

來自專欄和TRCL一起聊咖啡2 人贊了文章

時隔一個月,有多少人在期待著我們這一期的澳洲咖啡師訪談?還是惦記著看帥哥?今天,為大家請到的是另一名澳洲當地的帥小伙兒,Corie Joel Sutherland。老規矩,帥不帥不是我說了算了,先爆照。

Corie,曾經的音樂人,如今的咖啡師,並且從前年開始業餘時間在悉尼大學攻讀歷史、政治、哲學等學科。幾乎悉尼所有有名的幾家咖啡店都有過他工作的身影:Mecca、Campos、Toby』s Estate…最後和自己的哥哥開辦了屬於自己的咖啡店和烘培廠。因為咖啡師這個職業,他得以和各種各樣的交談,也經歷了很多開店時期的各種問題。持續不斷的思考讓他最終想要多做一些和民眾關係更大的事情,這也是為什麼他選擇重返校園,繼續充實自己。



——I have been making coffee for about 9 years altogether. It all began when I was waiting in line at the original Campos store in Newtown. I was only 20 at the time and could not understand what all the fuss was about. That soon changed after I took my first sip of coffee (without sugar). Sweet and delicate, and slightly fruity. Like a drug I was hooked.


Campos Newtown本店

——Coffee is such an interesting beverage with a rich and more so relatively unknown history. It is rather odd that a beverage that was essentially in such a state of obscurity up until the 16th century has become one of the most beloved and unifying drinks the world over.



——I originally became a barista after I moved to Sydney. I was a busker and a musician, but that doesnt make a lot of money and I thought that being a barista was a cool job. I would sit in cafes, like campos, Tobys estate and Mecca, back in 2008, and thought it was such a cool place to be and felt this is what I want to do.

——在我搬到悉尼之後成為了一名咖啡師。在這之前,我曾是街頭巡演音樂師,不過這掙不了什麼錢,所以我想做一名咖啡師應該會不錯。時間回到2008年,當我坐在諸如Campos、Toby』s estate、Mecca這樣的咖啡館時,覺得這真是一個很酷的地方,而我應該在這裡工作。


——I have unfortunately never had the opportunity to work as a barista overseas, but I have travelled to many countries and made many observations. Coffee culture is very different from country to country as many cultures have incorporated it into their daily lives in many different ways. The Scandinavians for example were some of the first to adopt a lighter or softer developed coffee, and incorporated that into their hyyge or break time tradition. Coffee shops exploded all over Japan after World War Two, through military expats and small time Japanese enthusiasts. Coffee in England is re emerging as a huge part of the culture after being dormant for many years. I could go on and on, however, of one spends a little time in another country they can easily see what sets other coffee cultures apart from each other.




——There are so many factors that need to be accounted for when making a good cup of coffee. And a "good" cup is very subjective as cultural differences and different subjective palates will discern what makes a good cup of coffee. The quality of the coffee plant itself is of major concern as genera, species, altitude, ripeness, and the milling process all heavily contribute to the overall quality of coffee. People should always remember that coffee is an agricultural product and therefore rather volatile season to season.



——Roasting is one of the most subjective ends to cultivating a good coffee as some require greater development than others. An underdeveloped, over developed, and a baked roast can greatly impact even the best green coffee and tarnish an otherwise well processed seed. Understanding thermodynamics and biological chemistry, alongside having a very discernible palate can achieve amazing results when considering coffee roasting.

Being a barista essentially comes down to understanding mathematics and having great customer service skills. Ideal coffee extraction is another one of those subjective ends of coffee, as each barista will have their preferences. However, if one uses the technology at hand and has a good understanding of tds, extraction percentages, and understands that brew strength is about how much one dilutes their beverage set against the solubility of their coffee, one can easily create a very palpable cup.





——What I would say to coffee lovers is this: do not critically evaluate a coffee unless you are a professional, just enjoy the coffee you like to drink and forget about the pretence many place on the drink. That being said; many people also do not understand that different coffees will taste different so if your looking for something very consistent stick with a blend or a bigger coffee company, if your wanting to be more adventurous try many of the plethora of great micro roasterys that can be found in almost any city of the world, if you look hard enough. A consistently good cup is far superior to a very inconsistent great one.



——Depends on wether you are a home connoisseur or wanting to be a coffee professional. Start with buying a few of the great coffee books, educate yourself, or attend public cupping or many of the great coffee workshops that coffee companies hold. An espresso machine is an expensive investment so if your not going to delve deep in it, just go to your local and enjoy it there. Buy a filter coffee brewer and experiment at home. The coffee rabbit hole is very deep, just decide how deep you want to dive before you do would be my advice.







咖啡生活 | 記住,下次去咖啡館的時候這樣考驗咖啡師的技術!怎麼不會做?還不快學起來!!!
一個喜歡和自己較勁的咖啡人 | 人物專訪---阿正

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