

After secretly dating London-born actor Joe Alwyn for several months since the pair met last year, it appears Taylor Swift is gradually becoming less private when it comes to keeping her relatively new romance under wraps.泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)去年又識新人——英國演員喬·阿爾文(Joe Alwyn)。與喬·阿爾文秘密約會幾個月後,泰勒終於無法繼續「金屋藏嬌」,新戀情再遭曝光。I mean, you can"t blame her reluctance to share her love with the world, given the none-stop gossip and intrusion of privacy during her relationships with former boyfriends Calvin Harris, Harry Styles and Tom Hiddleston.在前幾段與加爾文·哈里斯(Calvin Harris)、哈利·斯泰爾(Harry Styles)、以及抖森 (Tom Hiddleston)的戀情中,泰勒屢屢遭到流言和隱私侵犯,這也不難理解為何此次泰勒不想再公開戀情。However, despite keeping a relatively low profile in recent months in public and on social media (her last show was the Super Saturday Night Concert back in March), the 27-year-old singer was spotted in her hometown of Nashville, enjoying a coffee on a balcony in Tennessee, days after the pair were seen jetting out of the UK together on a private jet.儘管幾個月來在公眾面前和社交媒體上格外低調(泰勒上一場演出在超級碗,早在三月份落幕),27歲的歌手泰勒仍然在家鄉美國田納西州那什維爾遭到偷拍。當時泰勒正在陽台喝咖啡。幾天前,兩人剛剛被拍到乘坐私人飛機一同出國。

According to E! News, the pair spent time at Taylor"s mother"s home, with close friends and family members for a small dinner party on Sunday evening. The duo also reportedly ordered a takeaway during their stay at the singer"s house and invited some friends over for the evening.據E! News報道,上周日晚,泰勒和男友與親朋好友相聚泰勒母親家共度晚餐。據說兩人還曾在泰勒家點過外賣,和朋友晚上聚餐。"Taylor wants to keep this relationship private and has been taking measures to keep things low-key and under-the-radar," a separate source explained to the news outlet.某圈外人士告訴E! News「泰勒不想公開戀情,一直努力保持低調,不被拍到。」News of the pair"s relationship comes weeks after Taylor"s BFF, Selena Gomez, seemed to give her seal of approval on Joe, suggesting T-Swizzle is happy with "new people" during an interview.就在泰勒戀情曝光幾周前,賽琳娜(Selena Gomez)在某節目採訪中表示對「某人」挺滿意,暗示泰勒與「某人」相處很好。


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