



14. We』ll 「probably」 own M&T Bank stock 10 years from now 【2000】

18. Confident about Salomon but not rest of Wall St. 【1997】

28. No 「secret formulas」 for Wells Fargo 【1996】

19. Why Wall Street businesses are 「tough」 to manage 【1996】

23. Volatile earnings to be expected at Salomon 【1996】

32. 「No magic」 to running a bank — just don』t do 「something foolish」 【1996】

14. We』ll 「probably」 own M&T Bank stock 10 years from now

年份: 2000年

行業: Financials

細分行業: Banking

公司: M&T BANK

翻譯: yT

校對: Tiger虎

14. We』ll 「probably」 own M&T Bank stock 10 years from now


WARREN BUFFETT: We』ll go to 4, please.


AUDIENCE MEMBER: Jerry Zucker, Los Angeles, California. Good morning, boss. (Laughter)

聽眾:我是來自加州洛杉磯的Jerry Zucker。早上好,老闆(笑聲)

Calling your attention to the annual report and major investments, I』d appreciate your

comments on two companies.


Number one, M&T Bank, a new name to that list, but not exactly a household name, at least on the West Coast.


And company number two, definitely a household name, but missing from the list this year, the Walt Disney Corporation.


WARREN BUFFETT: Well, we don』t comment much on our holdings, particularly as to purchases or sales, but we do have the CEO — longtime CEO — of M&T here today, Bob Wilmers. Bob, would you stand up? He should be up here somewhere. There he is. (Applause)

巴菲特:我們通常不會評論我們的持股,特別是購買/售出決策,但今天M&T銀行的CEO Bob Wilmers就在現場,Bob,你可以站起來嗎?他應該在這裡的某個地方,看到他了(鼓掌)。

Bob is a terrific businessman, a terrific banker, and a terrific citizen. I』ve known him a long time. A good friend of Stan Lipsey, our publisher in Buffalo. Bob runs the kind

of a bank that allows Charlie and me to sleep very comfortably.

Bob是一個出色的生意人,一個出色的銀行家,還是一個出色的公民。我認識他很久了,他也是我們在Buffalo的新聞出版人 Stan Lipsey 的好朋友,Bob運作著那種能讓我和查理睡的非常安穩的銀行。

Someone once said there are more banks than bankers, which is something worth thinking about a little bit. But believe me, Bob is a banker and he』s done a lot for



And he runs — he』s got a — he has a very big ownership position, which he achieved, at least in very large part, through purchase with his own money, as opposed to having options. He』s got one of the largest ownership positions, probably, among the hundred largest banks in the United States.


And it』s just a very attractive business for us to be in, and we』re very comfortable

with it. And 10 years from now, Bob will be here, and I hope I』m here. We will — we』ll probably own M&T.


The Disney Company, our ownership in that fell below the threshold level which we used, although we had ownership. And we think Disney is a terrific business. Michael Eisner』s done a great job there.

至於迪士尼公司,我們的持股量下降到了我們設置的門檻。我們認為迪士尼是一門出色的生意,Michael Eisner(迪士尼公司的CEO)幹得非常出色。

We have — as we put in the annual report — we have mildly reduced equities as prices

began to — generally — began to get more and more full.


We do not think the general ownership of equities is going to be very exciting over the next 10 or 15 years, so we would like to buy businesses.


We bought a few last year. We had this one we announced last week in the insurance field. We got another small acquisition where we』ve got an agreement with somebody. It』s very small.


But we would love it if those were 10 times that size or 20 times that size, because — you will see more of that, relative to marketable securities, as we go along.




CHARLIE MUNGER: Yeah, regarding equities generally, I think that Fortune article, which was sent out to the Berkshire shareholders this year, should be absolutely must-reading for everybody. In fact, it would be a good thing to read two or three times.


The ideas there sound so simple, that —you know, people have the theory that they must understand it. But I think the world is more complicated than that. I think we are in for reduced expectations eventually, with respect to the kind of returns people have had from investing in stocks.


WARREN BUFFETT: You want to offer any thoughts as to what — that might — what the corollary might be?


CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, I think if you have very unreasonable expectations of life, it makes life much more miserable. Much better to get your expectations within reason.


It』s much easier to reduce expectations to some reasonable level than it is to get superhuman achievements.


WARREN BUFFETT: That』s why my kids were almost delirious when they heard that announcement I was going to give them $300 each and they — (Laughter) How to be — do you want to be a zillionaire, or whatever it was.


Incidentally, that was terrific of Regis Philbin to do something like that. I mean, all of those appearances [in the video shown to shareholders] are nonpaid, I can assure you.


順便說一句,Regis Philbin太棒了,他做得就是這樣的事。我的意思是,我可以向你保證,(在向股東展示的視頻中)所有這些人的出境都是無償的。(笑聲)

[Regis Philbin, 著名主持人,主持的「誰想成為百萬富問」是熱門節目,參與者通過問題搶答的形式有機會獲得一百萬美金]

And those people are good — very, very, good sports. And I thank them.



18. Confident about Salomon but not rest of Wall St.

對所羅門公司有信心 但並非所有的華爾街公司

年份: 1997年

行業: Financials

細分行業: Banking


翻譯: david

校對: 王子晨

18. Confident about Salomon but not rest of Wall St.

對所羅門公司有信心 但並非所有的華爾街公司

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Good morning, gentlemen. My name is Cary Blecker (PH) from Wellington, Florida.

提問:早上好。我是來自佛羅里達惠靈頓的Cary Blecker。

I know in 1987 when you purchased — or invested — in the Salomon Brothers convertible preferred stock, you had the eight-year time frame to convert it into common or take the cash out. I know in 』95 you took cash out, which was not a vote of confidence for Salomon Brothers. Any feelings on that in the future?


WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. We — as the gentleman mentioned, we bought it in 1987, and starting in 1995 we have a — we have, every year for five years, we either have to take cash or convert to common, 20 percent of the original issue of 700 million.


We don』t have to make those decisions ahead of time. So we, in 1995, we elected to take cash. In 1996 we elected to take stock.


And you know, we see no reason ever to swing at the ball while it』s still in the pitcher』s glove. We』d just as soon wait till it gets to the plate to make the decision. So the ball will get to the plate on October 31st of 1997, I believe, for the next 20 percent. And we』ll decide whether to swing at that point. But we don』t need to make that decision today.


I would say that, you know, the odds are overwhelming that we』ll convert, but we』ll wait until that time to make the final decision.


We have terrific confidence in the people that run Salomon. They helped us through some incredibly dark days in the past, and showed the stuff of which they were made. And so we feel very good about that.


We don』t have the same degree of conviction about the profitability of the investment banking or brokerage business as a whole.


It』s not the sort of — you don』t develop that kind of conviction about that business versus a Coca-Cola or something. They』re different. They have different economic characteristics.


So we will see how the businesses — the industry — evolves. But we feel very good about the management, and the odds are extremely high that we will convert. But we will swing at the ball when it gets to the plate.










28. No 「secret formulas」 for Wells Fargo

年份: 1996年

行業: Financials

細分行業: Banking

公司: WFC

翻譯: david

校對: 王子晨

28. No 「secret formulas」 for Wells Fargo




AUDIENCE MEMBER: Mr. Buffett, my name is Hugh Stephenson. I』m a shareholder from Atlanta, Georgia.

聽眾:巴菲特您好,我叫Hugh Stephenson,我是一名來自喬治亞州亞特蘭大的投資者。

My question involves the company』s interest in Wells Fargo. As you know, Wells Fargo, like most banks, has a very expensive branch system for deposit-gathering and servicing their customers.


As I guess you know, they also have moved more into branches in supermarkets and in online banking that seems to have the potential to very significantly reduce their costs, relative to the branch system.


Would you comment on how you think that might play out and how significant it might be?


WARREN BUFFETT: Well, the question — you』re right. Wells Fargo has been a leader in moving into supermarkets. They』ve got a couple different formats they』ve used. And they』ve been a — they』ve certainly been a leader in the online banking services.


Unfortunately, in banking, you know, it』s a little hard to have any secret formulas. Coca-Cola has 7X down there in the vaults of the, what used to be the Trust Company of Georgia, now SunTrust. But in the banking business, anything you do, your competitors can copy.


Nevertheless, there』s a — there is an advantage. And sometimes it can be a quite — a significant advantage in being first and learning more about different distribution methods. And I think Wells Fargo has done a terrific job in learning that.


I think they』ve got some advantages. They — but they aren』t advantages that other people can』t work at copying and chipping away at.


But it』s a good management. They』ve done a very good job of seizing on that particular trend in supermarkets.


And as such, they are — they have the potential, perhaps, for having a relatively low-cost deposit-gathering operation. And every other bank in the world will be looking, noticing how that works, not only there but at other banks, to figure out whether they can copy it. Charlie? OK.




19. Why Wall Street businesses are 「tough」 to manage

年份: 1996年

行業: Financials

細分行業: Banking


翻譯: Tiger虎

校對: 王子晨

19. Why Wall Street businesses are 「tough」 to manage




AUDIENCE MEMBER: I』m Randall Bellows (PH) from Chicago. Thank you for this marathon question-and-answer period.


WARREN BUFFETT: We enjoy it. Thanks.


AUDIENCE MEMBER: Thank you. My question is on the security business, Wall Street firms, in general, and specifically, what you feel about Salomon at this time. Thank you.


WARREN BUFFETT: Well, we know more about the security business than we knew 10 years ago. (Laughter) And it, you know, it is a tough business to manage.


There』s a lot of money made in the business and then — throughout Wall Street, I』m talking about. There』s, you know, there』s very big sums of money made. And then the question is, how does it get divided up between the institution and the people there?


And you get to this question — I』ve often used the analogy of, you know, would you rather — if you』re an investor, and you get a chance to buy the Mayo Clinic, you know, that is one sort of an investment. And if you get a chance to buy the local brain surgeon, that』s another one.


You buy the local brain surgeon and his practice for X millions of dollars. And the next day, you know, what do you own?


And if you』re buying the local brain surgeon, you would not pay any real multiple of earnings because he』s going to have this revelation, several days later, that it』s really him and not you there, with your little stock certificate, that』s producing the earnings. And it』s his reputation. And he doesn』t care.


Can you imagine Berkshire Hathaway advertising brain surgery, you know, how much business we would do?


So — (laughter) — he owns the business, even though you』ve got the stock certificate.


Now, if you go to the Mayo Clinic, no one can name the name of anybody at the Mayo Clinic, unless you live within 10 miles of Rochester [Minnesota].


And there, the institution has the power. Now, it has to keep quality up and do all the things that an institution has to do. But whoever owns the Mayo Clinic has an asset that is independent of the attitude of any one person in the place the next day.


Wall Street has a mix of both. And there are some businesses that are more — where the value resides more in the institution. And there are some where the value resides more in the individuals.


We』ve got a couple of sensational people running Salomon. And they wrestle with this problem as they go along. And they seem to be wrestling considerably more successfully currently than was the case close to a year ago.


But it is not an easy business to run. And it』s not an easy business to predict, unless you have a business that』s very institutional in character, and there aren』t many of those in Wall Street.



是集醫療、科研、教育為一體的機構,它包括位於羅切斯特市的Mayo 門診部、聖瑪麗醫院、羅切斯特衛理公會醫院以及醫學院和研究生院。它還在亞利桑那州的Scottsdale,和佛羅里達州Jacksonville建有兩個新的校區。其中以羅切斯特為中心,該市的十萬人口中,Mayo醫學中心佔有三萬多人口。


23. Volatile earnings to be expected at Salomon

年份: 1996年

行業: Financials

細分行業: Banking


翻譯: 富貴兒

校對: 王子晨

23. Volatile earnings to be expected at Salomon


WARREN BUFFETT: Zone 2, please?


AUDIENCE MEMBER: My name is George Gotti (PH) from Zurich, Switzerland. I』ve got a question with respect to Salomon.

觀眾:我是來自瑞士蘇黎世的George Gotti(PH)。關於所羅門我有一個問題。

Salomon experienced quite a large volatility in profits and even revenues in the past years. What are your views on how this will develop in the future with respect to volatility in profits and revenues?


WARREN BUFFETT: I didn』t get a hundred percent of that, Charlie. Want to —?


CHARLIE MUNGER: Yeah, well —


WARREN BUFFETT: I can see, he can hear. We make a great combination. (Laughter)


CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, you can see we aren』t wasting much around the joint. (Laughter)


Salomon』s earnings have always been volatile, at least all the time I』ve been around the place. And I don』t think that that volatility will — is likely to disappear.


All that said, we very much like the people at Salomon. And they』ve done a ton of business with Berkshire over the years and in a whole lot of different capacities. And they』ve done it very well.


So we』re high on the firm, as a customer. And the firms we like, as a customer, we think, maybe, other people will like, as a customer. And generally, we love it, volatile or no.


WARREN BUFFETT: If you — at Salomon, as well as other firms of that type, they mark their securities to market. And so the changes in those marks go through earnings daily, actually, but you see them quarterly.

沃倫·巴菲特:如果你 – 在所羅門,以及其他同類公司,他們的證券會按市價調整(這造成了業績波動)。事實上,他們的市價每天都在變化,但是你每個季度才會看一次報告。

Interestingly, if you took Berkshire over the last 30 years, and marked to market, as we do now for balance sheet purposes, but not for income statement purposes, because the rules are different in that case — if you did that, you would see enormous volatility, quarter to quarter, in Berkshire』s figures.

有趣的是,如果你回顧伯克希爾的過去30年的市價,因為我們資產負債表的緣故,但並不是出於收入表的目的,因為這兩種規則不一樣 – 如果你回顧一下,你會看到伯克希爾的數據在各個季度都有相當多的波動。

You would — I don』t think you』d necessarily have seen any down year. But you would』ve seen swings between a few percent and, perhaps, 50 percent or something.


And if you looked quarterly, you』d have seen a number of quarters of losses. And you would』ve seen some great upsurges, too.


The volatility would be extreme, if it had all been run through the income account. But accounting convention does not call for running it through the income account, in the case of Berkshire. And it does, in the case of Salomon.


But the nature of their business is volatile earnings. The nature of most Wall Street businesses is going to be volatile earnings. Some may follow policies that tend to make it look a little less volatile than it might actually be, even. The real thing that counts is two things, really. I mean, it』s running it so that the volatility never kills you in any way, and the second is having a decent return on equity over time. And I think that the people at the top of Salomon are very focused on that.


CHARLIE MUNGER: I think it』s illogical for the credit rating agencies to mark down Salomon as much as they do because the earnings are volatile. But they』re in a style business. And it』s their game.



32. 「No magic」 to running a bank — just don』t do 「something foolish」

年份: 1996年

行業: Financials

細分行業: Banking


翻譯: Tiger虎

校對: 王子晨

32. 「No magic」 to running a bank — just don』t do 「something foolish」

經營銀行沒有魔法- 只是不要干蠢事



AUDIENCE MEMBER: Edward Barr, Lexington, Kentucky.


Earlier, you led us through a discussion of the competitive position of Disney. And you also discussed share repurchase.


I wondered if you could also lead us through a discussion of the competitive position of Wells Fargo, since they just effected such a large combination [with First Interstate], in addition with, perhaps, some discussion of their share repurchase, which is probably as large, in percentage terms, as any company I can think of at the present time.

不知道你是否也可以談一下富國銀行的競爭地位, 因為他們剛剛完成了和第一洲際銀行的合併。如果可能的話,再談談關於富國銀行的股票回購,從百分比來看,這可能是目前最大規模的股票回購了。

WARREN BUFFETT: Well, Wells should repurchase their shares, if they feel that they』re repurchasing them below intrinsic business value. And that』s a calculation that they make.


And you should — have to ask the question of them what their calculus is of that. But that will determine whether that share repurchase program makes good sense or not. The advantages of an in-market merger are — can be dramatic. Sometimes, it just causes a bank to do what they should』ve done anyway.



I mean, I』m not so — I』m not always as convinced that the economies come about through — totally through scale, as they are just from taking a hard look at how they run their business. We may have in the audience today — he was here earlier — the CEO of the Bank of Granite, which is in Granite, North Carolina. And that bank earned 2.58 percent on assets, I believe, in the most recent quarter, annualized, and had a 33 percent efficiency ratio.


Now, that bank is 400 million or 500 million of assets. You know, it doesn』t need to be 5 billion in order to get more efficient or anything of the sort.


It』s got — it』s so much more efficient than any of those larger banks that had to be put together to get those ratios that it makes you kind of wonder about the underlying rationale.


But I』m sure that Mr. [John] Forlines, who runs that bank, just focuses on — and he』s been focusing on it for a lot of years — just doing the right things day after day. And it didn』t take any in-market merger or anything of the sort to cause him to do that.


I recommend any of you in the banking business to get his report because there is nothing magic about the community of Granite, North Carolina.


Nor does he work under laws that are way different than the rest of bankers or anything of the sort. He just gets a record that — achieves a record — that makes all the rest of the records look silly.


We had a fellow over in Rockford, Illinois, in the bank we owned back in the 』70s, Gene Abegg, whose brother is going to be 104. There was a fellow from Rockford here that got me to sign a note to Ed Abegg, who will be 104 soon. I wish Gene had lived to 104.

我們在伊利諾斯州的羅克福德有一個朋友,Gene Abegg,經營我們70年代曾擁有的一家銀行 (Illinois National Bank)。他的哥哥很快就104歲了。有個來自羅克福德的傢伙讓我給即將104歲的Ed Abegg 簽名。我希望Gene也活到104歲。

But Gene ran a bank in Rockford that, when banks — the best banks were earning one percent on assets, he earned two percent on assets. And he did it with way less leverage than anyone else and lower loan losses and big investment portfolio.

Gene在羅克福德經營著一家銀行,當最好的銀行在資產上賺1%時,他在資產上賺2%. 他以比其他人更少的槓桿,更低的貸款損失,和很大的投資組合來做到這個成績。

And there wasn』t any magic about it. He just didn』t do anything that didn』t make sense. And there』s a lot of room for improvement in the banking business with or without mergers.


But I would say that Wells, on the record, has done an exceptionally good job of running their bank compared to other big banks. And I would say that those two operations put together will be run a whole lot more efficiently than if First Interstate had been run by — run on its own.


It』s a business that can be a very good business, when run right, as the Bank of Granite or Illinois National Bank in Rockford proved. There』s no magic to it. You just have to stay away from doing something foolish.


It』s a little like investing. You know, you don』t have to do anything very smart. You just have to avoid doing things that are ungodly dumb when looked at about a year later and — you know, airlines and that sort of thing. (Laughter)


And you know, that』s the trick. It is not some great crystal ball game where you look into the future and see all these things that other people can』t possibly see. I mean, what』s complicated about Coca-Cola or Gillette or Wells Fargo, for that matter?


And that』s — we like businesses like banking, if we』ve got somebody in charge of them that is going to run them right. We』ve got a — I don』t know whether Bob Wilmers is here. But he runs First Empire, which we have a good-sized investment in. Bob just runs it right, you know?

所以說,我們喜歡銀行這樣的生意,如果有人能負責正確的管理它。我不知道Bob Wilmers是否在這裡。他掌管著第一帝國集團,我們在裡面有大量的投資。Bob正是這樣能夠正確經營管理銀行的人。

I do not worry about surprises from Bob or First Empire. And he』ll do things — if he can grow, and it』s logical, he』ll grow. And if it isn』t logical to do something, he』ll pass. He has no ego compulsions forcing him into some sort of action. And he runs a terrific bank.




注1:「in-market merger」通常指兩個在同一地理區域經營的銀行之間的合併。合併後的機構通常會在同一個地區擁有超過一家營業網點,所以很多時候必須關閉其中一家。通常合併後通過削減成本或合併某些產品或服務來提高運營效率。

注2: 中國五大行2017年的資產收益率是1%。2017年Bank of America reported return on asset 0.8%, adjusted return on

asset 0.93%.




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