《經濟學人》Modern love 婚戀應用里的愛情

《經濟學人》Modern love 婚戀應用里的愛情

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《經濟學人》180818-Modern love 婚戀應用里的愛情

Online dating has changed the search for a mate, for better more than for worse


THE internet has transformed the way people work and communicate. It has upended industries, from entertainment to retailing. But its most profound e?ect may well be on the biggest decision that most people make—choosing a mate.


In the early 1990s the notion of meeting a partner online seemed freakish, and not a little pathetic.

Today, in many places, it is normal. Smartphones have put virtual bars in people』s pockets, where singletons can mingle free from the constraints of social or physical geography. Globally, at least 200m people use digital dating services every month. In America more than a third of marriages now start with an online match-up. The internet is the second-most-popular way for Americans to meet people ofthe opposite sex, and is fast catching up with real-world 「friend of a friend」 introductions.


Digital dating is a massive social experiment, conducted on one of humanity』s most intimate and vital processes. Its e?ects are only just starting to become visible (see Brie?ng).



  • upend 顛覆
  • notion 概念
  • freakish /fri?k??/ 異想天開的

When Harry clicked on Sally 當哈利遇上薩利

Meeting a mate over the internet is fundamentally di?erent from meeting one o?ine.In the physical world, partners are found in family networks or among circles of friends and colleagues. Meeting a friend of a friend is the norm. People who meet online are overwhelmingly likely to be strangers. As a result, dating digitally o?ers much greater choice. A bar, choir or o?ce might have a few tens of potential partners for any one person. Online there are tens of thousands.


  • When Harry clicked on Sally 當哈利遇上薩利
    • 一部電影的名字,台詞摘錄和簡介見IMDb傳送門:imdb.com/title/tt009863
  • fundamentally /?f?nd?m?nt?li/ 根本上,重要地

This greater choice—plus the fact that digital connections are made only with mutual consent—makes the digital dating market far more e?cient than the o?ine kind. For some, that is bad news. Because of the gulf in pickiness between the sexes, a few straight men are doomed never to get any matches at all.On Tantan, a Chinese app, men express interest in 60% of women they see, but women are interested in just 6% of men; this dynamic means that 5% of men never receive a match.

In o?ine dating, with a much smaller pool of men to ?sh from, straight women are more likely to couple up with men who would not get a look-in online.


  • look-in 成功的機會

For most people, however, digital dating o?ers better outcomes. Research has found that marriages in America between people who meet online are likely to last longer; such couples profess to be happier than those who met o?ine. The whi? of moral panic surrounding dating apps is vastly overblown. Precious little evidence exists to show that opportunities online are encouraging in?delity. In America, divorce rates climbed until just before the advent of the internet, and have fallen since.


  • whiff /w?f/ 噴出,吸,單人皮划艇
  • vastly /va:stli/ 極大地 adj.
  • overblow /?ov??blo/ 吹的過響
  • infidelity /??nf?d?l?ti/ 不忠,通姦
  • advert /?dv?t/ 談及,廣告
  • boon /b?n/ 恩惠,愉快

Online dating is a particular boon for those with very particular requirements.Jdate allows daters to ?lter out matches who would not consider converting to Judaism, for instance. A vastly bigger market has had dramatic results for same-sex daters in particular. In America, 70% of gay people meet their partners online.This searchable spectrum of sexual diversity is a boon: more people can ?nd the intimacy they seek.


  • Jdate 一家為猶太人提供交友服務的網站,成立已經超過10年。
  • spectrum /spektr?m/ 光譜,範圍

There are problems with the modern way of love, however. Many users complain of stress when confronted with the brutal realities of the digital meat market, and their place within it.


Negative emotions about body image existed before the internet, but they are ampli?ed when strangers can issue snap judgments on attractiveness. Digital dating has been linked to depression.

The same problems that a?ict other digital platforms recur in this realm, from scams to fake accounts: 10% of all newly created dating pro?les do not belong to real people.


This new world of romance may also have unintended consequences for society.The fact that online daters have so much more choice can break down barriers: evidence suggests that the internet is boosting interracial marriages by bypassing homogenous social groups.But daters are also more able to choose partners like themselves. Assortative mating, the process whereby people with similar education levels and incomes pair up, already shoulders some of the blame for income inequality.Online dating may make the e?ect more pronounced: education levels are displayed prominently on dating pro?les in a way they would never be o?ine. It is not hard to imagine dating services of the future matching people by preferred traits, as determined by uploaded genomes. Dating ?rms also su?er from an inherent con?ict of interest. Perfect matching would leave them bereft of paying customers.


  • assortative /?s?:t?tiv/ 匹配的
  • inherent /?nh?r?nt/ 固有的,內在的
  • bereft of /b?r?ft/ 喪失,失去

The domination of online dating by a handful of ?rms and their algorithms is another source of worry. Dating apps do not bene?t from exactly the same sort of network e?ects as other tech platforms: a person』s friends do not need to be on a specific dating site, for example. But the feedback loop between large pools of data, generated by ever-growing numbers of users attracted to an ever-improving product, still exists. The entry into the market of Facebook, armed with data from its 2.2bn users, will provide clues as to whether online dating will inexorably consolidate into fewer, larger platforms.


  • inherent /?nh?r?nt/ 固有的,內在的
  • bereft/b?r?ft/ 喪失
  • They are bereft of their dignity.
  • 他們被奪去了尊嚴
  • domination /?dɑm?ne??n/ 控制,統治
  • loop /lup/ 圈,循環
  • inexorably /ineks?r?bli/ 無情地
  • consolidate /k?nsɑl?det/ 鞏固

While you were swiping 當你刷手機時,你在刷些什麼

But even if the market does not become ever more concentrated, the process of coupling (or not) has unquestionably become more centralised. Romance used to be a distributed activity which took place in a profusion of bars, clubs, churches and o?ces; now enormous numbers of people rely on a few companies to meet their mate. That hands a small number of coders, tweaking the algorithms that determine who sees whom across the virtual bar, tremendous power to engineer mating outcomes. In authoritarian societies especially, the prospect of algorithmically arranged marriages ought to cause some disquiet. Competition o?ers some protection against such a possibility; so too might greater transparency over the principles used by dating apps to match people up.


Yet such concerns should not obscure the good that comes from the modern way of romance. The right partners can elevate and nourish each other. The wrong ones can ruin both their lives. Digital dating o?ers millions of people a more e?cient way to ?nd a good mate. That is something to love.


  • swipe /swa?p/ 重擊,批評
  • profusion /pr?fju?n/ 許多,大量
  • distributed /d?str?bj?t?d/ 分散式
  • coder /k??d?/ 編碼器
  • tweak /twik/ 擰,焦急
  • disquiet /d?skwa??t/ 擔心,焦慮
  • authoritarian/?,θ?r?t?r??n/ 專治的,權利主義的
  • prospect /prɑsp?kt/ 景象,景色 n. 勘探 vi.
  • obscure /?bskj?r/ 模糊的,vt.遮掩
  • elevate /??l??vet/ 舉起,提升
  • nourish /n???/ 滋養,保持





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