
Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes

Order: Lamniformes

Family: lamnidae

Genus: Carcharodon

Species: Carcharodon Carcharias

One of the most fear animals of the sea

and the starring role of the Steven Spielberg movie Jaw, this shark is known

for its size, as the female can grow up to 20ft and the weight up to 1,950kg

this is just the female, while the males are smaller than the females ranging

from 13ft in length.

The body is in the shape of a torpedo

this makes them more aerodynamic in the water which helps them reaches speeds

up to 15mph compare that to French swimmer Frederick Bousquet who swam 50 in

20.94 seconds that』s the average speed of 5mph, so the average person would not

be able to outswim a great white shark.

The body of the

great white shark are seen with two different colours light blue on the top

half and white on the bottom, this is camouflage for the shark that has

developed over millions of years of evolutions, while the thinking how is white

and blue good camouflage. If you are above the shark and look down the colour

blue mixes with the darkness of the ocean and if you under the shark and

looking up the white belly mixes with the light from the sun so that it cannot

be seen by prey while it is swimming above or under the prey they are hunting.

The vision of the shark is very

poor but to make up for this shark hunt by scent and electric impulse that all

living creatures give off, one of the things people notice when a great white

attack is that is eyes change colour, this is the eyelid this protects the eye

so that it doesn』t become damaged while the eyeis normally dark

or black colour they will turn white which gives them a scarier look. The scent

is so powerful that the shark can smell a drop of blood in 100 litres of water

and sense the blood if its 3 miles away.

The shark has a row of 24 exposed teeth

but this is where something interesting happens, because if an animal loses its

teeth it will find it harder to hunt animals and could starve to death or choke

on food, so losing teeth is very bad but the great white has solved this

problem with and endless supply of regenerating teeth .

The life span of the Great White shark

has been estimated to be 70 years, which make it one of the longest lived

cartilaginous fish currently alive.

The Great White live in mostly coastal

waters in water that is between 12 and 24 C, the countries they surround are

parts of the United States, South Africa, Japan, Oceania, Chile and the


Baby great white sharks are called pups

but do not confuse these with puppies what baby dogs are called. While in the

womb of the mother the pups will eat their own teeth which helps they gain

strength and calcium, as soon as the pup leaves the mother it will be

independent and will go off on its own adventure finding smaller fish to eat.







種: 大白鯊











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