


日本自由行除了各種逛吃逛吃 更不能錯過環保的兒童天地

童范兒著名設計師 帶您領略日本東京玩具博物館的獨特設計魅力

Tokyo Toy Museum東京玩具博物館

Wooden Baby Room – This room was out favorite. It is specially designed for babies aged 0-2. Baby enjoyed all the wooden pull and shape toys and bright scarfs. Babies were crawling all over the place haveing a wonderful time using the wooden slides, tunnel and baby toys.

木製嬰兒室——這個房間是最受歡迎的。它是專門為0 -2歲的嬰兒設計的。嬰兒喜歡所有的木製拉和形狀玩具和明亮的圍巾。嬰兒們在用木製滑梯、隧道和嬰兒玩具度過了一個美好的時光。

There is also a Toy Factory, which looks like a great craft room. Unfortunately the day we went they were working on a craft for age 3+. However, they do have classes each day for a few hundred yen; ages vary per project. You can learn how to make handmade toys. Beginner-level classes, using paper cups, straws, milk packs, and other simple materials are ideal for little children. Older children and adults can create more complex ones.


The Toy Museum has a variety of rooms on three floors. However, our favorite were the following three, and the gift shop that has an excellent selection of educational toys.


Wood Toy Forest – This room was filled with the aroma of cypress. A good room for 2.5-6 years. There is a climbing structure, a ball pit filled with 20,000woodenballs and lots of other cool play areas.

木質玩具森林——這個房間里充滿了柏樹的香氣。一個2.5 -6年的好房間。有一個攀岩結構,一個裝滿了20,000木質球的球坑和許多其他涼爽的遊樂區。

Toy Square Red – This room painted bright red is filled with traditional Japanese toys! Great chance to get hands-on learning of cup-and-ball, beanbags and spinning tops. If you do not know how to use a toy, one of the red aproned volunteers will aid you. There is also a great little tea house that Baby loved and did not want to leave!



Museum shop Apty


Apty is a museum shop which has toys created mainly by Japanese toy artisans.Toys such as Good-toys,wooden toys,traditional toys,and other popular forms are on display.


About the Tokyo Toy Museum


Tokyo Toy Museum is operated by the Non-Profit Organization (NPO) Japan Good Toy Association. The facilities are the remains of the old Yotsuya Daiyon elementary school building, which was built in 1935. Japan Good Toys Association strives to promote (1) friendship among different generations, (2) partnership in the social community, and (3) family communication.

東京玩具博物館由非營利組織日本玩具協會主辦。這些設施是1935年建成的.小學校舍的遺址。日本好玩具協會致力於促進( 1 )不同年代人之間的友誼,( 2 )社會社區的夥伴關係,( 3)家庭溝通。



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