地道英文俚語A-Z #71-80

地道英文俚語A-Z #71-80

地道英文俚語A-Z #71-80

(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)



*他說: 「(對你的成功)1(不要太自滿)2因為(一個小錯誤)3你(準備在旁)4的(主要對手)5(肯定會)6 (推翻)7你的(領導地位)8.」: He said: 「Don』t be (too smug)2 (about your success)1, because (one little slip-up)3 and your arch-competitor5 (waiting in the wing)4 (could very well)6 unseat7 your (leadership position)8.」

*他的女朋友對他說: 「我({需要另外五分鐘來準備好}1a/{在五分鐘來會你}1b/{不是完全準備好, 給我多五分鐘}1c).」: His girlfriend said to him: 「I ({need another five minutes to get ready}1a/{will be with you in five minutes}1b/{am not quite ready yet. Give me another five minutes}1c).」

*他(具備)1所有(成為)2(成功商業領袖)3的(條件)4: (鎮定自信)5, (好樣子)6, (街頭智慧)7, (常春藤學銜)8, 和(證實了的事業記錄)9: He possesses1 all the qualities4 (to be)2 a (successful business leader)3 - poise5, (good looks)6, (street smarts)7, (an Ivy League degree)8, and a (proven track record)9.

*在(會計師事務所)1隻有(某些)2(精選)3的(個人)4會被(悉心準備)5為(合伙人)6(其餘的)7(在適當過程中)8將會被從公司(移走)9: In (public accounting firms)1 only certain2 chosen3 individuals4 will be groomed5 for partners6, and (the rest)7 will be (moved out)9 of the firms (in due course)8.

*她(在電話)1(聯絡到他)2說: 「我(以為)3(你倆)4今天去(大巴旅遊)5.」 他說: 「我們已(準備好/ditto)6(出發)7, 站在這裡(等候旅遊大巴)8.」: She (reached him)2 (over the phone)1 and said: 「I thought3 (you two)4 were going on a (bus tour)5.」 He said: 「We are (all set/ready)6 (to go)7 and are standing here (waiting for the tour bus)8.」

*他說: 「因為我們住在(遠離公交服務)1的(郊區)2, 我們擁有一輛(七人座位的箱型貨車)3為(家庭用的車)4, 和另外一輛(細小的轎車)5為(備用)6.」: He said: 「Because we live in the suburb2 (far from the transit service)1, we own a (seven-seater van)3 as the (family car)4 and another (small sedan)5 as a backup6.」

*他說: 「(適當準備)1是(成功地做出)2 ({推銷陳述}3a/{推銷呈示}3b)的(關鍵)4, 我們的公司(從來不會)5(準備不足/ditto)6便(接洽)7(有潛力成為顧客者)8.」: He said: 「Preparation1 is the key4 to (making a successful)2 ({sales pitch}3a/{sales presentation}3b), and our company (would never)5 approach7 a (potential client)8 (half-cocked/not fully prepared /inadequately prepared)6.」

*在(有很多錢)1和(侵襲性的擴展計劃)2下這公司(準備行動)3去從(本地零售小角色)4 (做出大步躍進)5(去成為)6一個(時裝界)7(全球性牌子)8: With (a pot of cash)1 and an (aggressive expansion plan)2, this company is poised3 to (make the giant leap)5 from a (small-time domestic retailer)4 (to become)6 a (global brand)8 in the (fashion world)7.

*(節目主持人)1對(製作人)2說: 「你沒有給我(足夠時間/ditto)3去(預備)4這個(總統訪問)5, (我怎麼可能做得到呢)6?」 製作人回答道: 「(看來)7這一次你要(隨機應變/ditto)8了.」: The (program host)1 said to the producer2: 「You didn』t give me (enough time/sufficient time)3 to prepare4 for this (interview with the President)5 and (how can I possibly do it)6?」 The producer replied: 「(Looks like)7 you have to (wing it/improvise)8 this time.」

被: (~他帶走) (taken away) by (him); (~子) blanket

?被罩[被袋]: duvet cover

*每天早晨他(收拾好睡床)1把(被子疊得齊齊整整)2: Every morning he (makes his bed)1 and (neatly folds the blanket)2.

*他對她說: 「我剛(被他罵了一頓)1所以(不要走近他)2.」: He said to her: 「I just (got chewed out by him)1, and so (don』t go near him)2.」

狽[狽]: (狼~) embarrassed

*他說: 「第一次我帶一個({約會伴侶}1a/{女孩子}1b)出外我是(不快意地狼狽)2發覺我({把錢包留在家中}3a/{忘記帶我的錢包}3b).」: He said: 「The first time I took a ({date}1a/{girl}1b) out I was (grossly embarrassed)2 to find that I ({left my wallet at home}3a/{forgot to bring my wallet}3b).」

貝[貝]: (~殼) seashell

? 乾貝[江瑤柱]: scallop

*他說: 「如果你(得不到車輛載送)1我明天(開車載你去機場)2.」 她說: 「你是個(寶貝)3.」: He said: 「If you (can』t get a ride)1, I』ll (drive you to the airport)2 tomorrow.」 She said: 「You』re a darling3.」

背: (~) back; (~水作戰) back (against the water in battle); (~著人) back facing someone; (~誦) recite; (~約) breach a promise; (~過面) turn the face around

?(背/後背): back

? 運動背心: tank top

*她(在他背後)1(說他壞話)2: She (badmouthed him)2 (behind his back)1.

*他將(歌詞)1(背得滾瓜爛熟)2: He has the lyric1 (down pat)2.

*他的(公寓單位)1(背著)2(市政大樓)3: His apartment1 (faces away)2 from (City Hall)3.

*他每天晚上都(背兒子一程)1(上床)2: He (gives his son a piggyback ride)1 (to bed)2 every night.

*他有一個({駝著}1a/{長期有患}1b/{痛楚}1c/{充滿肌肉}1d) 的背部: He has a ({hunched}1a/{chronically bad}1b/{sore }1c/ {muscular}1d) back.

*(露臍/ditto)1(背心)2和(低腰/ditto)3( 牛仔褲子)4是現今女性(時興/ditto)5: (Exposed midriff/Bare-midriff)1 tops2 and (low-slung/long-rise/low-rise)3 jeans4 are (in fashion/all the rage)5 nowadays for females.

*他說: 「因他有(背約/ditto)1的(往跡)2我們(跟他有生意往來/ditto)3(需要)4(慎重考慮)5.」: He said: 「He has a history2 of (breaking promises/reneging on promises)1 and we (need to)4 (think long and hard)5 before we (deal with him/do business with him)3.」

*(不為一般大眾所知道)1, (女明星)2和(模特兒)3(笑容)4(背後)5有(很多淚水)6: (Unknown to the general public)1, there are (many tears)6 behind5 the (smiling faces)4 of actresses2 and (fashion models)3.

*那(黑手黨頭子)1告訴他的(黨羽)2沒有人能夠(背叛/ditto)3他並(生存著來談及它)4: The (mafia boss)1 told his (gang members)2 that nobody could (double-cross/betray)3 him and (live to tell about it)4.

*當你跟(事業野心家)1和(投機者)2(交接)3要(小心背後/小心被暗箭所傷)4: (Watch your back/ditto)4 when you (deal with)3 careerists1 and opportunists2.

*她(穿著)1一件(暴露)2她(軀幹)3的(漂亮中部)4的({露背, 肩膀和手臂的背心}5a/{無袖背心}5b): She wore1 a ({halter/halter-top}5a/{tank top}5b) that exposed2 the (cute midsection)4 of her torso3.

*他說: 「那件(行李)1(很重)2你如果(嘗試)3(舉起)4它可能會(損害/ditto)5你的(背部)6: He said: 「That baggage1 is heavy2, and you may (break/ruin/ wreck)5 your back6 if you try3 to lift4 it.」

*那(小女孩子)1(走上台)2,( 清她的喉嚨)3, 以(微弱/ditto)4和(顫抖)5的(聲音)6來(背誦那首詩)7: The (little girl)1 (walked up onto the stage)2, (cleared her throat)3, and (recited the poem)7 in a (faint/weak)4 and trembling5 voice6.

*他說: 「這(政客)1(獲選)2因為他是我們(不成功人士)3(原則)4的(捍衛者)5, 但現今他將會為一(內閣職位)6而(背叛原則)7(支持有錢人)8.」: He said: 「This politician1 was elected2 because he was a champion5 of the causes4 for underdogs3 like us, but now he is going to (sell out)7 and (support the rich)8 for a (cabinet position)6.」

*當公司(關掉)1(組織)2(唯一工會化的店子)3(提及)4(運作虧損)5(事情真相跟表面不一樣)6, 因為(更大的背後情形)7是(推開工會)8: (Things are not what it seems to be)6 when the company (closed down)1 the (only unionized store)3 in its organization2 citing4 (operating losses)5, because the (bigger picture in the background)7 is to (fend off the union)8.

*他說: 「我有(幾個)1(宿願)2要跟這個(黑社會黨員)3(解決)4, 你可以(跟我一起去)5(留意我的背後)6嗎?」 他的朋友說: 「如果我將會留意你的背後, 誰人去留意我的背後呢?」: He said: 「I have (a few)1 scores2 to settle4 with this gangster3. Can you (come with me)5 and (watch my back)6?」 His friend said: 「If I』m going to watch your back, who』s going to watch mine?」

倍: (~) multiples; (~加小心) much (more careful)

*他說: 「如果你給我這份(任務)1, 我會(加倍努力去做它)2.」: He said: 「If you give me this assignment1, I』ll (give it all I have and then some)2.」

*(去年的)1(銷售/ditto)2比(前一年的)3({兩倍於/ditto}4a/{三倍於}4b): (Last year』s)1 (sales/revenues)2 ({increased to twofold of/doubled that of}4a/ {increased by twofold over/tripled that of}4b) (prior year』s)3.

*現在(電腦)1能夠(處理數據)2(多百萬倍/ditto)3(快過)4(人類的腦子)5: Nowadays computers1 can (process data)2 (millions-time/millions-fold)3 (faster than)4 (human brain)5.

*(員工)1將會(支付)2({一倍半}3a/{兩倍}3b)給在({星期天}4a/{法定假期/ditto}4b)(工作)5: Employees1 will be paid2 ({time-and-a-half}3a/{double-time}3b) for working5 on ({Sundays}4a/{statutory holidays/government holidays }4b).

*他說: 「我已經(到處比較價錢)1我可以告訴你這件(大衣)2(就算是)3(兩倍/ditto)4那價錢(是便宜)5.」: He said: 「I』ve been (shopping around)1 and I can tell you this coat2 (is cheap)5 (even at)3 (twice/double)4 that price.」

*(大學)1是一個(值得的)2(投資)3, (在一個學生的一生)4他將會(賺回)5(很多倍)6(學費)7的(原來投資)8: College1 is a worthwhile2 investment3, and (over the student』s lifetime)4 he will (make back)5 the (initial investment)8 in (tuition fees)7 (many times over)6.

*(美好光景)1時({妨礙/ditto}2a/ {拖慢}2b)(進展)3的(輕微)4(小毛病/ditto)5可能會當({事情轉壞}6a/ {事情不好}6b)時({多倍地}7a/{十倍地}7b)(擴大)8: Minor4 (glitches/hitches/snags)5 that ({hinder/impede}2a/{slow down}2b) progress3 during (good times)1 could magnify8 ({many folds}7a/{ten folds}7b) when ({things turn south}6a/{times are bad}6b).

蓓: (~) flower-bud

焙: (~) bake

輩[輩]: (~) generation groups, e.g., (前~) seniors, (同~) peers

*他(一輩子/ditto)1(替人打工)2: He (has been working for others)2 in his (whole life/whole lifetime)1.

*像他(同輩)1 他(喜歡花錢)2: Like his contemporaries1, he (likes to spend money)2.

*(後輩)1和(先輩)2應該(彼此敬重)3: Juniors1 and seniors2 should (mutually respect each other)3.

*一些(老一輩的人)1當涉及(電腦技能)2是完全(迷惑/ditto)3: Some old-timers1 are totally (befuddled/bewildered/ puzzled/confounded/confused)3 when it comes to (computer skills)2.

*(老一輩工人)1受到(襲擊/ditto)2當(新科技)3(威嚇)4使他們的(職位)5和(技能)6變成(過時)7: (Older generation workers)1 are under (attack/ assault)2 as (new technologies)3 are threatening4 to make their jobs5 and skills6 obsolete7.


奔: (~走) run

*在(防火演習)1中老師對學生說: 「孩子們, (步行快速)2但不要(奔走)3.」: In the (fire drill)1, the teacher said to the students: 「Kids, (walk fast)2 but don』t run3.」

bén: XXXXX


本: (根~) origin; (~身) self; (~錢) capital; (~) unit (of book)

?課本: textbook

?日記本兒: diary

?活頁筆記本: loose-leaf notebook

?(練習本兒/筆記簿): notebook

*她(擁有)1(總裁)2的(頭銜)3但沒有(領袖的本事)4: She carries1 the title3 of CEO2 but does not have (what it takes to be a leader)4.

*中國是世界上(最低成本)1(做生意目的地)2(之一)3: China is (one of)3 the (leading low-cost)1 (business destinations)3 in the world.

*(我們大多數人)1都(本能地知道)2怎麼(享受人生/ditto)3(躲避/ditto)4工作: (Most of us)1 (know instinctively)2 how to (enjoy life/live it up)3 and (duck/shun/avoid)4 work.

*他說: 「一旦是個(撒謊者)1, 永遠是個撒謊者, 我恐怕(他簡直不能改變本性/ditto)2.」: He said: 「Once a liar1, always a liar [口], and I』m afraid (he simply cannot change his spots/a leopard cannot change his spots)2.」

*他對(班級計劃)1的(夥伴)2說: 「我已(做完)3(我的本分)4, 現在(你要做你的)5.」: He said to his class-project1 partners2: 「I』ve done3 (my part)4. Now (you have to do yours)5.」

*這(季刊)1(報紙)2(特寫是)3給予(在那地區)4(土著/原住民)5(本地的)6(新聞)7和(時事)8: This quarterly1 newspaper2 features3 local6 news7 and (current affairs)8 for (aboriginal people/ditto)5 (in the region)4.

*從(零碎式)1(轉換)2為(傳送帶式)3(生產系統)4應該會(減低)5(每件貨品的成本)6: A switch2 from a piecemeal1 to a conveyor-belt3 (production system)4 should lower5 (unit cost)6.

*人們(本性是)1在他們自己的(渺小)2(溝渠/慣常習慣)3(感到安逸)4, 並是(畏懼/ditto)5(轉變)6: People (by nature/ naturally/instinctively/inherently/innately)1 feel comfortable4 in their own little2 (grooves/ditto)3, and are (apprehensive/ afraid/fearful)5 of changes6.

*在(冒險走進)1(新市場)2時({難以預料}3a/{不能預料}3b/{詫異}3c)(商業風險)4是(基本性的/ditto)5: In (venturing into)1 a (new market)2, ({unpredictable}3a/{unanticipated/unexpected}3b/{surprised }3c) (business risks)4 (are inherent/come with the territory)5.

*很多人(基本上)1(不同意)2這小國家的(慷慨)3(福利救濟制度)4(實質上)5(鼓勵)6人們(保持失業)7: Many people fundamentally1 disagree2 with the generous3 (social welfare system)4 of this little country that (in effect)5 encourages6 people to (stay unemployed)7.

*我們的(最高行政人員)1是({本地栽培的}2a/{本地人}2b/{在外地訓練的}2c/{從外國移居的人}2d): Our (top executives)1 are ({home-grown}2a/{local boys}2b/{foreign-trained}2c/{expatriates}2d).

*這(球隊)1(全季結束)2(十五仗全勝記錄)3的(非凡本領)4是此(協會有史以來)5(以前只有另外一次)6(做得到)7: The team1 (finishes the season)2 with (a perfect 15: 0 record)3 – a feat4 that was accomplished7 (only once before)6 in the (league』s history)5.

*他是個(冷靜實際的)1(股票分析家)2, 並有({天生本領}3a/{敏銳的本領}3b)在(股市)4(一貫地)5(挑選)6(成功者)7: He is a hard-nosed1 (stock analyst)2, and has ({a knack}3a/{keen instincts}3b) in picking6 winners7 consistently5 in the (stock market)4.

*一個在(街頭混的小子)1(通常)2對(不懷好意情況)3(反應)4是(動物本能)5的(「對打或是逃避」)6(而不是)7(企圖)8(講理來逃脫)9: A (street kid)1 usually2 responds4 to a (threatening situation)3 with the (animal instincts)5 of (「fight or flight」)6 (rather than)7 trying8 to (reason his way out of it)9.

*他說: 「一年前我有一個(雙倍我工資)1的(聘用提議)2但我的({本能反應}3a/{直覺}3b)(告訴我)4(拒絕它/ditto)5, 六個月後那間公司(倒閉/ditto)6.」: He said: 「One year ago I was (offered a job)2 (at twice my salary)1 but my ({gut reaction}3a/{instinct}3b) (told me)4 to (refuse it/reject it/turn it down/decline it)5, and six months later that company (went under/was out of business)6.」

*她對她男朋友(行為)1很(憤怒)2對他說: 「我應該知道({失敗}3a/{諷刺}3b/{虛偽}3c/{固執}3d/{愚昧}3e/{不理會他人感受}3f)是你的(本性 [意])4.」: She got mad2 over her boyfriend』s behavior1 and said to him: 「I should have known ({failure}3a/{sarcasm}3b/{hypocrisy}3c/{stubbornness }3d/{ignorance}3e/{insensitivity/thoughtlessness/inconsideration}3f) is your (middle name)4.」

*那(總統)1有(天賦本領)2以({文字是}3a/{措辭是}3b/{方法是}3c)({簡單和容易了解}4a/{精簡, 具體和容易了解}4b)來(解釋)5(複雜)6的(概念/ditto)7: The President1 has a knack2 for explaining5 complicated6 (concepts/ideas)7 in ({a language that is}3a/{terms that are}3b/{a way that is}3c) ({simple and easy to understand}4a/{succinct, concrete and easy to understand}4b).

*她說: 「你似乎(熱衷於)1例如(高空跳傘)2, (攀登岩石)3, 和(深海潛水)4的(瘋狂東西)5.」 他說: 「對, (冒險)6是(在我本性裡面)7我不能夠把它從我的({生命}8a/{生命活力}8b) (排除)9.」: She said: 「You seem to be (keen on)1 (crazy things)5 like sky-diving2, rock-climbing3, and deep-sea diving4.」 He said: 「Yeah, adventure6 is (in my nature)7 and I can』t (get it out of)9 my ({system}8a/{blood}8b).」

*(新員工)1問道: 「我怎麼(處理)2(準備)3跟一個(新承租人)4的(租約)5?」 (經理)6說: 「(開始)7你應該(從我們內部法律部門)8取(租約原裝本)9的一份(影印件)10然後(著手)11去(做適當的修改)12.」: The (new staff)1 asked: 「How do I (go about)2 preparing3 a lease5 with a (new tenant)4?」 The manager6 said: 「(To start)7, you should get a photocopy10 of the (master lease)9 (from our in-house legal department)8 and then proceed11 to (make appropriate modifications)12.」


笨: (~) stupid; (~手~腳) clumsy; (~重) (unwieldy/heavy & clumsy)

*她說: 「他的兒子(是/ditto)1個(多嘴)2的({缺乏普通常識小笨蛋}3a/{任性自私小壞蛋}3b).」: She said: 「His son (is/is nothing but)1 a mouthy2 ({little twit}3a/{little brat}3b).」



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