



The traditional job interview uses questions to find out if you have the necessary skills and enthusiasm for the post, along with the ability to fit in. If you are able to successfully communicate answers to questions such as; 「what are your strengths and weaknesses」 or 「why do you want to work for this company」 there is a good chance the interview will be a success.傳統的面試方式是通過提問來看應徵者是否具備職位所需的技巧和熱情,以及是否具備相應的能力。如果你能成功回答諸如:「你的優勢弱勢是什麼?」或者「為什麼想在這家公司工作」一類的問題,那麼被錄取的可能性還是蠻大的。

Another popular interviewing technique is more behavioural. Typical questions asked in a behavioural interview might be; 「tell me about a time when had to face a difficult problem」 or 「have you ever failed to achieve a goal」.另外一種常見的面試技巧,是通過以往的職場行為來了解應徵者。典型的問題包括「描述一個你曾經面對的困難」或是「你是否未能達成某個目標」。

The telephone interview is used by many companies merely as screening interview to weed out weaker candidates. However it is also a good method to get in touch with people in other countries. Therefore for those wishing to work abroad it may be the first interview they have.許多公司都會用電話面試來過濾掉第一批不符合標準的應徵者。不過電話面試也同樣適用於面向國外招聘。因此如果你希望出國工作,那麼電話面試很可能是你面臨的第一關。

A group interview is designed to see how you interact with others. Prospective candidates are gathered together for an informal discussion about some topic. The job seekers who shine at this kind of interview will be asked back for a personal interview.小組面試(多個應徵者)是為了看應徵者如果與人交流而設計的面試形式。應徵者們會被組織起來討論某個話題,如果在討論中你的表現出眾,則可能進行單獨面試。

The one to one interview occurs after you have already convinced your prospective employer that you have the skills and education necessary for the job. This might have been established because of the excellence of your CV and covering letter. In addition there may have been a telephone interview where you impressed them enough to proceed to this stage.一對一的面試通常出現在對方已經肯定你具備勝任這份工作的技巧和知識後。對方可能是根據你的簡歷及自薦書確定你的能力。也可能是通過電話面試篩選你進入這個流程。

The opposite of a one to one interview is a committee interview. Here you will face several members of the company and be asked a wide variety of questions; they may set you a problem to see how well you can come up with a plan for dealing with it.與一對一面試相對的則是群面(多個面試官)。在這種形式中你將面對多個面試官,被問到許多不同的問題。他們也可能要你設想一種困難的情況,看你如何解決。

A lunch interview might seem more informal but remember you are still being observed. You should treat it in the same way as an office interview but try to relax and get along with your interviewer.午餐形式的面試可能看來比較輕鬆,但別忘了你依然是在面試、對方會觀察你的行為。所以你應該像對待辦公室內進行的面試那樣、不要小瞧它,但同時也要相對放鬆一點、和你的面試官隨性一點相處。

If the position you are applying for involves a lot of stress the interviewer might deliberately set up a stressful situation. These stress interviews are designed to see how well you would handle pressure. The interviewer may keep you waiting or be rude, sarcastic or argumentative. Don』t take it personally, stay calm and stick to what you had planned to say. Most candidates never come across this type of interview but you should know they exist.如果你申請的職位需要處理壓力較大的工作,那面試時對方可能會刻意設計一個壓力較大的面試環境。這是為了觀察你如何應對壓力。面試官可能會故意讓你等、不然就是刻意表現得很粗魯、對你挑刺、跟你爭辯。記得不要太在意這些,鎮靜一點,把你想表達的都表達到。大部分的應徵者都不會遇到這種面試,但是你要知道這類型面試是的確存在的。

The situational interview and the case interview are similar. In a situational interview you will asked how you would respond to a specific situation. You could be asked, for example, how you would handle an angry customer and you should draw on your past experiences to give an answer, with examples and stories to back you up. A case interview is much more specific and is used by employers such as management consulting firms and investment banks. Here you are asked to discuss a particular business problem in order to assess your problem solving skills.「事例面試」或是「事件面試」比較類似。在「事例面試」中,面試官會問你如果處理一個具體的事例。比如「你如果應對一名生氣的顧客?」 你要用自己過去的經驗來應答,並舉例說明來證實自己的說法;而「事件面試」中的問題可能涉及更多細節。通常管理顧問公司和投資銀行會用到這種面試形式。面試官會問你如何處理一種特別的商務問題,從而看你是否有能力解決。



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