Musical Perspective To You

Musical Perspective To You

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"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.」

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall


- 伊夫林·比阿特麗斯·霍爾


If there are two notes (音符) singing at same time, it is called Harmony (和弦).

If there are two notes (音符) singing at different time, it is called Melody (旋律).

- To those of you, who know and dont know me

2018年3月的時候,有幸參加了兩個local的NGO ,體會到了截然不同的氛圍和向心力。



Charles: "Hey, Rita, why your leadership style is so attractive?"

Rita: "uh....I dont know...」

Charles: 「How to be as inclusive as you do?I wanna acquire your style」

Rita: 「uh… I think it is somehow related to the personality. Maybe. I will say it gonna be hard to change your style.」

Charles:」 我們勻一勻哈哈哈。(實在翻譯不出來了,這個表達更好)

Rita:「 Hahaha. I dont have strong and clear personal ambition in this organization. The sense of myself is merely presented. Maybe this is why it seems like I am inclusive as I have no reason to against for anything here「

Charles:」I see. Sounds like a clear and fuzzy vision. You could see but not exactly. 」



接著說,對於Charles來說,科班的組織,嚴格上下等級制度的公司,固執己見的老闆,平庸的領導,任何不夠有挑戰性的,不夠innovative, 不夠inspiring 的組織,都是我所不喜歡的。所以在接觸T之前,我的生活里大抵真的只有這些。 但是人生啊,就是這麼有意思,當你內心真的無比渴望某樣東西時,整個宇宙都會來幫你。

正常情況下,對於不同立場的人和idea,我的敵對情緒會強到爆棚,所以吐槽起來也從來不嘴下留情,除了硬要去argue一把之外,內心的鄙視也是必不可少的,情商是被多數人公認的低。也並不是沒有想過某年某月某天作為一個team leader站在台上的時候會是一個什麼情形, 對於大家的意見和建議,最有可能出現的局面可能是:XXX不對,YYY不行,ZZZ你想清楚了再說,哎呀,大家的好想法呢?為什麼我沒有聽到一個還不錯的呢?

如果你也是一個異常執著在追求完美最優解,否定次優解的人,我相信你會懂我。對於自己格外支持的事物和觀點,執著一點並沒有什麼不好。 那麼問題來了,我們對大多數事物的否定都是來源於自身觀點,如果我們拿來作為標杆的觀點本身就是偏頗的呢?





直到某天,我無意間打開了Youtube的一個視頻,在講樂理,裡面說: Music has 12 notes. Ok,對於一個五音不全的人來說,樂理好比是天書,五線譜好吃嗎?I dont know. 誰吃過的我們可以來交流一下。


"What is harmony?

"Harmony is any two or more notes played in music at the same time"

作為一個對語言極度敏感的人,五線譜和樂理我是真不懂。但是Harmony這個單詞我知道啊。和諧嘛!"The atmosphere of our company is very harmonious!" 你看,各種詞性信手就能拈來。然而又有多少人跟我一樣,第一次知道harmony是從音樂而來,更指的是和弦。

關於Melody,我也是第一次知道原來可以這麼解釋:」If there are more than two notes singing at different time, it is called Melody."

Wow,I guess I found out the reason why Rita is so inclusive.


To be inclusive or not is not constrained by your personality but the perspective we used to view this world. I was constantly looking for the same value and similar ideas but tried to ignore or even isolated the idea that are different from mine.

But if we only allow one note to sing, there will be no more harmony and no more melody. It is not up to your personality, but our ability to accept others ideas and understand that we could allow 100 flowers blossom too.

-「 What if we create a safe environment to allow other people to speak freely and you acknowledge their ideas and effort, even when their ideas conflict with ours, may be our acknowledgement will inspire the people in the group to say more, to deliver

more, to contribute more, much more than you think you could. " - Charles Li


If you disagree with someone, maybe musical perspective will work for you.

Let them sing. Let them become harmony. Empower them with instruments and produce melody.

Arent we the orchestra performing the symphony on the stage?


Charles Li - I wish to show the power of language



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