T4 簽證面試中,常見的十五個問題

T4 簽證面試中,常見的十五個問題

來自專欄 漫步泰晤士// 導語 //



下面,我們一起來看一下T4 簽證面試中,常見的十五個問題:

For Visa Application Interview


Why did you decide to study in this university?

2, 為什麼選擇在英國學習?

Why are you going to study in the UK?

3, 為即將到來的學習做了那些相應的準備?

What preparations have you made for the study in the UK?

4, 學習完成後,你將會獲得什麼學位?

What degree will you get after the study in the UK?

5, 關於你畢業之後有什麼打算?

What is your future plan after completing the study in the UK?

6, 會在英國找工作嗎?

Would you like to seek a job in the UK?

7, 如果回國,你打算做什麼?

What will you do when you come back to China?

8, 你認為在英國學習你會遇到的最大困難是什麼?

What will be the biggest difficulty in your study in the UK?

9, 你馬上要去讀的課程是什麼?你所學的專業是什麼?

What is your course name on your CAS statement? and what is your major?

10, 如果你有工作經驗,給我描述一下?

Please tell me something about your working experience?

11, 你現在所讀的大學,你的專業有多少人?

How many students are there in your department?

12, 談談你的愛好啊之類的?

Tell me something about your hobbies? What do you do in your spare time?

13, 你的父母是做什麼工作的?

Tell me something about your parents.

14, 做一個簡單的自我介紹?

Please give me a brief introduction.

15, 你認為你有什麼樣的品格?

Please describe your personality.


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