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1.01 pilot

Rachel leaves Barry at the alter and moves in whith monic

Monica goes on a date whith a Paul the wine guy , who turns out to be less than sincere

Ross is depressed about failed marriage

Joey compares women to ice cream

everyone watches Spanish soaps

Ross reavels his high school crush on Rachel

[ Scene: Central Perk ,Chandler ,Joey, Phoebe ,and Monic are there ]

註:Central perk 中央公園咖啡館,是《老友記》中虛構的一個咖啡館,在Monic公寓附近

Monica : There"s nothing to tell ! He is just some guy I work whith.

Joey : C"mon, you"re going to out whith the guy! There"s gotta be something wrong whith him!

go out whith <俚語>約會

Chandle : So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?

hump:n 駝背; hairpiece:n false hair wig 假髮

Phoebe :Does he eat chalk?

(They all stare ,bemused.)


Phoebe :Just" cause I don"t want her to go through what I went through whith Carl-oh!

Monica :Okay, everybody relax.This is not a even date .It"s just two people going out to dinner and —— not having sex.

Chandle:Sounds like a date to me.

(Time lapse)

lapse v:時間流逝

Chandle:Aright! So I"m backing in high school ,I"m standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and I realize I am totally……naked.

cafeteria: 自主食堂

All : Oh yeah .Head that dream.

Chandle: Then, a I look down ,and I realize there"s a phone……there.

Joey: Instead of…… ?

Chandle: That"s right.

Joey: Never had that dream.


Chandle: All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring, and it turns out it"s my mother, whitch is very very weird , because—— she never calls me.

all of a sudden :adv 突然之間

(Time lapse ,Ross has entered.)

Ross:(mortified) Hi.

mortified:adj 受羞辱的,窘迫的;mortify:v 使感屈辱,使感羞愧,使失面子。

(eg: The teacher was motified by his own inability to answer such a simple question.)

Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself.

Monica: Are you okay, sweetie?

Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine,pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck……

intestine: 腸


Monica:(explaining to the others)Carol moved her stuff out today.

Joey: Ohh.

Monica:(to Ross)Let me get you some coffee.

Ross: Thanks.

Phoebe:Ooh! Oh ! ( She starts to pluck at the air just in front of Ross.)

pluck:v拔去(雞鴨)毛 扯 拉。

(eg:He plucked the letter from her hands. )

pluck at: to remove abrupty(唐突底) or forcibly(強制地)

Ross:No, no don"t! Stop cleansing my aura!No, just leav my aura alone,okay?I"ll

be fine ,alright? Really ,everyone.I hope she"ll be very happy.

aura: a distinctive atmosphere surrounding a given source 氣氛,靈光,光環。

(eg: The place had an aura of mystery)

Monica: No, you don"t.

Ross:No, I don"t, to hell whith her, she left me!

to hell whith <口語>讓什麼見鬼去,該死的。

Joey:And you never knew she was a lesbian....

Ross:Noo!!Okay!?Why does everyone keep fixating on that ?She didn"t know ,how should I know?

fixate on: v to focus one"s gaze or attention on something.關注某事

Chandle:Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian....(They alll stare at him.)Did I say that out loud?

Joey: Aright Ross,look. You are feeling a lot of pain rightnow.Youare angry. You are hurting.Can I tell you what the answer is?

(Ross gestures his consent.)

consent:v 同意,贊成。

Joey: Stip joint! C"mon!

You"re single! Have some hormones.



hormones 荷爾蒙,激素 stip: v 剝去。joint<俚語>下流娛樂場所

strip joint:(n夜總會) a night club or other establishment where striptease(脫衣舞) is performed. 脫衣舞酒吧

Ross:I don"t want to be single, okay? I just....i just——I just wanna be married again !

Chandle: And I just want a millon dolllars.(He extends his hands hopefully)

(Rachel enters in a wet wedding dress and starts to search the room.)

Monica:Rachel !?

Rachel :Oh God! Monica hi! thank god! I just went to your building and you weren"t there and then this guy whith a big hammer said you might be here and you are,you are!

Waitree: Can I get you some coffee?

Monica:(Point at Rachel)De—caff.( To all) Okay ,so everybody,This is Rachel,another Lincoln High survivor.( To Rachel) This is everybody,this is Chandle, and Phoebe, and Joey, and —you remember my brother Ross?

De—caff 不含咖啡因的咖啡

Rachel: sure!


(They go to hug, but Ross"s umbrella opens .He sits back down defeated again. a moment silence follows as Rachel sits and the other expects her to explain.)

Monica: So, you wanna to tell us now, or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids?

bridesmaid: 女賓相,女伴娘

Rachel: Oh God......well, it started about a harf hour berore the wedding. We were in this room where we were keeping all the presents, and I was looking at this gravy boat. This really a gorgeous Limoges gravy boat. When all of a sudden(To the waitress that brought her coffee) Sweet"N Low?—I realize that I was more turned on by this gray boat than by Barry! And then I got really freaked out,and that"s when it hit me:How much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head. Y"know,I mean ,I always knew looked familiar, but anyway, I just to get out of there,and I started wondering 『Why am I doing this,and who am I doing this for?』( to Monica) So anyway I just didn"t know where to go, and I know that you and I have a kianda drifted apart,but you are the only person I knew who lived here in the city.

gravy:n肉汁/gorgeous:adj 極好的,非常漂亮的/ turn on <俚語> if someone or something turns you on,that means they make you interested or excited sexuallyed way

drift apart : lose person contact over time (疏遠


(eg It hit all of a sudden that I have fogotten her birthday.)

gravy boat : a elongated(伸長的) boat shaped pitcher used to serve gravy,a gravy boat usually sits on a matching plate,which is used to catch gravy drips,somgtimes the plate is permanently attached to the picher(帶柄的大水罐) a matching ladle(長柄)ofen companies a gravy boat,also called sauce boat(船形滷肉盅)

Limoges is a city and commune in France,Limoges is known wordwid for it"s medieval(中世紀的) enamels(搪瓷,琺琅)

Limoges porcelain(瓷器)

Sweet"N Low is a popular brand of artificial sweetener(人造甜味劑)

made from granulated(顆粒狀的) saccharin(糖精)dextrose(糖精)and cream of tartar(酒石)It was invented in 1957 by Benjamin Eisenstadt and his son,Marvin Eisenstadt,the eldly Eisenstadt had earlier invented the sugar packet,but neglected to patent it,and artificial sweetener packets were an outgrowth(副產品) of that business. The two were the first to market and distribute the sugar substitute in powdered form.Their distribution company,Cumberland Packing Corporation,still cotrolls the product. The name Sweet"N Low derives from1863 by Joseph Barnby,which took both its title and lyrics from an Alfred Lord Tennyson poem, entitled The Princess:Sweet and Low. From the 1950s to the 1980s, Sweet"N Low held a virtual(實際的) monopoly of the artificial sweetener market.

Currently, according to Rich Cohen"s book Sweet and Low,it holds the #3 position in said market,behind the Equal sweetener and Splenda(低脂糖)

Mr.Potato Head is a popular children"s doll,consisting of a plastic model of potato.Originaly,the potato is blank(沒有表情的);however , it can be decorated whith numorous attachable plastic parts to make face,including a mustache,hat nose and other features.

Mr.Potato Head is a popular children"s doll,consisting of a plastic model of potato.Originaly,the potato is blank(沒有表情的);however , it can be decorated whith numorous attachable plastic parts to make face,including a mustache,hat nose and other featoures.

Monica: Who wasn"t invited to the wedding.

Rachel: Ooh, I was kinda hoping that wouldn"t be an issue.

[Scene Monica"s apartment,everyone is there and watching a Spanish Soap on TV and trying to figure out what is going on.]

Monica: Now ,I am guessing that he bought her the big pipe organ,and she"s really not happy about it.

pipe organ:(管風琴)

Rachel: (On phone ) Daddy.....I just ...Ican"t marry him! I"m sorry ,I just don"t love him, well , it matters to me.

(The scene on TV has changed to show two women, the one is holding her hair. )

Chandle: Ooh,she should not be wearing those pants.

Joey: I say push her down the stairs.

Phoebe , Ross,Joeyande Chandle: Push her down the stairs!Push her down the stairs! Push her down the stairs!

(She is pushed down the stairs and everyone cheers)

Rachel: C"mon Daddy,listen to me ! It"s like ...it"s like, all of my life,every one has told me"You are a shoe! you are shoe ,you are shoe, you are a shoe! "And today I just stopped and I said"What if i don"t wanna be a shoe? What if I wanna be a purse".Y"know? Or a hat! No, I"m not saying I want you to buy me a hat,I"m saying I am a ha-It"s a metaphor , Daddy!

what if 如果。。。。又怎樣?

metaphor :n analogy 隱喻 比喻 類比

Ross: You can see where he"d have trouble.

You can see where he"d have trouble: Aparrently,we can tell that Rach"s Dad made fun of Rach"s metaphor by saying 『buy her a hat』, and pretended that he didn"t know what was Rach was talking about. But what even worse is that Rach didn"t get her father"s little trick either.So, she yelled at the phone that"It"s a metaphor,Daddy!". Once she realized how rud and how unladily(不淑女的)she was just now,her eyes met whith Ross"s,

whitch made Ross ratherembarrassing.Sohe ended up saying that"You can see where he"d have trouble." That means "You can see misunderstanding your metaphor is here he"d have trouble to comunicate whith you smoothly."

Rachel:Look Daddy, it"s my life . Well maybe I"ll just stay here whith monica.

Monica: Well, I guess we"ve establnished who" s staying here whith Monica...



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