
not a bit與not a little同義嗎?有什麼區別

請看下面兩個句子,not a bit與not a little同義嗎?

a. After such a long walk in such hot weather he was not __________ tired.

b. We are not __________ tired. Of course we can go on with the work.

A. a bit, a little B. a little, a bit C. a bit, a bit D. a little, a little


1. 在肯定句中,a bit 和 a little 有時可換用。如:

He is a bit [=a little] tired. 他有點累了。

It is a bit [=a little] hot. 有點熱。

2. 但是在否定句中,兩者的意思幾乎相反。如:

not a bit 表示「一點也不」(=not at all)

not a little 表示「很」、「非常」(=very)

(1) a. The book is not a bit interesting. 這本書一 點也沒有趣。

b. The book is not a little interesting. 這本書 很有趣。

(2) a. This kind of car is not a bit expensive. 這 種汽車一點也不貴。

b. This kind of car is not a little expensive. 這種汽車很貴。

(3) a. He was not a bit surprised when he heard the news. 他聽到這個消息時,一點也不驚奇。

b. He was not a little surprised when he heard the news. 他聽到這個消息時,十分驚奇。


老電影推薦:男人魅力大展示+泡妞秘籍《Scent of a Woman/聞香識女人》

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