







Kim by Rudyard Kipling (1901)

「Here begins the Great Game,」 declares Mahbub Ali when he recruits the young Kimball O』Hara, a happily independent teenage orphan, into the British Secret Service in 1890s India. Ali meant the battle between Britain and Russia for supremacy in Asia; he wasn』t to know that Kim would mark the inauguration of another Great Game – the tradition of espionage-as-entertainment. Aside from its vast influence on later spy fiction, Kipling』s magical novel certainly played a part in the personal mythology of Harold 「Kim」 Philby, whose extraordinary career would shape the spy novel』s development in the second half of the century.

《吉姆》魯德亞德·吉卜林 (1901)




The Riddle of the Sands by Erskine Childers (1903)

Childers, a clerk in the House of Commons and a hero of the Boer War, wrote his only novel as a warning. He wanted the political establishment to realise that Britain lay in greater danger of invasion from Germany than from her old enemy, France. 「There is no sensation, only what is meant to be convincing fact,」 he declared. At first glacially paced, and always heavier on sailing detail than action, the plot concerns two friends who unmask a fiendish traitor as they cruise their converted lifeboat along the Frisian coast.





The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad (1907)

This is a book that demands to be read twice in quick succession: once, quickly, to find out what happens; then again, more slowly, to luxuriate in Conrad』s incomparable sentences. (Most subsequent spy writers were perhaps wise to keep their prose fairly functional.) The agent of the title is the seedy porn shop owner Verloc, who is ordered by a foreign power to blow up Greenwich Observatory, although, in a le Carré-ish twist, the purpose of this terrorist outrage is to frame a group of anarchists. Its ending may be the saddest and most savagely ironical of any in fiction.

《秘密特工》(又譯為《間諜》) 約瑟夫·康拉德(1907)




The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan (1915)

Enter Richard Hannay, ramrod-backed hero on the run, falsely accused of murder, while himself in pursuit of a master of disguise who wants to steal vital British defence secrets. There was nothing kinky about Buchan – when made a peer, he took the title Baron Tweedsmuir – so if you want a blonde in handcuffs, watch the Hitchcock film. The original novel is an almost entirely woman-free zone, although in its sequels Sir Richard does marry the equally plucky Mary, a nurse and fellow agent. Slightly dim, Hannay still makes a surprisingly effective spy, although he does break his cover whenever he feels like giving a foreigner a good thrashing. Buchan』s novels are easy to patronise, but extremely difficult to better.






Ashenden, or the British Agent by W Somerset Maugham (1928)

This collection of stories drew closely on Maugham』s own experiences as an intelligence officer in Europe during the First World War. Half of the original draft allegedly had to be burnt after Winston Churchill declared that it would be in breach of the Official Secrets Act. Maugham broke new ground in conveying the drudgery of spying, for all its periodic excitements. John le Carré declared him 「the first person to write about espionage in a mood of disenchantment and almost prosaic reality」. The mood was too much for Goebbels, who denounced the book for its typically British cynicism.





Journey into Fear by Eric Ambler (1940)

The hero is Graham, an English engineer vital to the successful rearmament of the Turkish Navy. On the voyage home from Istanbul, he tries to work out which of his fellow passengers must be the Nazi agent trying to assassinate him. Like most Ambler protagonists, Graham is hopelessly ill-suited to being a spy; but, thanks to the assistance of an unexpectedly decent socialist, he comes good. Ambler was the first writer to use the spy novel as a vehicle for left-of-centre sympathies, but he was not remotely po-faced about it: in this novel, the obligatory nice Lefty admits that he only became a socialist to annoy his wife.





Assignment in Brittany by Helen MacInnes (1942)

MacInnes, who wrote more than 20 spy novels, would probably advise any budding espionage writers looking for fieldwork that the next best thing is to marry a spy. Her husband, Gilbert Highet, was an agent for MI6 as well as an eminent Oxford classicist. This, her second novel, concerns a British intelligence officer who tries to spy on Nazis in Brittany by impersonating a French local for whom he happens to be a dead ringer. MacInnes pulls off this difficult literary conceit, making you believe that the interloper can really fool his doppelganger』s mother, fiancée and mistress. So authentic was the novel』s depiction of espionage behind enemy lines that it was used to train real-life Allied spies.





From Russia, with Love by Ian Fleming (1957)

The fifth and best Bond novel. You wouldn』t know it from watching Robert Shaw and Sean Connery in the film but when Red Grant tries to shoot Bond on board the Orient Express, our hero stops the bullet with a handy copy of an Eric Ambler novel. It could be read as a metaphor for the way Fleming scuttled the gritty reality that Ambler had brought into the genre. But for all his books』 absurdities, Fleming has many fine qualities. As Ambler himself put it, 「Critics rarely remark on how well written the James Bond stories are. I suppose that with a man as civilised and amusing as Mr Fleming, good writing is taken for granted.」

《 俄羅斯之愛》伊恩·弗萊明(1957)




Our Man in Havana by Graham Greene (1958)

Greene made his reputation in the Thirties with thrillers noted for the sort of grimness that is usually described as 「realistic」, but this later book, written after he had actually worked for British Intelligence, suggests he came to feel that a spirit of irreverent farce was more fitting. Wormold, a vacuum cleaner salesman in Havana, reluctantly agrees to spy for the British to fund the extravagances of his daughter Milly (who, in an unmistakably Greene-ish touch, complains that she』ll lose her faith if she doesn』t get the gifts she』s prayed for) and ends up inventing reports when he can』t find anything out. Castro complained that it dealt with Batista』s Cuba too frivolously, but it』s really British Intelligence that』s being sent up something rotten.





The Spy Who Came in from the Cold by John le Carré (1963)

When the young David Cornwell, an intelligence officer working for MI6, published his pseudonymous third novel, it was hailed as the first work of fiction to present the business of espionage as it really was. Le Carré himself would say that this was precisely what the book didn』t do. As he once told me: 「My service passed it, on the grounds it was not reflective of the truth, and gave away no secrets.」 It is better regarded as a great feat of imagination. Although le Carré has written many fine novels in the ensuing half-century, he has never quite recaptured anything as thrillingly transgressive as the cynicism of his anti-hero Leamas, who describes the rest of the Secret Service as 「people who play cowboys and Indians to brighten their rotten lives」.

《柏林諜影》(又名《寒風孤諜》《受冷漠的人》) 約翰·勒卡雷




A Taste for Death by Peter O』Donnell (1969)

Definitely not to be confused with the P?D James novel of the same name, this is instead the highlight of a series of novels about Miss Modesty Blaise, underworld-boss turned freelance enforcer, employed by Sir Gerald Tarrant of the British Secret Service. Modesty, who began life in a comic strip that ran in the Evening Standard for 38 years, is often described as a female Bond but is in fact a much more interesting character inspired by a young Balkan refugee O』Donnell met while serving in Persia in the war. A Taste for Death takes Modesty and her sidekick Willie to Panama and Algeria, with a finale in an abandoned fort in the Sahara. Progressive readers will be glad to hear that, in this one, Modesty doesn』t resort to her favourite trick: distracting baddies by taking off her top.


千萬別把這部小說與P. D.詹姆士的同名小說相混淆。這是《女諜玉嬌龍》系列小說中最最精彩的一部。女諜玉嬌龍曾當過黑社會頭目,後來變為一名自由的僱傭兵,受雇於英國特工部的傑拉德·塔蘭特爵士。玉嬌龍在倫敦《標準晚報》的連環漫畫中活躍了長達38年之久,常為人們譽為「女邦德」,但實際上她是年輕的巴爾幹難民奧唐奈在波斯服兵役時突發靈感創造的一個更為有趣的人物。



Seventeen Moments of Spring by Yulian Semyonov (1969)

It seems only fair to pick a novel from the other side of the Iron Curtain, but Seventeen Moments of Spring is far from a token inclusion. It』s one of the most suspenseful thrillers ever written. Semyonov composed it at the instigation of Yuri Andropov, the KGB chief who was on a mission to redeem the dismal reputation of the Soviet intelligence services. It』s set in the final weeks of the Second World War when Russian agent Maxim Isaev, disguised as a Nazi official, is trying to prevent a peace deal between the Germans and the Americans. The book spawned one of the Soviet Union』s most popular television series in the Seventies, and Isaev has become a folk hero in Russia. Propaganda at its most entertaining.





Other Paths to Glory by Anthony Price (1974)

Price』s novel is about connecting the dots between two types of warfare. Somebody is murdering survivors of the Battle of the Somme as well as the historians who have been talking to them; the crimes are somehow connected with a summit between nuclear powers. Our hero, the reluctant but brilliant spy David Audley, unravels a plot convoluted even by Price』s standards. The dialogue is superbly comic and there is a wonderful sense of history as an almost living thing, and of the nobility of historians who feel obliged to seek out the truth, no matter how unpalatable.




The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum (1980)

In the Seventies, Ludlum suffered briefly from what may have been the most profitable bout of amnesia in history. It inspired him to create the character of Jason Bourne, a man with no memory but outstanding survival skills, which become very useful as he traverses the globe to find out not only who he is but also why both the CIA and someone called Carlos the Jackal want to kill him. Despite Ludlum』s dogged refusal to lapse into plausibility, any niggling critical doubts the reader may have will be crushed by the sheer power of his storytelling. The Matt Damon films do this and its two sequels justice, but beware novels written under Ludlum』s name since his death.





Berlin Game by Len Deighton (1983)

Fleming made spy fiction globally popular, but it took Deighton in the Sixties with novels such as The IPCRESS File to make it hip. His finest work, though, came later, in the Eighties, with this trilogy (completed by Mexico Set and London Match) about the disillusioned SIS agent Bernard Samson. Less exuberant than his early books but more subtle, Berlin Game is a terrific feat of plotting that out-le-Carrés le Carré in its sardonic portrait of Secret Service office politics. Tarantino (who had Max Cherry read a copy in Jackie Brown) should hurry up and film it, like he said he would.


弗萊明讓間諜小說在全球範圍內流行起來,但在上世紀六十年代,戴頓則以《伊普克雷檔案》這樣的小說讓間諜小說變得時髦。然而,他最出色的作品是完成於上世紀八十年代、講述覺悟的軍情六處特工伯納德·薩姆森的三部曲(由《柏林遊戲》《墨西哥陷阱》(Mexico Set)《倫敦比賽》(London Match)組成)。



Los Alamos by Joseph Kanon (1997)

The best spy novels used to play on their readers』 concerns about contemporary events. In the past couple of decades, however, the boom in historical fiction has brought a proliferation of faux-period pieces in the espionage genre. Alan Furst, William Boyd and Robert Harris have all written fine examples, but none of them quite beats Kanon. This, his first novel, is set in 1945, when intelligence officer Michael Connolly is dispatched to the officially non-existent Los Alamos to investigate whether the murder of a Manhattan Project security officer is just a crime of passion or has something to do with a leak.



艾倫·福斯特(William Furst),威廉·博伊德(William Boyd)和羅伯特·哈里斯(Robert Harris)的作品都是很好的例子,但無一能與卡儂的創作相媲美。這本書是卡儂的第一部小說,講述的是1945年的故事。當時,情報官員康納利被派往現實中並不存在、名為洛斯阿拉莫斯的地方,去那裡調查對曼哈頓項目安全人員的謀殺是否只是情殺,還是與泄密有關。


The Company by Robert Littell (2002)

Spanning 45 years in 900 pages, Littell』s behemoth manages to do everything that Norman Mailer』s Harlot』s Ghost attempted, but it』s a lot more reader-friendly. The Company tells the story of four CIA spies who encounter everybody from Kim Philby and the Kennedy brothers to Reagan, Putin and eventually a Bin Laden-esque villain in Afghanistan (presciently, as Little wrote it before 9/11). Littell lacks le Carré』s moral ambiguity (one character repudiates that famous 「cowboys and Indians」 passage), but he is the closest thing to an American equivalent.

《合伙人》 羅伯特·利特爾(2002)




Decoded by Mai Jia (2002)

A literary superstar in China, Mai Jia』s multi-million-selling novels draw on his past in the Chinese security services. Decoded is the tale of an autistic genius who becomes a brilliant codebreaker. Readers expecting constant thrills and spills or Imitation Game-style sentimentalisation of a troubled savant』s life will be disappointed. Decoded is riddling, dreamlike and digressive, in the manner of classical Chinese fiction, but you end up wanting to decipher its mysteries as fervently as its protagonist tackles his codes.





Fever and Spear by Javier Marías (2002)

Marías, perhaps Spain』s greatest living novelist, began his career as a translator, and most of his novels still centre on translators: 「people who are renouncing their own voices」. The same might be said of spies, and the parallels have preoccupied Marías in his great Your Face Tomorrow trilogy. This, the first volume, introduces Deza, a Spanish translator employed by a mysterious offshoot of MI6 that analyses people』s faces and mannerisms for clues about what they might do next. Vicious violence unfolds with mesmerising, Proustian slowness.





Slow Horses by Mick Herron (2010)

This is the first volume of what I hope will become a long series set in Slough House, a sort of Siberia-on-Thames to which MI6 workers who have blotted their copybooks – for being alcoholic, sleeping with the wrong person or leaving secret files on the Tube – are exiled to do donkey work. The disgraced spies trade acidulous put-downs – each topped by their monstrous bully of a boss, Jackson Lamb – as they try to redeem their reputations. A useful corrective in the era of television』s superheroic Spooks, Herron』s superb novels suggest that the most important secret spies are hiding is that they』re really just like us.


這是「絕望屋」(Slough House)小說系列的首卷,而我個人極為希望此系列發展得足夠長。絕望屋是英國版的西伯利亞,它為那些搞砸了的軍情六處特工們而設,後者們往往會因為酗酒、濫交或上傳機密文件到YouTube而被懲罰去做苦工。在惡霸上級傑克遜·蘭布的統治下,這些臭名昭著的特工們一邊試圖挽回名譽,一邊又在肆無忌憚互相貶低。



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