淺談The National之二:做一期介紹The National的廣播節目(上)

淺談The National之二:做一期介紹The National的廣播節目(上)

本篇文字是淺談獨立搖滾樂隊The National的第二篇(第一篇見 淺談The National之一:來者何人 ),以一期廣播節目的形式介紹這個頗酷的樂隊。筆者沒有做過真正的廣播節目,如有機會,第一期當然會談The National。為方便聽眾讀者,筆者在蝦米音樂整理了「本期節目」的歌單:淺談The National之二 ,希望你們喜歡。

Lucky You

Every time you get a drink

And every time you go to sleep

Are those dreams inside your head

Is there sunlight on your bed

節目開頭大家聽到的是來自The National的《Lucky You》。這算是他們初創期的作品,來自2003年發表的專輯《Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers》。(第一張專輯發表於2001年。)




這張專輯——《Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers》是Matt(第一篇已介紹過是樂隊的主唱和填詞人)為糟透的愛戀寫的一首首輓歌。《Lucky You》作為專輯的最後一首實為點睛之筆。

《Lucky You》頗有民謠搖滾的感覺,而事實上也是從民謠向搖滾的漸進,是樂隊一開始嘗試的風格。全曲只有簡單的三個和弦(以及兩個衍生的變化型),伴著吉他手Aaron的原聲吉他掃弦,Matt把不堪回首的故事娓娓道來,一個落魄的男人也徐徐浮現於眼前......

Lucky You (Daytrotter Sessions)

這個版本會不會更特別?這是來自2007年7月在Daytrotter Studio的錄音。

screenshot of daytrotter


You clean yourself to meet

A man who isnt me

Youre putting on a shirt

A shirt Ill never see

With letters in your coat

And no ones in your head

Cause youre too smart to remember

Youre too smart

Lucky you...





這就是是The National,第60屆格萊美最佳另類專輯得主,是一支來自美國的獨立搖滾樂隊,其專輯《Boxer》、《Alligator》、《Trouble Will Find Me》及《High Violet》被收入NME史上500張偉大專輯(NME』s The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time)。 想了解更多關於樂隊成員的介紹,可翻閱我的文章《淺談The National之一:來者何人》 (zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/33

Beautiful Head

作為The National首張專輯《The National》的開頭曲,這真是一個漂亮的開頭。然而,細究歌詞,這還真不是「漂亮開頭」那麼簡單。


Youre walking taller than you should

The air is thin around your beautiful head

Youre saying things with your mouth to me

That I dont recognize

Youre aware of yourself lately



Do not tell me Ive changed

Youre just raising your standards

Do not give me away

I am the same

I am the same




來自專輯《Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers》,這首《單身的(筆者譯)》似乎很「搖滾」。

Do you still feel clean

When the only dirt is the dirt I left?


Why did you dress me down?

Why did you dress me down?

Why did you dress me down?

Why did you dress me down?

Why did you dress me down?

Dress me down?

Why did you dress me down?

Dress me down?

Why did you dress me down?

Dress me down?

Dressed down and liquor me up?

And liquor me up?

And liquor me up?

And liquor me up?




Wasp Nest

《Wasp Nest(筆者譯為「蜂巢」)》來自2004年發表的EP《Cherry Tree》。


Youre all humming live wires

Under your killing clothes

Get over here I wanna

Kiss your skinny throat

Youre a wasp nest


這首歌的編曲總是讓我想起The National的《Green Gloves》,出自我們接下來要介紹的專輯《Boxer》。

前兩張錄音室盤——2001年的《The National》和2003年的《Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers》被稱為「lost albums」,更像是為2005年的《Alligator》作鋪墊。《Alligator》被收入NME史上500張偉大專輯(NME』s The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time)。專輯《Alligator》(2005)和《Boxer》(2007)奠定了該樂隊在另類搖滾界的地位。這兩張專輯也是樂隊從Dessner兄弟(吉他手)創辦的Brassland Records簽至貝閣(Beggars Banquet)後發行的作品。


source: PitchforkMedia

Fake Empire

Fake Empire 是來自《Boxer》的開篇曲,公認的樂隊最好的作品之一,非常值得玩味。儘管有著最簡單的和弦(C、F、G和Am),但極具迷惑性的鋼琴敲出時而三拍時而四拍的節奏,耐人尋味。歌曲後部 Padma Newsome(樂隊親密的合作夥伴)編寫的銅管樂器齊奏更令人久久回味不窮。

值得一提的是,Fake Empire 還成為了奧巴馬2008年的總統競選曲。

Tiptoe through our shiny city

With our diamond slippers on

Do our gay ballet on ice, bluebirds on our shoulders

Were half awake in a fake empire

Were half awake in a fake empire

Matt的歌詞填得晦澀,但又充滿詩意。這也是樂隊曾被與Leonard Cohen比較的原因。

對於Fake Empire ,你可以有很多種不同的解讀。愛情是一個帝國,國家也是一個帝國。在這個帝國里,我們不辨真偽,半夢半醒,在Matt看來,這似乎不是一件壞事。The National給予你無窮的想像空間。

Turn the light out, say goodnight

No thinking for a little while

Lets not try to figure out everything at once

Its hard to keep track of you falling through the sky

Were half awake in a fake empire

Were half awake in a fake empire


Mistaken for Strangers

作為專輯的第一主打單曲,Mistaken for Strangers 一點都不輸於 Fake Empire ,被各大樂評雜誌收入2007年年度單曲。

You get mistaken for strangers by your own friends

When you pass them at night

Under the silvery, silvery Citibank lights

Arm in arm in arm and eyes and eyes glazing under

Oh, you wouldnt want an angel watching over

Surprise, surprise, they wouldnt wanna watch

Another un-innocent, elegant fall

Into the un-magnificent lives of adults


「Mistaken for Strangers「同時是一部紀錄片的名字。其實Matt有一個弟弟,叫Tom Berninger,在2010年擔任樂隊巡演助理(Roadie)期間自拍自導自演自剪了樂隊的紀錄片《Mistaken for Strangers》,中文被很貼切地譯為「陌路搖滾兄弟情」。

Slow Show

Slow Show Apartment Story 是《Boxer》里我最喜歡的兩首。我曾拾起吉他翻唱了《Slow Show》。

I wanna hurry home to you

Put on a slow, dumb show for you

And crack you up

You know I dreamed about you

For twenty-nine years before I saw you

You know I dreamed about you

I missed you for, for twenty-nine years


2001年,Matt 30歲,專輯《The National》發表了29 Years,副歌唱道:

You know I dreamed about you

For twenty-nine years before I saw you

Apartment Story

一定要提的公寓故事。Bryan Devendorf的鼓打得出彩。

Well stay inside till somebody finds us

Do whatever the TV tells us

Stay inside our rosy-minded fuzz







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