


自我剽竊(Self-plagiarism)[1],又名「再循環欺騙」(recycling fraud)[2],是指重複使用作者自己作品中重要的、相同的或近乎相同的部分內容而沒有告知這樣做或沒有引用原文獻。這類文章通常被認為是複製品(duplicate)或重複發表(multiple publication)。就學術倫理而言,如果被複制的先前作品的版權已經轉讓給其他出版機構,這樣做是違法的。通常,自我剽竊只被視作嚴重的學術道德問題,因為這些複製的作品也常被作者宣稱為新的「成果」,如學術出版領域的論文成果和教學方面的成果[1,2]。但這種情況除法律意義以外,不適用於公共興趣的文本,如通常發表在報紙或通俗雜誌上的關於社會、行業和文化方面的見解。還有,如學術成果發表在專業學術期刊之後再改寫為新聞稿發表在報紙等大眾媒體也不算作自我剽竊。有了這種認知的背景,就不難理解為什麼經常發現某人的一篇文章重複發表在多家報章雜誌或被轉載若干次,也沒有人譴責其重複發表或一稿多發了。

在學術領域,自我剽竊,是指作者在後續出版物中重複使用他們自己已經發表的或已有版權的作品,但又沒有引用前面的出版物[3]。判定自我剽竊往往很難,因為有限的重複使用材料不論在法律上(如「合理使用[fair use]」)還是倫理上都是可接受的。

有人辯稱,自我剽竊術語自相矛盾,站不住腳[4]。因為根據剽竊的定義,主要指使用他人的作品,而不是自己的。Stephanie J. Bird[5]就認為,「自我剽竊」術語是一個使用不當的名稱。但是,該詞語用於指潛在不道德發表的特定形式。Stephanie J. Bird將「兩次或多次冗餘發表」(」dual or redundant publication」)這種道德問題判定為「自我抄襲」。在教育領域,自我剽竊還用於指學生提交同一篇文章去騙取兩門或以上課程的學分。

David B. Resnik認為,自我剽竊只涉及學術不誠實,但不涉及知識盜竊[6]。



[1] 維基百科. Plagiarism.

[2] Stuart Green

[3] Hexham, I. (2005). 「Academic Plagiarism Defined」.

[4] Broome, Marion E. (2004). 「Self-plagiarism: oxymoron, fair use, or scientific misconduct?」 Nursing Outlook, Vol. 52 (6), November, pp.273-274.

[5] Self-plagiarism and Dual and Redundant Publications: What Is the Problem

[6] See Resnik, David B. (1998). The Ethics of Science: an introduction, London: Routledge. p.177, notes to chapter six, note 3. Online via Google Books

[7] Roig, M. (2005). Re-using text from one』s own previously published papers: An exploratory study of potential self-plagiarism. Psychological Reports, 97, 43-49.


1.Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) defines 「self-plagiarism」 as the verbatim or near-verbatim reuse of significant portions of one』s own copyrighted work without citing the original source.


2.As Hexam (1999) points out, it is possible to steal from oneself as when one engages in embezzlement or insurance fraud. In writing, self-plagiarism occurs when authors reuse their own previously written work or data in a 『new』 written product without letting the reader know that this material has appeared elsewhere. According to Hexam, 「… the essence of self-plagiarism is [that] the author attempts to deceive the reader」.


3.「Typically, self-plagiarism refers to the reusing of old writing in new works. For example, an author reusing passages in a new book or a scientist rehashing previously published research as if it were brand new. I』m not sure what the name for this type of problem is, I』ve heard it referred to as 「shotgun submissions」 or 「duplicate submissions」 but not really self plagiarism.」


4.The most common method of self-plagiarism is text reuse or text recycling, defined as the reuse of one』s previously published work that includes 「almost identical methodology, literature reviews, discussions, and other similar or identical textual material」.

Source: Roig M. Re-using text from one』s own previously published papers: an exploratory study of potential self-plagiarism. Psychol Rep 2005;97:43–49.


5.Self-plagiarism involves copying from one』s own work without proper attribution.


6.Essentially, self-plagiarism is duplication, it』s a kind of cheating.


7.Self-plagiarism occurs when an author reuses portions of their previous writings in subsequent research papers.


8.Self-plagiarism is when an author reuses portions of his or her previous writings in subsequent research papers.





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