
瀏覽器的定製與擴展2007-09-24 00:04

About the Browser:This section explains the architecture of Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and later and provides information you will find helpful when reusing these components.

WebBrowser CustomizationWebBrowser Customization: This tutorial shows you several ways to customize the "out of the box" behavior and appearance of the WebBrowser Control. You"ll see how to use the advanced hosting interfaces IDocHostUIHandler, IDocHostUIHandler2, IDocHostShowUI, and ICustomDoc. This article will also look at other customization techniques such as download control through handling DISPID_AMBIENT_DLCONTROL in the host"s IDispatch implementation, and using IHostDialogHelper.——WebBrowser Customization (Part 2):Part 1 of this tutorial introduced several of the standard hosting interfaces for the WebBrowser Control: IDocHostUIHandler, IDocHostShowUI, and ICustomDoc, to name a few. Part 2 of this article explains how to retrieve a reference to the client site while processing IPersistMoniker::Load, and how to use the IServiceProvider and IOleCommandTarget interfaces to send messages between the Active document (DocObject) and its host.瀏覽器集成教學 自定義瀏覽器(Updated for Windows XP SP2) :1.前提和需求 2.介紹 3.瀏覽器自定義架構 4.IDocHostUIHandler 5.IDocHostUIHandler2 6.GetOptionKeyPath 和 GetOverrideKeyPath的比較 7.控制導航 8.IDocHostShowUI 9.控制下載和執行 10.IHostDialogHelper 11.控制新的窗口 12.顯示證書對話框(New!) 13.信息欄(New!) 14.結論在MFC應用中深入定製WebBrowser控制項(轉):正如VC ++ 6.0的演示程序MFCIE所示,用應用程序嚮導創建一個具有Web導航能力的MFC應用可謂輕而易舉。本文在此基礎上,進一步討論兩個問題:資源自包含的實現,上下文菜單以及快捷鍵的完全控制。自定義瀏覽器控制項:同自動化瀏覽器相比,自動化瀏覽器控制項(WebBrowser Control) 在應用程序中更加常用。從Outlook的預覽窗格到Maxthon這樣的基於IE引擎的瀏覽器,從無界面的HTML分析器到Norton Antivirusd的主界面,瀏覽器控制項在眾多領域被用作各種各樣的用途。這也使得有必要根據具體的用戶需求自定義瀏覽器控制項的行為。Advanced customization of WebBrowser Control in Dialog based app:Shows how to customize the Microsoft WebBrowser control in a dialog based app to allow custom context menus, message boxes, windows, modal dialogs and C++ function calls from JavaScript to your application using window.external.瀏覽器的定製與擴展:1。前言 2。在MFC中使用瀏覽器 3。怎樣擴展或定製瀏覽器 4。定製滑鼠右鍵彈出出菜單 5。實現腳本擴展(很重要的external介面) 6。C++代碼中如何調用網頁腳本中的函數 7。定製消息框的標題 8。怎樣定製、修改瀏覽器向Web伺服器發送的HTTP請求頭 9。怎樣修改瀏覽器標識 10去掉討厭的異常警告 11怎樣處理瀏覽器內的拖放 12怎樣禁止網頁元素的選取 13其它IE 控制項一些高級使用方法:1、如何顯示內存中的 HTML 網頁;2、如何屏蔽掉滑鼠右鍵的上下文菜單;3、如何擴展 HTML 中的腳本(external)對象;4、如何顯示 HTML 樣式的對話窗;5、如何執行 HTML 腳本;WebBrowser control:I overrode PreTranslateMessage() and in this override I pasted in VC7 MFC"s code for CHtmlView::PreTranslateMessage. With a few changes to make it compile I was essentially using VC7 MFC"s version of this method in an otherwise VC6 MFC app. This fixed everything!ATL 實現定製的 IE 瀏覽器欄、工具欄和桌面工具欄: 1.概念 2.原理 基本band 對象 必須實現的 COM 介面 IPersistStream IObjectWithSite IDeskBand、IDockingWindow、 IOleWindow 選擇實現的 COM 介面Band 對象註冊 3ATL 實現Cookie Spy:Creating a CookieSpy explorer bar with ATL

WebBrowser AutomationAutomate the Active Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer Window: An article on finding out an active IE or Explorer window or creating one and controlling it.(創建和自動化Internet Explorer和資源管理器窗口 中文版)Connecting to Running Instances of Internet Explorer: There has been always a problem connecting to web browsers, Either you need to write Browser Helper Object or something which browser needs to instantiate. But I found all the other methods had one or other way bug in it. Decided to find simple and bug free way, And came across this ShellWindows interface, which is used by Shell to keep track all the shell browsers including Shell Folders and Internet explorers I Believe shell uses name spaces to keep track of this windows.Connecting to a running instance of Internet Explorer:There are some methods to connect to a running instance of IE. This one is how to connect through the ROT (Running Object Table).How to connect to a running instance of Internet Explorer: It is possible to connect to a running instance of Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later using the SHDocVw.ShellWindows collection.Keeping an Eye on Your Browser by Monitoring Internet Explorer 4.0 Events: Since the introduction of the WebBrowser control in Microsoft? Internet Explorer 3.0, creating Internet-aware applications has become fairly simple. All you have to do to incorporate Internet browsing into your application is host the WebBrowser control. With this control, you can navigate to any URL, go back or forward in the history list, or navigate directly to the user"s home page. You can do most of the things that the Internet Explorer 4.0 browser application can do. Through the WebBrowser control you can also control Internet Explorer 4.0 using automation. (如何對webbrowser和IE編程 系列 中文版)瀏覽器集成教學--在瀏覽器程序中添加宏支持: 這個教程提供在瀏覽器程序中添加宏支持的方法,你會看到如何給MFC的程序添加宏支持。這篇文章也討論了如何擴展VC6中的CHtmlView的功能,如何實現MDI結構的瀏覽器,以及如何分析DHTML的文檔結構。實現和IE瀏覽器交互的幾種方法的介紹: 1.引言 2.IE實例遍歷實現 3.和IE相綁定的DLL的實現 4.微軟的HTML文檔對象模型和應用分析 5.小結Easiest way to display a webpage從內嵌的IE控制項里訪問外部框架的方法 請問非BHO的程序,如何獲取IE瀏覽器下載一個網頁的事件?ATL攔截IE WebBrowser2的Document事件請問如何獲得IE(進程)中的IWebBrowser2的介面Is there a way to retrieve the URL from the Internet Explorer address bar programmatically?請問如何在html中調用vc中的函數?IE 控制項IWebBrowser2->navigate2方法在shellwindows下面的問題:我用ShellWindows獲得了已經打開的IE的IWebBrowser2介面,調用IWebBrowser2->GoHome是有用的,但是調用IWebBrowser2->navigate2沒反應Some Important IE4 Knowledge Base Articles Q180366 HOWTO: Determine When a Page Is Done Loading in WebBrowser CtrlQ180365 INFO: Advantages of Hosting WebBrowser Control Instead of MSHTMLQ179421 FIX: WebBrowser Control in CFormView Does Not Repaint ProperlyQ179230 FILE: IEHelper-Attaching to IE4 using a Browser Helper ObjectQ177269 PRB: Internet Explorer 4 Keeps Active Document Servers RunningQ177241 HOWTO: Adding to the Standard Context Menus of the WebBrowserQ176789 PRB: Permission Denied Accessing Web Browser Control in HTMLQ175910 BUG: IDocHostShowUI::ShowHelp Not Called for IE4/MSHTML HostQ175513 FILE: Invoke Find, View Source, Options dialogs for WebBrowserQ175502 PRB: Tabbing Broken in WebBrowser Hosted in MFC Regular DLLQ165074 PRB: Keystroke Problems in CView/CWnd WebBrowser ControlQ163282 HOWTO: Using Forward & Back Buttons for Web Browser ControlQ156693 FILE: IEZOOM.EXE Changes the Font Size of WebBrowser Control

bhoBrowser Helper Object ("plug-in") for IE: This page has source code for a minimal C++ Browser Helper Object for Internet Explorer. It intercepts keyboard and mouse events, and changes the page"s background color.


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