

今天,一些Instagram 用戶完全處於恐慌狀態,因為這家數碼照片分享公司改變了服務條款。簡單點說,Instagram將允許贊助商使用用戶上傳的內容及其相關數據。因此,如果你自己做了無敵美味椒鹽雞,然後拍了照片上傳,如果哪天它出現在Instagram網站上蓋?費李瑞的American Kitchen & Bar的廣告中,你可千萬別驚訝。


不過,我很想知道,這是否是社交媒體開始消滅傳統圖片庫業務的第一步。如果我是兩個月前才剛剛花33億美元巨資收購了Getty Images(全球最大的商業圖片網站——譯註)的凱雷集團(Carlyle Group),現在一定非常緊張。



如果Instagram 還能以大大低於Getty的價格出售它的照片——或許還能提供類似的訂閱服務——那麼社交媒體真能橫掃圖片庫業務。




Some Instagram users are in full-filtered panic mode today, after the digital photo-sharing company altered its terms of service. Basically, Instagram will allow sponsors to promote user content and associated data. So if you upload a photo of your Awesome Pretzel Chicken Tenders, don"t be surprised to see it featured in the Instagram feed of Guy Fieri"s American Kitchen & Bar.

As Nilay Patel points out, this is very different from Instagram selling user content to third-parties without any rules on how its used. Instead, it"s closer to what Facebook (FB) does with sponsored posts. Makes sense, given that Facebook owns Instagram.

But I do have to wonder if this is the first step toward social media killing off the traditional stock imagery business. And if I"m The Carlyle Group (CG), which paid $3.3 billion to buy Getty Images just two months ago, I"d be nervous.

Imagine, for a moment, if Instagram had made this offer to users: You can opt in to a program that lets us sell your photos to third parties, and in exchange we will give you 10% of the revenue. You"ll also get photo credit, if the image is sold to a news agency.

Wouldn"t this present a major challenge to a company like Getty? Particularly on the digital side, where Carlyle already has acknowledged the company needs to step up its game.To be sure, Getty offers images taken by professionals. But who"s to say that a couple amateur sunset shots aren"t just as good? Or that one smartphone shot from next month"s presidential inauguration won"t come out great? Or, again, those Awesome Pretzel Chicken Tenders?

And if Instagram is able to sell its photos for significantly less than Getty -- and perhaps offer a similar subscription service -- then social media could seriously eat into the stock photo business.

Again, Instagram isn"t going there. Yet.

A Getty spokeswoman said that the company would have some related comments tomorrow, but could not share any thoughts today.


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