質子重離子放療治療腫瘤是否是「水中月、鏡中花」,看2017年最新版美國NCCN Guidelines怎麼說?

質子重離子放療治療腫瘤是否是「水中月、鏡中花」,看2017年最新版美國NCCN Guidelines怎麼說?




儘管有爭議,2016年上半年,日本政府正式將兒童腫瘤的質子治療納入全民醫保,成人的骨及軟組織腫瘤的重離子放療也納入了醫保,即患者只需要支付30%左右的治療費用。德國也把一些腫瘤的質子重離子納入了醫保。諮詢我們的患者也經常很困惑,到底質子重離子靠不靠譜。每個人的情況都不一樣,包括病情、經濟條件、對治療結果的期望以及生活質量的要求等都是不一樣的,很難給出統一的答案。不同國家和不同質子重離子中心根據自己的設備、放療團隊臨床經驗、以及能提供給患者綜合治療支持等的不同,收治的患者適應徵也不大相同。今天我們小結整理了美國NCCN 2017年關於質子重離子放療的推薦,不是絕對的標準,僅供大家參考。可查看本公眾號歷史消息獲得更多關於質子重離子的文獻。

NCCN Guidelines Recommendation

NCCN guidelines recommendation about proton(heavy ion) radiotherapy in the treatment of cancers:



1.1Bone Cancer 骨腫瘤


(原文:Specialized techniques such as intensity-modulated RT (IMRT); particle beam RT withprotons, carbon ions, or other heavy ions; stereotactic radiosurgery; orfractionated stereotactic RT should be considered as indicated in order to allow high-dose therapy while maximizing normal tissue sparing.)

1.2Chondrosarcoma 骨軟骨肉瘤


(原文:Proton beam RT alone or in combination with photon beam RT has been associated with an excellent local tumor control and long-term survival in the treatment of patients with low-grade skull base and cervical spine chondrosarcomas.)


(原文:In two separate studies, proton beam RT resulted in local control rates of 92% and 94% in patients with chondrosarcoma of the skull base.)


(原文:Noel et al reported a 3-year local control rate of 92% in 26 patients with chondrosarcoma of the skull base and upper cervical spine treated with surgical resection followed by a combination of proton and photon beam RT.)


(原文:In a larger series involving 229 patients with chondrosarcomas of the skull base, the combination of proton and photon beam RT resulted in 10-year local control rates of 94%. Carbon ion RT has also been reported to result in high local control rates in patients with skull base chondrosarcoma.)


(原文:Proton and/or photon beam RT may be useful for patients with chondrosarcomas of the skull base and axial skeleton with tumors in unfavorable location not amenable to resection.)

1.3Chordoma 脊索瘤


(原文:Particle beam RT(either alone or in combination with photon beam RT) with high-energy protons or carbon ions has resulted in local control rates ranging from 62% to 81% in patients with skull base as well as extracranial chordomas involving the spine and sacrum.)


(原文:Carbon ion RT also resulted in preservation of urinary-anorectal function compared with surgery in patients with sacral chordomas.)


(原文:A recent prospective trial of high-dose photon/proton RT in 50 patients with bone sarcomas of the spine(n = 29 chordoma, 14 chondrosarcoma, 7 other histologies) resulted in 5- and 8-year actuarial local control rates of 94% and 85% for primary tumors and 81% and 74% primary and locally recurrent tumors. The 8-year actuarial risk of grades 3-4 RT toxicity was 13%.)


(原文:A subsequent retrospective review of 126 patients with spinal/sacral chordoma who received high-dose proton therapy revealed 5-year OS and local control of 81% and 62%, respectively.)

1.4Osteosarcoma 骨肉


(原文:Combined photon/proton or proton beam RT has been shown to be effective for local control in some patients with unresectable or incompletely resected osteosarcoma.)

1.5Soft Tissue Sarcoma 軟組織肉瘤


(原文:When EBRT is used,sophisticated treatment planning with IMRT, tomotherapy, and/ or proton therapy can be used to improve therapeutic effect.)


(原文:Newer RT techniques such as IMRT and 3D conformal RT using protons or photons may allow tumor target coverage and acceptable clinical outcomes within normal tissue dose constraints to adjacent organs at risk.)

1.6Hepatocellular Carcinoma 肝細胞性肝癌


(原文:Proton beam therapy(PBT) may be appropriate in specific situations.)

1.7Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 非小細胞肺癌

當需要安全的給予根治性的放療時,更加先進的放療技術是必要的。這些技術包括(並不限於)4維CT(4D-CT) 和/或 PET/CT模擬, 調強和容積調強(IMRT/VMAT), 圖像引導(IGRT), 運動管理和質子治療。

(原文:More advanced technologies are appropriate when needed to deliver curative RT safely. These technologies include (but are not limited to) 4D-CT and/or PET/CT simulation,IMRT/VMAT, IGRT, motion management, and proton therapy)


(原文:When higher doses (>30 Gy) are warranted technologies to reduce normal tissue irradiation (at least 3D-CRT and including IMRT or proton therapy as appropriate) should be used.)

放療的目的是最大化腫瘤的控制,同時減小放療的毒性。先進技術如4維CT(4D-CT) 和/或 PET/CT模擬, 調強和容積調強(IMRT/VMAT),圖像引導(IGRT), 運動管理和質子治療等,已經在非隨機臨床試驗中顯示出減少毒性和提高生存的作用。

(原文:The goals of RT are to maximize tumor control and to minimize treatment toxicity.Advanced technologies such as 4D-conformal RT simulation, intensity-modulated RT/volumetric modulated arc therapy (IMRT/VMAT), image-guided RT, motion management strategies, and proton therapy have been shown to reduce toxicity and increase survival in nonrandomized trials.)


2.1Central Nervous System Cancer 中樞神經系統腫瘤

2.1.1 Intracranialand Spinal Ependymomas 顱內和脊髓室管膜瘤


(原文:Higher doses up to 60 Gy are reasonable for spinal tumors below the conus medullaris. Proton beam craniospinal irradiation may be considered when toxicity is a concern.)

2.1.2 Medulloblastomaand Supratentorial PNET 髓母細胞瘤和幕上原始神經外胚層腫瘤


(原文:It isreasonable to consider proton beam for craniospinal irradiation where available as it is associated with less toxicity.)

2.1.3、Lymphoma 淋巴瘤


(原文:Advanced radiation therapy (RT) technologies such as IMRT, breath hold or respiratory gating, image-guided RT, or proton therapy may offer significant and clinically relevant advantages in specific instances to spare important organs at risk(OARs) such as the heart (including coronary arteries, valves, and left ventricle), lungs, kidneys, spinal cord, esophagus, carotid artery, bone marrow, breasts, stomach, muscle/ soft tissue, and salivary glands and decrease the risk for late, normal tissue damage while still achieving the primary goal of local tumor control.)

2.1.4、Pediatric tumor 兒童實體腫瘤


(原文:Please refer to the descriptions of proton therapy on the bone, soft tissue and CNS tumors et al.)


3.1Head and Neck Cancers 頭頸部腫瘤

3.1.1 Ethmoid Sinus Tumors 篩竇腫瘤


(原文:IMRT is preferred over 3-D conformal RT for maxillary sinus or paranasal/ethmoid sinustumors to minimize dose to critical structures. The role of proton therapy is being investigated.)

3.2Prostate Cancer 前列腺癌


(原文:An ongoing prospective randomized trial is accruing patients to compare prostate proton therapy and prostate IMRT. The NCCN panel believes no clear evidence supports a benefit or decrement to proton therapy over IMRT for either treatment efficacy or long-term toxicity.)


(原文:Conventionally fractionated prostate proton therapy can be considered a reasonable alternative to x-ray-based regimens at clinics with appropriate technology, physics, and clinical expertise.)








惡性腫瘤也是種慢性病 「精準醫學」成為癌症治療的趨勢!

TAG:癌症治療 | 腫瘤 | 放療 |