
Language exchange#A 語言交換

Language exchange#A 語言交換

I have been exchanging languages for more than 1 year. I met a lot of people on my way of learning languages. Now I have three reasonable language partners, so I stopped to look for a new language partner.


I decided to write an article on zhihu because I wanna practise my writing on the one hand, and on the other hand, I received many private messages about asking me how to look for a language partner or how to keep the conversation going in the language exchange.


1 Find a language partner

You can search italki or conversation exchange on the website. By the way, I like Conversation Exchange a lot. Because you cant see their selfies, just their self-introduction. So you can easily tell who really wants to learn Chinese. And then send an email to tell them you want to be their language partner and who you are.

你可以在網上搜索italki或者conversation exchange。順便說一句,我更喜歡conversation exchange。 因為你不能看到他們的自拍照,只有他們的自我介紹。所以你可以容易地分辨出誰是真的想學中文的。然後發一封郵件告訴他們你想成為他們的語言夥伴以及你是誰。

Please write down their names at the beginning of the email, or theyll think it was a mass email:) Leave your contact information at the end of the email. Such as your Skype ID, Whatsapp or Wechat. I prefer to leave my Skype ID, because for me, personally, I think Wechat is a personal privacy account:)

請在郵件的開頭寫下他們的名字,不然他們會覺得這是一封群發郵件:) 在郵件的最後留下你的聯繫方式。比如你的Skype,Whatsapp, 微信。我更喜歡留下我的Skype,因為就我個人覺得,微信是個人隱私賬戶,我不喜歡加不熟悉的人。

Not everyone will reply to your email, so dont give up. Send your email at least 10 people each time. I can tell you that maybe only one person will answer your email, but this one might be a great language partner:)


Ill update my article next time about how to write your profile in the language exchange website. Now I have a class:P



我在英國學阿拉伯語 (17) 五個名詞
(轉)懂得全部 200 句就可以算是精通廣東話。
我在英國學阿拉伯語 (16) 幾個助詞

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