outnumbered, victory was his; following his fleeing
opponents,he was wounded in the thigh, but the advice had enabled him to make
thenecessary provision for treatment, so he survived.




3 Henry
Coley, Address to the Reader, in William Lillys edition of Bonatus Anima
Astrologiae,London 1676; reprinted Regulus, London, 1986. Coley cites Fulgusos,
L.8, c.11.

Gaurico — not
only a renowned astrologer but also Bishop of Dijon— judged from HenriII』s
birth-chart that the king should bekilled inhis forty-first year by being
struck in the eye with a lance whilst jousting.


The scepticmight claim that the prediction works on thesubject』s psychology,
whichsuggestion renders the event likely to happen; if we consider the
contortions that Henri』s psychology would have had to manifest in his body in
order to present his eye to the moving lance-point, it is simpler to accept
that theastrologer just got it right.




4 John
Gadbury, Collection of Natzvities, p. 23; London, 1662; reprinted Ascella,
Nottingham, n.d.

number of astrologers who published predictions of the outbreak ofplague in
London in 1665 and the Great Fire a year later, or who, like EbenezerSibley,
foretold that in 1789 「some very important event will happen in thepolitics of
France, such as may dethrone, or very nearly touch the life of, theking, and
make victims of many great and illustrious men in church and state,preparatory
to a revolution or change in the affairs of that empire, which will atonce
astonish and surprise the surrounding nations,」


contrasts strongly
with the general failure of modern astrologers to predict such notable events
as the outbreak of the Second World War.


Traditional and Modern Compared: Adolf

傳統與古典占星術的對比: Adolf Hitler(阿道夫·希特勒)

If this
astrologywas so successful, we might reasonably wonder what happenedto it.Why
was it replaced by thetepid banalities with which we are familiartoday? Before
exploring why and howthis happened, let us conduct a test of atleast as much
scientific validity as any of the tests by which the scientific skepticsclaim
to have tested astrology. We shall take the birth-chart of a well-knownperson
and subjectit to cold readings by an astrologer from
the past and one from the present. Unfortunately, all the ancient astrologers
whom we invited totake part in this experiment were otherwiseengaged, being
fully occupiedturning in their graves at the state of modern astrology;so we
shall have to usetheir writings. In the interest of scrupulous scientific
fairness, we shall do the samewith ourrepresentative modern.


shall take as our subject a life whose proclivities are well documented: that
of Adolf Hitler.


Hitler was a man of some note, so it isnot
surprising that he is mentioned in almost all introductions to astrology
written since the war. What is surprising is that in the great majority of
these books he is cited as an example of an Aries, that is, as someone who was
born while the Sun was in theastrological sign of Aries. His character is taken
to exemplify the typical Aries traits-self-importance, impetuosity, ardour and
the like. That the Sun was notactually in the sign of Aries when he was born -
as is readily verifiable – shows both the amount of effort expended on most
modern astrological writing andthe amount of credence whichcan be given to its
conclusions. Hitler was bornat 6.30 local time on April 20th 1889. The Sun had
left Aries and entered Taurusthe previous day, almost 24 hours before his
birth. Few writers have bothered tocheck this, looking merely at that
invaluable reference source, the Sun-signcolumn of their daily newspaper, which
tells them that Aries finishes on April 21st. But the time at which the Sun
moves from sign to sign varies by up toaround a day from year to year.Rather
than exemplifying the characteristics ofan Aries, Hitler does
in fact exemplify the characteristics of a Taurus, such asstubbornness and
resilience. That we could also pass him off as a Gemini(orator), Cancer
(overwhelming), Leo(dictatorial), Virgo (stomach pains) orany other of the
signs demonstrates exactly how much truth there is in thesesun-sign platitudes.




6 April
20th 1889, 6.30 pm LMT, 48N12 13E02

those modern astrologers who have taken sufficient trouble to look atHitler』s
birth-chart rather than just copying from whatever worthless book fallsinto
their hands frequently confess a certain bafflement. While it is apparentthat
this is not someone whom we would necessarily wish to invite to tea, the depths
of his nastiness eludeastrological modern techniques.From the traditional
perspective, however,these depths are quite clear.


traditionalmethod of judging a natal chart begins with assessing the temperament.
This is, as it were, the cloth from which the person is cut. All thedetail
which we later see must be judged against this background, as if the details
wereembroidery ona garment. No matter what is embroidered, thefundamental
question when determining for what purpose the garment is fit is whether the
material is a delicate silk or a tough denim. So in the person. Is he predominantly
choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine or melancholic- or a mixture of two of these?


balance is calculated according to the respective measure of hot, cold,moistand
dry qualities, manifesting in their four possible combinations asearth, air,
fire and water (that is, cold and dry, hot and moist, hot and dry, andcold and
moist respectively). The ideal would be a perfect balance betweenthem all. Man — and
more specifically, the male human — is the best balanced of all God』screatures (woman
being colder and more moist than man), althoughthere are,of course, extreme
variations within that. The tradition holds that thebest balanced of all men
was the Prophet.


What we must determine
is the exactnature of the mixture of hot, cold, moist and dry in the particular
person whom we are considering mixture being the literal mean of temperament,
and also of complexion, which was originally a synonym for temperament, but is
now applied only to the outward appearance rather than to the whole of the




7 Sec
Jalalu』d-Din Abd』ur-Rahman As-Suyuti, Medicine of the Prophet, p. 3, Ta-Ha,
London 1994

In most
people there are one or two of these qualities which are notablystrong, and one
or two that are similarly weak. This balance shows which of thetemperaments the
person has: choleric, which is, in modern parlance, fiery;phlegmatic (watery);
sanguine (airy) or melancholic (earthy). Far from justdescribing a set of
mental habits, this balance tells us also about the person』sappearance, the
illnesses from which they are likely to suffer, and much, muchmore. Geoffrey
Chaucer, for example, who was a skilled astrologer as well as a poet, could
describe a character by his temperament —
perhaps - knowing that just that one word would give his readers a good idea of
not onlythis character』s general mode of behaviour, but also his appearance.
Having thisbasic understanding of temperament is vital if we are to put the
details whichwe find later in any meaningful context. It is all very well
knowing that thenative will murder his granny; but does he beat her to death in
a fit of choleric fury, or does he slowly poison her from sanguine curiosity?
Only a knowledge ofthe temperament will tell.

Chaucer,一位傑出的占星師也是一位詩人,可以通過他的特質描述一個性格 —
『膽汁質』,可能 —

To see
just how significant temperament is, and how fixed we are in
whatevertemperament is our own, we might consider actors. Even they who are
skilledat adopting different personae, will not act outside their own basic
temperament. To do so would appear ridiculous, for unconsciously we all
understandthat temperament and body type are indissolubly mixed. Indeed, one of
theeasiest and most reliable forms of comedy is to cast someone against
theirnatural temperament. Whether it is Jim Carrey trying to be John Wayne
orJohn Wayne trying to be Jim Carrey, the product is guaranteed to be
hilarious.Our temperament never leaves us. Even when we lose our temper-ament,
we actaccording to type: the fiery, choleric person will hit someone; the airy,
sanguinetype will unleash his stinging tongue; the watery, phlegmatic person
will burstinto tears. So we begin to see how important it is to grasp this if
we are tounderstand the person as a whole.

去看看這些有意義的特質,我們不論有怎樣非常固執的特質,我們可以考慮演員。即使他們非常善於接受不同的角色,將不會脫離他們自己的基本特質而行動。這麼做會顯得荒謬,下意識中我們都明白特質和體型是不可分解的。的確,喜劇的構成最容易和最可靠鑄造出某些人天然特質相反的(特質)。不論是Jim Carrey試著成為John Wayne還是John Wayne試著成為Jim Carrey,結果肯定是很滑稽的。我們的特質絕不會離開我們。即使當我們是失去特質的時候,我們行動的風格:火象,膽汁質人將會攻擊某人;風象,多血質的風格將會釋放出毒舌;水象,粘液質的人將會流淚。因此我們開始看到如果我們理解一個人的全部,領會一個人的特質將會有多重要。

modern, if attempting to look at Hitler on anything approaching
thislevel, wouldnote thenumber of planets in earth signs (Sun, Mars and Venus
inTaurus; Moonand Jupiter in Capricorn) and decide that he must be earthy
bynature. Far from it: in traditional terms, the temperament is strongly
choleric, or fiery. The choleric is today the least fashionable of the
temperaments, theideal of the warrior, which the natural mode of expression for
choler, being nowacceptable only in distorted or trivialised forms. In itself,
however, the cholericis no worse than any of the other temperaments. Sanguine
always gets a goodwrite-up in the text-books; but we must remember that the
people who writethese books are necessarily more likely to be of airy, sanguine
nature: any imbalance is a falling short of perfection.


So Hitler
is choleric; the problems start when we consider how this choleric fire is going
to find outlet. By its own hot, dry nature, Mars is the planet with natural
affinity to the choleric temperament. Finding a strong, well placed Mars in the
chart would suggest that the native can successfully integrate his nature into
society as a warrior — in
modern terms this often manifests as the professional athlete. Hitler』s Mars,
however, is in a dreadful state, as we shall see shortly. The Sun, which is
also hot and dry and so might also allow positive expression of this choler, is
also very weak. This choleric temperament, we begin to see, is going to
manifest itself in the most appalling ways.

因為Hitler是膽汁質的;問題開始於當我們考慮暴躁的脾氣會如何去尋找發泄口的時候。根據它自己的熱,燥的特質,火星的特質與膽汁質的特質很相像。火星在星盤中有一個強力,不錯的位置可以建議命主可以成功的將他的特質整合到社交中就像一名戰士 — 用現代占星的術語這通常顯示為一名職業運動員。然而,Hitler的火星,處於可怕的狀態,正如我們所看到的。太陽,是熱且燥並因此可能允許積極的展示這種暴躁,也非常的虛弱。這種暴躁的特質,我們開始看到,將會用非常可怕的方式展示自己。

At this
stage in judgement, our attention is struck by the placement of some of the
fixed stars — that
is, what we normally refer to as 『stars』 as opposed to the 『wandering stars』 or
planets. Most fixed stars, most of the time, are mute notes in a birth-chart;
the ones that matter are those on angles, particularly the Ascendant or
Midheaven, and those within about a degree of the planets, especially the Sun or
the Moon. They are almost entirely ignored by modern astrology: as the following
shows, this is something of an omission. On the Midheaven is Praesepe, known to
the Chinese as 『Exhalation of Piled-up Corpses』. The Midheaven is the place in
the chart particularly associated with career, or public image. We need hardly
say more — but,
of course, we shall: it brings 『disease, disgrace, adventure, insolence, wantonness, brutality』.


The Sun is on a thoroughly unpleasant star, Sharatan, which 『causes bodily
injuries, unscrupulous defeat, destruction by fire, war or earthquake』, while
the Moon is on Facies, giving a violent death. Like Praesepe, Facies afflicts
the eyesight, much the more so if in conjunction with one of the luminaries
(the sources of light); this works on a metaphorical as well as literal level — although Hitler』s
physical eyesight was weak but not unusually so, his inability to see in
metaphorical terms was remarkable. Finally, in itself of much less significance
but important by virtue of its angularity, is Mercury, falling on Vertex, the
Andromeda nebula, which repeats the testimony of afflicted sight and violent

就目前判斷,我們的注意力被某些恆星的位置所吸引 — 我們通常稱之為「恆星」與「遊星」(例如哈雷彗星)或行星相對立。大部分的恆星,大部分的時間,在星盤中是無聲的通知。那些恆星落於角宮,特別是在上升和中天,它們與行星在一度以內,尤其是太陽和月亮。它們在現代占星學中幾乎被忽略:就像下面顯示的那樣,這裡存在一些遺漏。中天是鬼(宿)星團,被中國人稱為『積屍氣,也就是堆積的屍體所散發的氣體』(譯者:對作者佩服得五體投地,連這您都知道)。中天是星盤中與事業或公眾形象特別相關的位置。我們簡直不需要說得更多 — 然而,當然,我們應該說:它帶來「疾病,恥辱,冒險,傲慢,放縱,暴行」。


太陽位於一個非常令人不愉快的恆星上,婁宿一,「殘害肢體,道德敗壞,用火,戰爭或地震去破壞」,當月亮落於Facies上的時候,給予橫死。就像鬼宿星團,Facies也折磨視力,許多如果還有更多的與發光體(光源)之一產生聯繫;這就像字面上那樣是隱喻的 — 儘管Hitler的肉體視力非常虛弱但不是經常這樣,在隱喻中是指他沒有非凡的能力。最終,它自身的意義非常少但是由於是落在角宮所以很重要,還有水星,落於宿命點,仙女座星系,重複折磨視力和橫死的證據。

Quotations on fixed stars from the standard reference: Vivian Rohson, The Fixed Stars and Constellations in
, London 1923; reprinted, Ascella, Nottingham, n.d. Robson』s work
is a compendium of traditional views.

laid the foundation to the traditional judgement, let us subject this chart to
our blind reading by two astrologers, one ancient, one modern. Our modern
writer, plucked at random from the shelf, but by no means among the most
down-market of the genre,


outlines her method of
judging a natal chart. We start by assessing the sign on the Ascendant (note
that in this reading we as yet know nothing of what we have just described
above: this is where we begin). With Libra on the Ascendant, our native is 「an
easy-going, charming and kind personality who is diplomatic, co-operative and
will do anything for peace and harmony. (He) is intellectually intelligent but
inclined to indecision and easily influenced by others. (His) faults are
indecision, being frivolous, too easy-going, untidy and an inclination to sit
on the fence.」




9 P.
Tillot, in Tybol Astrological Almanac for 1999, pp. 15-3o, Tybol, Preston

We must
then look to the Ascendant ruler, Venus. Falling in Taurus and the seventh
house, our native is 「pleasant, kind, faithful, appreciates good manners; has a
love of luxmy(看不清楚),
especially the home; good voice; good taste; interested in gardening; can be
very possessive」 and is concerned about, but has problems with close
relationships. The Sun in Taurus adds a stoical nature and further concern with
relationships. The Moon in Capricorn gives a 「reserved and cautious nature; …
ambitious and hard worker. … has a drive for success, 」 while in the third
house it shows 「thinking strongly governed by emotions; prone to day-dreaming
soon tire of monotonous routine.」


We can
then continue through various other points too tedious to list. In fairness, we
must point out that the Venus in Taurus will be moderated by its conjunction
with Mars. That is, the 「pleasant, kind, faithful, etc」 will be conditioned by 「very
practical; has great determination; usually very peaceful .」 The square aspect
from Saturn would also limit the Venus qualities owing to a need of 「a great
deal of respect/attentions from others; has responsibilities whether wanted or
not; develops a strong sense of values to do with leisure/pleasure/authority/power.」


this list of points has been noted, the astrologer reaches the next stage, called
『synthesis』. This is when all the various points have to be joined together to
make a coherent picture. If we imagine a recipe which reads 「Carefully weigh out
all your ingredients, then toss them into a bowl in whatever order takes your
fancy,」 we have an idea of the art of synthesis. We have weighed out the ingredients
according to this typical modern method; we shall leave our reader to blend
them together to dive an accurate picture of Adolf Hitler.


For our
blind reading from the past, we shall turn to Claudius Ptolemy.


that our assessment of the temperament has already provided us with all the
information above, we can concentrate our attention on just one point: the
salient Venus/Mars conjunction. This is squared by Saturn, but more importantly,
by the traditional technique of antiscion,
Saturn falls exactly on this conjunction, bringing all three of these planets into
immediate contact. Antiscion is a technique almost entirely forgotten today,
without which an accurate judgment of a chart is impossible; it gives what is
literally the shadow of each planet (this must not be understood in the Jungian
sense), or what in practical terms amounts to an alternative placement of each
planet. This is not the place to enter into into the technical details, but
trust me, dear reader, it works, and in this instance brings Saturn exactly
onto Mars and Venus.


Terabiblos, trans. F.E.Robbins, p.343 Heinemann, London, 1940

relative strengths of the planets is something else that is largely ignored by
the moderns. In Hitler』s chart, there is no strong planet. To use the technical
labels, Jupiter is in its fall; the
Moon and Mars are in their detriment;
Mercury and the Sun are peregrine.
This is a strong indication of the degeneracy of the nature. Even Venus, which
has strength by virtue of falling in its own sign, Taurus, is grievously
handicapped by being retrograde and by its immediate contact with the two
malefics, Mars and Saturn. This contact is all the more serious because both
the malefics are weak, and the weaker the malefics are, the worse their
effects. Occurring in fixed signs, this gives an unshakeable malaise. With most
of the planets above the horizon (the horizontal axis of the chart) and in
angular houses, this will find its outlet in the world: were the planets hidden
below the horizon, Hitler would have spent his life thinking dreadful thoughts,
rather than acting them out.


to Ptolemy, this planetary combination 「in honourable positions makes his
subjects neither good nor bad, industrious, outspoken, nuisances, cowardly
braggarts, harsh in conduct, without pity, contemptuous, rough, contentious,
rash, disorderly, deceitful, layers of ambushes, tenacious of anger, unmoved by
pleading, courting the mob, tyrannical, grasping, haters of the citizenry, fond
of strife, malignant, evil through and through, active, impatient, blustering,
vulgar, boastful, injurious, unjust, not to be despised, haters of all mankind,
inflexible, unchangeable, busy-bodies, but at the same time adroit and
practical, not to be overborne by rivals, and in general successful in achieving
their ends.」 This is if the combination is 「in honourable positions」, so this
is the good side. In Hitler』s chart, it is most definitely not in an honourable
position, with all these planets severely afflicted, so its outcome is not so
favourable. Ptolemy suggests that in these cases, it 「makes his subjects robbers,
pirates, adulterators, submissive to disgraceful treatment (we might recall
Hitler』s sexual predilections), takers of base profits, godless, without
affection, insulting, crafty, thieves, perjurers, murderers, poisoners,
impious, robbers of temples and of tombs, and utterly depraved.」 All these
points would manifest through the choleric, but degenerately choleric,


might feel that Ptolemy has given us a picture somewhat closer to the mark than
the peace-loving gardener that our modern blind reading has produced — not bad for
someone writing almost 2000 years before the birth and without the opportunity
to revise his opinion of that 「easy-going, charming and kind」 Libran Ascendant
in the light of the considerable attention that Hitler』s horoscope has
attracted since his rise to fame. It is no doubt true that we could find a
modern astrologer who, if presented with the details of the time and place of
Hitler』s birth, could give a more accurate analysis of his character from a blind
reading; but our example modern is representative, and it should be noted that
the general tone of astrological writing in even the late Nineteen Thirties was
that the world could look forward to an era of peace and plenty courtesy of that
nice Mr Hitler. We must also note that while our modern does at least claim to
be an astrologer, there is no evidence to suggest that Ptolemy ever cast a horoscope
in his life. He was merely an encyclopaedist recording current practice. That
an astrological layman could give so accurate a picture is entirely through the
validity of the traditional method. We must also point out that were Mr Hitler
to wander into a contemporary astrologer』s den, he would no doubt hear what a
difficult childhood he had, how his creative drives are frustrated and how he
feels that even those closest to him fail to understand him completely,
probably finishing by being told that he has a vocation as a healer.


In 1895
Alan Leo took it upon himself 『to modernise the ancient system of Astrology』.1
His work is the cornerstone around which the ramshackle edifice of modern
astrology has been constructed. Had astrology been in healthy condition, however,
the work of one man, no matter how determined he might have been to reform,
deform or undermine her, would have been absorbed into her swelling tide; as it
was, the poor trickle that was all that survived of this once mighty river proved
easy to divert.

在1895年Alan Leo將『占星學古老的系統現代化』作為他自己的責任。



Modern Astrology, first issue, 1895; quoted in Patrick Curry, A confusion of
Prophets, P.123; Collins Brown, London, 1992.

pleases the more misty-eyed of the astrologically inclined to gaze back fondly
upon some distant era when Astrologosaurus Rex ruled the earth,
making accurate predictions at which all around fell down in wonder. This gold era
seems never to have happened. For as far back as we can trace astrological
writing, we find contemporary attacks from skeptics — notably because no
astrologer has ever managed to get everything right all the time: then as now, one
man sees only the failures while another sees only the successes. It is always possible
to disparage a mountain for the fissures in its sides, or to praise a grain of
sand for its solidity. Traditionally, however, even the most vehement attacks on
astrology were not so much over its validity per se, but over the extent to which it could be said to be valid.
Even the most adamant of sceptics usually accepted astrological influence on
the weather and the rise and fall of kingdoms. It is only over the last four
hundred years that there has arisen a widespread literature denouncing
astrology』s slightest claim to credibility.


myth of the glorious past is not a modern invention. In the 17th century, we
find astrologers such as John Partridge hankering after this golden age, claiming
that modern astrology is so corrupt that we must go back to the ancients to
find it in pure form. His work Opus
is an attempt at 『Reviving the True and Ancient Method laid down
by the Great Ptolemy』,


although its
resemblance to Ptolemy is no closer than that of the Pre-Raphaelites to any of
the pre-Raphaelites. As with Rossetti in the world of art Partridge』s
desire to return to his roots is the result less of a sound understanding of
what those roots actually were than of an acute awareness of a malaise in the
world within which he worked.

過去輝煌的神話不是現代發明的。在17世紀,我們發現占星師們,比如John Partridge渴望這個鼎盛時期,聲稱現代占星師是非常墮落的,我們必須以純粹的形式回溯古人。他的工作Opus Reformatum是企圖『通過偉大的Ptolemy而振興真實和古老的方法』



London, 1693, title page. Reprinted Ascella, Nottingham, n.d.

As was
the custom in his day, Partridge published an annual almanac. This was much the
equivalent of an astrologer writing a newspaper sun-sign column today: it was a
guaranteed money-spinner and placed one』s name firmly in the public eye. There
were many of these almanacs on the market, so the appearance of yet one more
for the year 1708, published under the previously unknown name of Isaac
Bickerstaff, would have occasioned little interest, had it not been that first
in the list of prophecies of notable deaths that every almanac was expected to
carry was not 『a notable duke』 or 『a prince of foreign climes』 or some such,
but Partridge himself, who was to die 「upon the 29th of March next, about
eleven at night, of a raging Feaver」.


正如在他全盛時期的習俗那樣,Partridge出版了每年一度的曆書,這非常像當今占星師在報紙上寫太陽星座專欄:這是保證賺大錢的事業並且將某人的名字固定在大眾的眼中。有許多這樣的曆書在出售,因此表面上依然一再的(出版到)1708年,出版之前Isaac Bickerstaff並不出名,可能只引起少量的關注,沒有首先列出值得注意人物的死亡數,每個曆書被期望得到的不是『值得注意的公爵』或者『國外的王子』或者其他這類事物,然而Partridge他自己,將要死於「3月29日之後幾日,大約在夜裡11點,暴躁的肆虐」


Esquire Bickerstaff』s Most Strange and Wonderful Predictions, London, 1708

work attracted great attention, even being translated into several languages.
On March 30th, an elegy on Partridge』s death was published, soon followed by an
anonymous letter, describing in exact detail, complete with a death-bed
confession of his astrological sins, the unfortunate astrologer』s last hours.
「I am a Poor, Ignorant Fellow, Bred to a Mean Trade,」 he is said to have gasped,
「Yet I have sense enough to know that all pretences of foretelling by Astrology
are Deceits.」


Partridge』s own almanac appeared as usual later in
the year, including his protestations that he was still alive and well.
Bickerstaff rushed into print again, defending his prediction. Amongst other
evidence, he pointed out that it was well known that many almanacs continued to
appear long after the death of their putative author. Partridge』s attempts to
prove himself alive were hindered by a falling out with the Company of
Stationers, which refused him a licence to publish for the next three years. In
intellectual circles, if not on the street, he rapidly became a laughing-stock.




4 The
Accomplishment of the First of Mr. Bickerstaff』s Predictions, London, 1708

incident is symptomatic of the change in the spirit of the age, perception of
which had prompted Partridge to publish his Opus
nine years earlier. Isaac Bickerstaff was a nom de guerre of
Jonathan Swift, self-appointed champion of the new Enlightenment, in whose
brave new world astrology had no place. As always, the critics display the
greatest disinclination to the framing of a cogent argument: Swift』s main
complaint against Partridge was that he had once worked as a cobbler. This
apparently proves that astrology is nonsense. Swift』s attack was emblematic of
a sea-change in the affairs of man. Astrology was becoming incomprehensible to
the new intellectual order, or, to be more precise, the new intellectual order
was framing its vision of reality in such a way that astrology no longer made
sense. We must also note that whereas the plentiful criticism of astrology in
the past had come almost entirely from those with a knowledge of the subject,
Swift was among the first in the glorious line that would regard ignorance as
sufficient qualification for judgement.


The new
world view exemplified by Bacon, Descartes and Newton cut the ground from
beneath astrology』s feet, leaving it suspended without visible means of intellectual
support. Without a plausible rationale, even when it worked it seemed like
sleight of hand, whereas before, in the world-view that had held until the
Renaissance, its workings had seemed perfectly natural. Although the new
developments, like Baconian science, can be seen as an articulation of a
changing zeitgeist, as long as this articulation was current only in the small
world of the intelligentsia it mattered little. As it filtered down to transform
the perception of common-sense held by the man on the Clapham omnibus,
astrology』s understanding public disappeared. Astrology no longer made sense
not only to the intelligentsia, but also to the man in the street. We see this
incomprehension today in the scientific attacks on astrology: these never raise
valid issues, but concentrate on points such as the way in which planets cast
their influence or whether or not a planet is ever literally 『in』 a sign - and
whether these signs even exist. To an astrologer these arguments sound like wilful
ignorance, but they are not: the incomprehension is inevitable as the scientist』s
world-view is now so totally alien from that in which astrology is a coherent
part. Astrology』s fall from grace was caused by the movement of society away
from the traditional principles that had guided it. Astrology』s basic ideas no
longer made sense within the Weltanschauung.

新的世界觀通過Bacon, Descartes和Newton拆占星術的台來例證,沒有明顯的智力支持而導致(占星術)停滯。沒有貌似可信的原理,甚至當它運作的時候看起來像是個花招,鑒於以前,文藝復興之前的世界觀,它看起來運作得天生就很完美。儘管新的進展,像Baconian科學,可以看做時代潮流轉變的節點,只要這個節點僅僅流行於知識分子的小範圍世界,它就無關緊要。正如它滲入到普通人日常知識的改變,占星術的公眾理解力消失了。占星術不僅不再對知識分子有意義,而且還對一般人(也沒有意義)。我們看到現代被科學主義攻擊且不被理解的占星術:這些(攻擊)從未提出有效的問題,而是集中於指出比如行星投射的影響或是否行星曾經按照字面意思『落於』一個星座這類方式—並且這些星座曾經是否存在。對一位占星師而言,這些參數聽起來像故意被忽視掉,但是它們並沒有:不被理解是不可避免的,正如科學家的世界觀在現在是與(當初)和占星術是相連的一體是相違背的。占星術的衰弱是社會運動遠離傳統思想引起的。占星術的基本概念對世界觀不再有意義。

idea of the absolute pre-eminence of the Divine, the Truth that was once central
to all man』s conceptions, however far he may have strayed from the precepts
which that Divinity laid down for his behaviour, has been forgotten in our
headlong rush towards the technological paradise. This Truth, in its manifestations
through the revealed faiths, was once a kind of lingua franca and now is no
longer widely spoken. So astrology, which as one of the lesser manifestations
of this spiritual tradition is built within the walls of its concepts, no
longer has a common language with modern man. Those who are content with the
modern, secular, materialist world regard this lack of a common tongue as a
sign of their progress; those who think otherwise regard it as a tragedy. As
science took step after step down the pathway opened at the Renaissance, with
common-sense tagging along a few steps behind it, it moved ever further from
astrology. The so-called 『new』 physics is sometimes said to be a rediscovery of
ancient truths in modern terms, but this is far from true: a clear understanding
of these ancient truths reveals that the new physics is even Further from them
than the old. If we trust that the path beaten by the scientists is a valid
one, this gap would cast serious doubt on the verity of the ancient sciences.
As we look around us, however, much as we may admire the technological rabbits
which the scientists are so adept at pulling from every conceivable hat, the
intellectual, moral and spiritual bankruptcy of the world created by modern
science so impress themselves upon us that this view cannot be seriously


world in which Alan Leo found himself had Darwinism rapidly making itself at
home in the house built by Newton and Descartes. In
this world of secular mechanical materialism, astrology had lost its audience;
it was no longer understood. It was not unreasonable, then, that Leo
should have decided that something should be done to rebuild the bridge of
understanding between astrology and the public. The means by which he sought to
achieve this, apart from being almost totally ineffective - as we may witness
through the frivolous view of astrology common today - were utterly pernicious,
destroying the sacred science even as he sought to revive it.

and Descartes的屋子裡熟練的使用它們。在世俗的機械唯物論的世界裡,占星學失去了它的觀眾;它不再被理解。這不是不合理,然後,Leo本應該認定應該重建占星學與大眾之間理解的橋樑。這意味著他試圖在此取得成績,但是幾乎沒有毫無效果—正如我們可以看到通過當今占星學無聊的視角—是完全有害無益的,正巧在他試著去復興它的時候去破壞神聖的科學。

is one way and one way only to render astrology intelligible to the modern
mentality. This way is to change modern thinking until it accepts the principles
on which astrology is founded. Let us suppose that astrology is a plate of
broccoli. We know that our child would benefit from eating this nutritious vegetable,
but he has no wish to do so as he fails to understand its benefits. So we take
the broccoli away, replace it with a bowl of ice-cream, and when the child
empties the bowl we congratulate ourselves on our success at making him eat the
broccoli. We could hardly reach such a conclusion without being aware of our
self-delusion. Yet this is exactly what Leo (and his many followers) have done
with astrology. In order to make it intelligible they have transformed it until
it bears but the scantiest resemblance to what it really is - just as ice-cream
and broccoli bear some slight resemblance in that they are both edible, but otherwise
have little in common.


remade astrology in the terms of Theosophy, which was itself a rendering of
Victorian scientific materialism into something which to those of little discrimination
could pass for spirituality. The garbled mish-mash of spiritual jargon from
which Theosophy was constructed was sufficiently vague and sufficiently broad
to accommodate any visitor who had the decency to suspend critical judgement
before entering its portals; most importantly, so thin was the pseudo-spiritual
veil which it threw over the common-sense world-view of the time, that it was
readily comprehensible. Its influence extended far beyond those who became
card-carrying members of its societies; today, its odour pervades the whole
world of 『Alternative Religion』 and 『New Age Spirituality』. For three-quarters
of a century the writings of the overtly Theosophical dominated the
astrological literature in the English language; that which was not written by
them could not help but be coloured by their influence. Every one of the major
astrological organisations in Great Britain at the end of the Twentieth Century
is directly descended from the Astrological Lodge of the Theosophical Society,
founded by Leo in 1914. Grown men who are usually capable of composing their
features into a mask of sanity are reduced to the most acrimonious squabbles
over the rightful possession of Leo』s pen, which to them has powers somewhat
similar to the Holy Grail.


anyone seeking knowledge of astrology should wish to possess the Infallible Pen
is unclear, as its original owners connection with astrology is not dissimilar
to Robert Oppenheimer』s connection with Hiroshima. The world of Theosophy is
quite alien from the metaphysics of astrology. Humanity, the theosophist
astrologers would have it, is divided into those of 『evolved』 or 『unevolved』 souls,
the former distinguished by their conformity to the norms of late - Victorian
middle - class behaviour. Any configuration in the chart will be judged according
to the stage of evolution of the chart』s owner – one man』s mystical experience
being another man』s drunken binge. It is not possible to ascertain the state of
the soul from the chart itself, so the astrologer must rely on his own
judgement of the client: possession of the correct school tie or knowledge of
the appropriate strange hand-shake is a reliable indicator of evolution. The
astrologer himself, it almost goes without saying, is a highly evolved soul,
and well-equipped to determine the state of evolution of his fellow man.


inclination was to the use of astrology as character analysis rather than as
predictive tool; one of his favoured slogans was 『Character is Destiny』. This propensity
was furthered by his trial and conviction on a charge of 「pretending and
professing to tell fortunes」. Leo』s claim that he had pointed only 『tendencies』
to certain happenings, rather than clear and definite forecasts, proved no defence,
so he fled still further from the concrete into the delineation of character.
While it might at first seem that the absence of any clear information in the
astrologer』s judgement would be a liability, quite the opposite proved to be the
case. By concentrating on holding a rose-tinted mirror before the client』s face
and avoiding saying anything that could be contradicted by fact, Leo
achieved the great break-through which he had sought.


that concrete statement was undesirable, Leo set
about neutering astrology to make it impossible. Techniques were arbitrarily
mangled, interchanged or excluded: as there was no longer an aim of stating
anything verifiable, this could be done at whim without fear that the new
methods might be exposed as invalid. Indeed, the more it was done the further
the dire spectre of plain accurate judgement was banished into the fog.


continued to change, so to keep astrology abreast of the intellectual vernacular,
further changes had to be made. The Darwinist impulse behind Theosophy was
succeeded in the popular imagination by the investigation of the unconscious by
the psychoanalysts. Jung』s active interest in astrology proved an open door. First
through it was the American Dane Rudhyar, who combined Theosophy and Jung to
produce an even more appealing flavour of intellectual blancmange. The amount
of Jungian verbiage in this mix was gradually increased, notably through the
work of the current Queen of the Bookshelves, Liz Greene. Although the work of
Greene and her associates falls neatly between two stools, being scorned by
both psychologists and those with a working knowledge of sound astrology, its
ability to reflect exactly the picture of himself that the reader or client
wishes to see has made it immensely popular, less as a form of astrology than
as part of the literature and practice of 『self-help』.


In the
past, the astrological consultation was a simple request for information; it
would become a medical matter only if the client were actually ill and
astrology were being used as a tool in the diagnosis and treatment of his
illness. Mimicking the psychoanalysts, the psychological astrologers have made
a medical model of consultation the norm in all circumstances. The implicit assumption
is that the client is in a mess (and if you』re not in a mess, it is only
because you don』t understand your situation clearly enough) and the astrologer,
being a Person of Knowledge and Wisdom, has sufficient mental clarity to be
able to sort him out. It is indeed a requirement in the leading school in the
field, Greene』s Centre
for Psychological Astrology
, that the student undergoes extensive therapy.
We might note that it is not a common requirement in schools of surgery that
the student go under the knife in order to become a better surgeon.


medical model extends beyond the consultation to the astrologer』s view of
himself, for in the debate about professional validation that continues among astrologers
it is taken for granted that such validation should be styled in the medical
fashion and achieved by the affiliation of astrological organizations with
medical or quasi-medical bodies. A great
many astrologers regard themselves as working within or complementary to
the health services; yet only in the very rarest instances do these astrologers
deal with patients having a definable ailment that they might be expected to
succeed or fail in curing. Safer far to offer 『counselling』, with no definable
result and often no definable aim, other than the transfer of a cheque from
client to astrologer.


psychological has now ousted the Theosophical as the dominant— indeed,
almost the only — trend
in astrology. Within its orb, sharing its fixation with the world between the
ears and its uninterest in whatever happens outside it, we find the manifold
varieties of New Age astrology. Five minutes inside a bookshop turns anyone
into a guru; knowing the names of the planets entitles him to cast his wisdom
in astrological terms. There is also a growing trend to the intuitive. Many are
they who will proudly proclaim that never have they stooped so low as to study astrology
with anyone, but have developed an intuitive understanding of the subject.
Those who use their services no doubt also patronise dentists with an intuitive
knowledge of dentistry and electricians with an intuitive knowledge of wiring.
Even among those who have studied the subject, there is a general horror at the
idea of following rules of practice when judging a chart: the done thing is to
pick at it until one gains an 『intuitive』 understanding. This is apparently not
the same as judging it solely in the light of one』s own preconceptions. The
leitmotiv of any astrologer』s judgement is the words 「for me...」: 「For me this
Saturn means...」 「For me this aspect means...」 This does not mean that the
astrologer has no idea what the significance of that Saturn or that aspect
actually might be; it means that this significance has been vouchsafed to him
alone, by virtue of his highly developed psychic powers.


Those whose
psychic powers are most strongly developed abandon astrological convention
altogether and enter the realms of 『esoteric astrology』. There are many books
with just such a title - somewhat strange, we might think, as the esoteric by
its very nature is loathe to proclaim itself in the market-place: we might as
well find a sign saying 「This way to the Secret Headquarters.」
To be an esoteric astrologer, one leaves to lesser mortals all the usual
ascriptions of planets and signs - ideas such as Venus ruling Taurus, for
instance - and reshuffles the pack, dealing the cards in an order that the
uninitiated might take for random, but which is revealed to the writer by
personal contact from some angel or other - usually one whose knowledge of
astrology and things of the spirit is somewhat shaky. This personal revelation
is a fine, as it avoids the necessity of learning anything and removes one from
all criticism. The most sensitive will introduce a few new planets which are of
too subtle a vibration to have been detected by the rest of humanity. Viewing
the chart from this perspective, the esoteric astrologer can then discourse
learnedly on the state of his client』s soul, a disquisition even less capable
of contradiction than the nebulous descriptions of the client』s psyche beloved
by the exoteric practitioner. Alan Leo』s own exercise in this area, the
original Esoteric Astrology, was judged even by Charles Carter, a fellow
Theosophical astrologer, as 「a big volume containing virtually nothing worth


- the first of a noble tradition. It is
notable that the the esoteric 『teachings』 in which these works are framed are
never those of the revealed faiths, the spiritual doctrines too having been
personally dictated by one or more of the aforementioned channels.




Quoted in Curry, op. cit., p. 145

reasons which are not visible to the unaided eye, all with which we have so far
dealt is, incredibly, known as 『serious』 astrology. Its practitioners go to the
greatest pains to distance themselves from 『popular』 astrologers, awarding themselves
any number of mickey mouse qualifications entitling them to put whole scrabble
sets of random letters after their names in order to convince gullible punters
that they are in possession of high knowledge (we should note that the great
astrologers of the past seem not to have felt the need to boast their learning:
the ability to perform was what mattered. Even at the height of his fame, the
great William Lilly styled himself only a 『student』 of astrology). Popular astrologers,
we are told, plying their trade in newspapers and magazines, deal only in vague
platitudes and saccharine generalities designed to make their public feel
better: as different from serious astrologers as chalk from chalk.


The day
when the newspaper sun-sign column was written by the office junior has largely
passed: the greater number of these columns are now the work of 『serious』
modern astrologers feeling the need to turn a penny. In 『serious』 circles this
is widely looked upon with disapproval, as if these renegades were letting the
side down, like some officer of empire allowing the natives to see him without
full uniform. Although it is difficult to see that the average newspaper column
contains (could possibly contain) a greater number of banalities than the
average psychological astro-analysis, it must be admitted that the existence of
this form of journalism - for, as an internationally syndicated exponent
explains, the sun-sign column is a branch of journalism, not a branch of


- does provide the great majority of people
with their guiding impression of astrology. There is a certain number who have
some awareness that there exists something else, maybe connected with
birth-charts, but most are sure that a knowledge of one』s sun-sign and its
supposed characteristics is all of which astrology consists. On revealing that
one is an astrologer, the second question - after 「What are this week』s lottery
numbers?」 - is
invariably 「I』m a Scorpio and my boy-friend』s a Pisces: will we get

在這個太陽星座欄目被辦公室的後輩們廣泛傳播的時代:絕大部分的這些欄目被所謂的『嚴肅』現代占星師認為是以此來獲利。在『嚴肅占星學』圈子裡這被廣泛的不贊成,猶如這些背叛者讓他們覺得失望了,像某些欽差大臣讓鄉下人看到他沒有完整的威儀。儘管難以看到一般的報紙欄目比一般的心理占星分析包含(可能包含)更多的陳詞濫調,但必須承認這種傳媒形式的存在 — 例如,就像一個國際性的組織解釋說明,太陽星座欄目是傳媒業的一種手段,不是占星學的一種


— 提供給很大一部分人引導對占星術的印象。有一定數量的人意識到存在著某些別的東西,可能與出生盤產生聯繫,但是大部分人肯定知道某人的太陽星座和它假設的特性都是由占星學構成的。在揭示出某人是占星師時,第二個問題 — 在「這周的彩票數字是什麼?」之後 —

Personal conversation.

is a measure of truth in the division of mankind into twelve groups according
to the section of the zodiac occupied by the Sun at birth. There is a measure of
truth in the division of mankind into groups according to the country of
nationality; but as the number of countries compared with the number of
sun-signs indicates, this division is far more subtle than that based on
zodiacal signs. Yet no one thinks to ask 「I am an American and my boy-friend is
Australian, will we get along?」 There is a profound meaning in the sun- signs:
these are the twelve gates by which we may enter Heaven; but in the day-to-day
world of our secular lives, the analysis of character by sign is no more
accurate than the analysis of character by nationality. If we were to distil essence
of Australian it might perhaps be more rumbustuous,
more interested in sport and with a greater affection for beer than essence of
Moroccan; but to judge any individual Australian or Moroccan by these
characteristics would be foolish. We could indeed, if possessed of certain
facts, make predictions by nationality. If we know that the Australian cricket
team is losing heavily, the weather across that continent will be dreadful and
the price of lager is about to rise, we might predict that 「Australians will be
gloomy today」. There will, however, be a large number of Australians, even
beer-drinking, sun-worshipping sports fanatics, who will be perfectly cheerful.
If we consider a prediction such as 「Australians will receive a major career
boost today,」 and bear in mind that the number of Australians in the world is
markedly smaller than the the number of Leos, Aquarians or any other sun-sign ,
we see the fatuity of the average sun-sign column. We shall not consider the
below-average sun-sign column, carrying helpful tips for the day such as 『avoid
accidents』, nor shall we puzzle our heads wondering why an Aries might win the
lottery with one lucky number while a Taurus should win it with another.


It is
sometimes claimed that the proliferation of these columns demonstrates the
healthy condition of contemporary astrology; in which case an abundance of
stinging nettles shows the beauty of a rose garden. Or that, although worthless
in themselves, they play a useful role by creating an environment in which
astrology is accepted and thence encouraging those with a serious interest to
pursue it further. It is rather true to say that they play a destructive role,
accustoming the public to fantastic predictions which cannot possibly come true
and deluding them that this is all that astrology has to offer. The general
belief that this is all there is to astrology is repeatedly demonstrated by the
scientists, who gleefully cast aside any semblance of scientific method, look
at a few sun-sign predictions and conclude that astrology is therefore rubbish.
We cite the representative instance of Paul Couderc, astronomer at the Paris
Observatory, who glanced at the birth-dates of 2,817 musicians and concluded
that no one sun-sign was more likely than any other to produce a musician. As
scarcely even the most superficial of modern astrologers, let alone any
astrologer with a mastery of the craft, would claim that it does, it is hard to
see that this shows anything except that M. Couderc has far too much time on
his hands.




7. P.
Couderc Astrologic Que Sais-je? pp. 86-89, Presses Universitaires de France,
Paris, 1961.

columns are hugely popular. Even the less disreputable newspapers, who some ten
or twenty years ago would have been horrified at the suggestion that they might
publish such things, now proudly proclaim the prow of their own house
astrologer as a powerful weapon in the battle for readers. What, we may then
wonder, is the attraction? A favourable horoscope in one』s morning paper gives
a little fillip, a shot of emotional caffeine, to perk us up as we start the
day. We may know that it is nonsense and not consciously expect it to be fulfilled,
but the statement that today is a good day for love engages our hopes with the
promise that life need not always be like this, just as we may know that our
chances of winning the lottery are negligible, but in buying the ticket we purchase
the fleeting dream of change. Even if the horoscope advises caution, we are
left with the feeling that all will not be lost; our doughty Aries, Taurus,
Gemini, Cancer… virtues will enable us to battle through. It is as if we were soldiers
at the front, crouched in a fox-hole. The general passes briefly by, giving us
a smile and a cigarette. He leaves, and we are still in the foxhole; but our morale
is that much better for his visit.


most people, most of the time, the little shot of confidence that the sun-sign
column brings is sufficient. But there are hardened cases, who have become inured
to the effects of the newspaper column. They have switched papers to find a
better astrologer; they have bought magazines with detailed monthly forecasts;
but they have tried this kick so often that it no longer works: they must go in
search of stronger stuff. So they send away for a computer-generated reading of
their birth-chart; or in the most desperate cases they slink into the astrologer』s
lair in person, cross her palm with silver and sit open-mouthed as she reads
them like a book. But still, they invariably find, it does nothing beyond
giving a fleeting feeling that life is not as hopeless as it seemed.


the concentration of modern astrology on 『character delineation』 and its
abandoning of the tools necessary if it is to say anything at all specific, astrologers
can offer nothing other than the holding of a flattering mirror before the
client』s face. Whatever it is that is given by this willingness to focus
exclusively on the client for an hour, saying nothing disturbing, it has less
to do with astrology than with validating the client』s poor stressed ego with
sugared words. What is said may contain little in the way of truth, but long
practice has enabled it to hit just that satisfying mark.


the modern astrologer proclaims, 「I do not predict; I do not advise.」 But what
then, other than massaging egos, does he do? 「I consider the underlying
planetary patterns in the chart.」 If we were to turn on the TV and hear the weather-forecaster
saying 「I』m not going to attempt to tell you what the weather will be like
tomorrow; nor will I advise you on whether you need to carry an umbrella - but
I can tell you that summers in this country are usually hot and dry,」 we might
justly wonder why we bothered turning the dial. If we were to wonder what
effect the movements of planets in the sky now over sensitive points in our
birth-charts might have, the comment of a leading astrologer, 「Who are we to
know how they are going to manifest?」


strike us as a dereliction of duty (imagine our weather-forecaster asking, 「Who
am I to know how this cumulonimbus will manifest?」). But we would be missing
the point. Modern astrology』s job is not - under any circumstances - to say
anything that might conceivably be taken down and used in evidence; its sole
purpose is to pander to the ego. People nowadays do not consult astrologers
when they are feeling on top of the world; they seek their services when they
are confused and uncertain; what they seek is assurance, and this is exactly
what the modern astrologer provides. We hear from time to time of purveyors of
computer-generated chart readings who do not bother to change the details of
birth-date and time from client to client, but send each client exactly the
same reading. Most of those who receive these universal readings accept them as
their own, and not without reason, for they contain the three magic phrases:




You are important


People do not
fully understand you


Your vices are
quite endearing, really.


Quotations in this paragraph are verbal comments at meetings of the Association
of Professional Astrologers, London, 1999

three lines we have the distilled the modern astrological reading, guaranteed
to satisfy every client. We cannot reasonably imagine that such fluff would have
enticed a long series of great minds to devote their utmost efforts to the study
of the science that produced it.


In sum:
the efforts of various well-meaning but gravely misguided individuals have remade
astrology in a form that attempts to make sense to the modern mind; but they
have failed miserably because, bereft of the philosophical base from which they
have torn it, astrology can make sense to no one. Astrology is no longer intelligible,
not because it has been disproved in any final sense, but because the philosophical
ground has shifted. Modern society no longer understands the cosmos in a way
within which astrology makes sense. By the criteria of the modern world – and,
it must be stressed, by these criteria alone – astrology is indeed nonsensical.


astrology and the modern world-view are incompatible is commonly taken as
disproof of astrology; yet it can equally well, and rather more plausibly, be
seen as disproof of the modern world-view. They cannot both be correct; one or
other is wrong. We see the arguments only from within the camp of the modern world,
through the tinted glass that the modern world provides; yet the victors write
not only the history, but also the philosophy. Only if we accept that our contemporary
society is superior to all the normal societies that have gone before, societies
centred on the simple truth of revealed faith, can we accept that this
society』s view is correct and that the philosophy behind astrology is therefore
wrong. The tangible evidence for this claim is not persuasive.


understand the traditional astrology it is necessary to realise that it is not –
as is usually presented today - a retrospective branch of astrology, which
implies that there is a valid relationship between it and modern astrology.
Traditional astrology is not a branch of astrology which happens to rely on
ancient authorities: it is the tradition of astrology itself. As a traditional
science, that is, a science in the true sense of the word as opposed to the
sciences of today which are what could with exact accuracy be described as
『pseudo-sciences』, the object of astrology is the greater understanding of the
Divine, of the Creation and of Man』s place therein. The words of al-Ghazali on
anatomy are just as true of the celestial science: 「The science of the
structure of the body is called anatomy: it is a great science, but most men
are heedless of it. If any study it, it is only for the purpose of acquiring
skill in medicine, and not for the sake of becoming acquainted with the
perfection of the power of God.」




Al-Ghazali, Alchemy of Happiness, p.38. Albany, N.Y, 1873. Quoted in Seyyed
Hossein Nasr, An Introduction to Islamic Comological Doctrines, pp. 97-98, rev.
ed., Thames Hudson, London, 1978

are valid and invalid objections to astrology. A large section of the critical
literature - mainly past rather than present - does not deny its workings, but
points the pitfalls of man』s involvement with it. Some of this criticism argues
that it is impious for man to pry into the workings of the cosmos, peering into
forbidden realms of knowledge. Other works make plain the foolishness of
worshipping or attributing independent powers to the individual stars, a
confusion that is one manifestation of man』s unfortunate habit of mistaking
agent for cause: we see the messenger arrive with a letter and praise the
messenger if it bears good news. Neither of these arguments reflect on astrology
itself, only on man』s attitude towards it. Any form of knowledge is a test: how
is it to be treated? The Qur』an speaks of the challenge of knowledge:『We are only a
temptation, therefore disbelieve not (in the
guidance of Allah).』


Astrology, no less than knowledge of nuclear
fission, can be misused. If it perverts man』s faith, or causes him to set that
faith aside, it is pernicious; if it leads him to walk on the straight path, it
is a blessing. If either astrology itself or any of its elements come between
man and God, it is being misused, for implicit in its teachings is the truth
that all power is with God, and all things are subject to His will. It is here
that we see most clearly exposed the crux of the problem: why astrology is not
accepted in the modern world, and why the form in which it survives in that
world is but a mockery of its true form. In a determinedly secular world, there
is no room for a true scheme of knowledge, for the existence of such a scheme
exposes ruthlessly the paucity of the premises on which this secular knowledge
is founded.




efforts to remake astrology in the terms of Twentieth-Century western culture
have inevitably distorted it out of all recognition. First it was remade in the
form of Theosophy, then in that of Jungian psychoanalysis, then in that of West
Coast New Ageism. Each of these new languages gained it an audience;
but although the audience could understand the concepts in which astrology was
now framed, what they were hearing bore little resemblance to its true nature.
It is the hubris of modern man that 「if I dont understand it, it will have to
change.」 The stars have been around for a lot longer than we have: if we wish to
understand them, it is we who must change; we cannot change them to fit our
preconceived illusions of how things should be.


Pickthall translation.

Nor can
we subject astrology to any meaningful test by the criteria of modern science.
These criteria are essentially technological: the endless quest for the better
mousetrap, as man seeks to dominate the universe. The criteria of astrology are
sapiential. We can no more judge the one by the other than we can judge the
ability of a basketball player by the number of home runs he has scored.
Lamentably, astrologers too have been sucked into the devouring mist that
promises validation of astrology by scientific means. Their first action is invariably
to abandon all knowledge of astrology. It is not only the scientists who
conduct 『experiments』 based around the existence or otherwise of a correlation
between sun-sign and profession, an existence which no astrologer competent in
the techniques of the tradition would expect to find. Astrology concerns itself
with qualities, not quantities; its results are not measurable by strictly quantitative
methods such as statistical analysis. 「How much do you love me?」 「Forty-two centimetres.」
The answer clearly has nothing to do with the question - yet this is exactly
the answer which those modern astrologers who claim to prove anything by
statistics are providing.


the essence of the problem - the cause of the famished condition in which true
astrology lingers into the modern world - is that there can be no such thing as
humanistic astrology. Astrology is a sacred science - take away the sacred and
we have nothing. Many of the modern schools proudly proclaim themselves as
purveyors of 『humanistic astrology』; the
others have their humanism dressed up in a mockery of faith, but are
nonetheless founded in ideas that are fundamentally anti-spiritual. The
consequences of this cannot be other than what we have: narcissism through
stellar oracle. Modern astrology, in whatever form it masquerades, even the
so-called 『esoteric』 astrology, is a poor creature bereft of all inner meaning.
Its primary use is to provide validation for the bewildered of the world,
stroking fragile egos to convince them all is well. The scorn it attracts from
the sceptics is fully deserved, albeit given for the wrong reasons. If
traditional astrology is a cathedral, where man comes closer to his Maker, its
modern offshoot is nothing but a bordello, promising everyone the particular
comfort they feel they require, yet giving not one of them what he really
needs. The following chapters introduce the possibilities offered by the real
astrology that flourished so long and so richly before the advent of what is known
as the Enlightenment.










--------------------------是的,我想,我如今正在發展的,是獨一無二的嶄新形式的占星學 。--------








從早之前傳承千年之久的古典占星,一直給人印象恐怕更多的是預測與論斷。也正因為如此,常被新世紀走靈性路線的現代占星師們所詬病。從消極面來說,預測的結果一旦準確 ,就難免給他人因果關係的宿命論印象。要說古典占星導致了案主們宿命論,實際也並非如此。冰凍三尺非一日之寒。中國的文化背景太過特殊,歷來有幾千年的命理傳統,也由於歷史發展後的宗教影響、環境的變化都容易讓人們產生宿命論的心態,古占只是直接喚起了那些內心有此觀點的人的內在認同。



不可否認的是,比起古典占星,心理占星相對其來說,更重視人類意識的某個階層的探索。而且,也因此,給人類帶來了更多實效性得幫助。今天的人們,太注重物質世界的需求,卻容易忽視了內心和靈魂的渴望。科技的發展帶來的是,人類太注重與某一點,而並非帶著統一性整體性看待這個世界。結合心理學的占星,可以讓我們更明白,我們一直以來的身心分離的問題。而實際上, 一個人的星盤能看到的信息量,實在太大。占星能做到的,正是給人類提供整體性看待生命的角度,看出身體、心理和靈性的三個不同維度的整體性。






自由意志,free will,維基百科說,自由意志是人們依照其擁有的條件去決定是否做一件事情的能力。那麼,其實這個詞的含義,是人類根據自己的理性來掌控自己的決定與行為。











好景不長,1914年他被起訴,因為算命違反當時的法律。那怎麼整啊?還好他的律師很雞汁,讓他說自己搞的是心理諮詢,躲過一劫。 這個事件卻促使他原本強調事件預測,而轉性個性解釋。後英國占星界紛紛效仿,讓占星學躲過了無數口水……





古典占星和現代占星 星體相位容許度不同,古典占星是兩個不同星體有不同數值,現代占星是無論兩個啥星都一個容許度。(容我槽一句,星光真的很重要)















古典占星相對於現代占星是有著一套世俗價值觀的,換句話說就是有著明顯的吉凶之分了,在預測時也偏向於鐵口直斷;而現代占星相對而言則是有些心理諮詢的味道,沒有所謂的吉凶之分,且在New Age運動的大潮下,一些現代占星師會過度強調靈性成長或是其重要性。




























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