Creativity is in your pocket.

Creativity is in your pocket.

來自專欄 商業深度洞察

What I learned from 40 hours at Adweek 2017!

The original version is Chinese version published on Wechat platform as 『AdWeek #2 | Creativity is in your pocket!』 on 09/27/2017.

This is the favorite session from Adweek 2017, all the information are from Adweek. Appriciate the great ideas.

The story begin with a Brand. There is a garden called DG: distinct garden. Two founders try to sell the stuff that they plant to make some money. But they are facing a difficulty that it is hard for them to deliver their information in a effective way because they neither have channels or tools. What if you live in Chicago and you want to buy the products from DG, what should you do? No way.

So at the very beginning, DG upload some pictures about their charismas tree that they hope someone will come and buy some.

They begin to receive phone calls from buyers and even some visitors to their garden. But as a retailer, it is very hard for them to cover the cost by only selling few trees. Then they begin to try new ways to advertise, so there are some ads appeared like this.

New posts are both very attractive and representative about DG』s style.

The result is: Their tress are all sold out. They have to stop al the ads now and made new posts to inform buyers that all stuff are sold out.

Now you can guess how much does this ad cost? Only $1.99

This is an extraordinary ROI. And the reason why they achieve this is because they use a creative app to implement their business plan.

Let』s see some other examples.

When you see this photo, you must think this is taken from a very luxury kitchen. But the real situation is like this ….

This company creates this amazing poster by creatively taking pictures and short videos through different angles to achieve different ways of expression. They even post them all in a pattern to test which one has teh best ROI.

Finally the lower one perform better. (It is actually a animated short video.) Then sold out again ….

Except the ways above, you can also using the following ways to make creative video ads.

Create virtual tour (360 degree video)

Compress a long story (Time-lapse photography)

Simple stop motion video

After we talk about how to create new photos. Let』s see how to make exsiting things more fun.

Live up your photos.

If you have your own website to sell products, this example might be a good fit for you. You can animated your photo by using ins.

Taking photos first and put them into different backgrounds to animated them into a short video. This perform mush better than just single display.

Animate you LOGO

Video shop

Make a picture move

App: Maskart.

The function of the glasses is to reduce the radiation of screen, and this function is hard to express.

Add motion to copy

In real estate, the thing that people care most is price.

App: Legand.

To show the price at the beginning of the video is a great way.

Of course these are only small examples. Try to create your own advertising and HAVE FUN!!!!!

Keep going and don』t settle!

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