

Swallowing bitter pills


China is sprucing up its pharma sector


The changes are helping multinational drugmakers. In time they may boost the domestic industry.


China is home to 1.4bn people. The population is ageing, and thus more vulnerable to ailments. Sustainable economic growth is making the country richer, and more able to afford remedies. To foreign pharmaceutical firms, this looks like a winning combination. They are less keen on protracted review times, onerous rules and the reams of paperwork required to sell drugs in China. It can take a decade after approval in America for foreign drugs to reach Chinese patients.


The Chinese authorities at last appear to have acknowledged the problem-and are administering a cure in doses that have surpassed even optimists』 expectations. A reinvigorated regulator is waving through drugs from abroad, and clamping down on unscrupulous domestic companies. The government is spending more on drugs, including foreign ones, as it expands public health care. It is letting market forces weed out frail local firms. In other words, China is becoming a more normal market. Global drugmakers are rubbing their hands. By some estimates China became the second-largest global consumer of medicines in 2017. The market is worth $122.6bn, according to IQVIA ,a research firm.


The normalization owes a lot to the overhaul of the China Drug Administration (CDA). Under Bi Jingquan, who took over the regulator in 2015, the CDA introduced fast-track review for drugs for unmet medical needs, ditched the requirement to perform clinical trials with Chinese patients in state-run Chinese labs and relaxed rules that obliged many firms to invest in local factories. The CDA has also joined a global body which harmonises the way drugs are assessed. It is adopting international standards for the collection of clinical data. In three years Mr Bi accomplished what would normally take three decades, gushes Lu Xianping, the co-founder of Chipscreen Biosciences, a Chinese biotechnology firm.


For foreign drugs firms this means quicker and cheaper drug approval. The approval in March last year of AstraZeneca』s lung-cancer drug, Tagrisso (osimertinib), came seven months after regulators in developed markets gave theirs-「a very different timeline」 compared with the past, confirms Sean Bohen, head of global medicines development at the British firm. On August 20th Roche, a Swiss company, secures Chinese consent for its own lung-cancer drug, Alecensa (alectinib), less than nine months after it launched in the West.

對於國外藥品公司來說,這意味著藥品審批流程更快、花費更少。去年三月,AstraZeneca公司的肺癌葯Tagrisso (osimertinib)的審批通過僅比發達國家晚7個月。Sean Bohen是這家英國公司的全球藥品研發老總,他強調說相比以前這是一個非常不同的時間表。8月20日,瑞士羅氏公司與中國共同保證肺癌葯Alecensa (alectinib)在中國的上市不晚於西方9個月。

As well as these regulatory changes, China』s national insurance scheme has expanded to cover most citizens. Although patients remains on the hook for part of the cost of the priciest treatments, the government is coughing up for more high-end drugs. In May the government extended patent protection for pharmaceuticals by five years, to as much as 25 years. It also removed import tariffs on cancer drugs and cut it on other medicines, despite trade tensions with America.


The Chinese authorities do demand steep discounts on the prices of expensive treatments. Across 36 premium drugs that were included on the national reimbursement list last year, producers had to swallow price cuts of 44% on average, relative to the previous year』s average prices, calculates IQVIA. But firms are making up for lower margins with mammoth volumes. Deutsche Bank reckons that in the first quarter of 2018, the top 20 global pharma firms saw Chinese sales grow by 18% compared with last year. This was chiefly thanks to newly approved drugs.


Big Pharma thus has reason to cheer the shake-up; local drugmakers less so. Chinese producers of low-quality copycat drugs have been slow to meet the CDA』s tougher new manufacturing standards and the requirement to prove their pills are biologically equivalent to the original drugs. Unblocking of the backlog of 22,000 applications for approval for sale (by foreign and domestic firms) will stiffen competition, which weaker firms may struggle to withstand. A programmme to verify clinical-trial data appears to have curbed flaky applications. Mr Lu thinks that in the next five to ten years, half of China』s 4,000 pharma companies could die as a result of the changes.


That appears to be the point. Hong Chow, general manager of Roche in China, reports that she has heard a government official say:」 Better short-lived pain than a long one.」 The tough love is meant to let laggards wither and innovators flourish. It is having an effect: perhaps 50 local generics firms are transforming into research-driven ones and more biotechnology companies are being founded, often by Chinese returning from stints at foreign companies. A decision by the Hong Kong stock exchange earlier this year to allow firms to list before they turn a profit will encourage Chinese biotech startup to seek capital at home rather than abroad.

這似乎就是問題的關鍵。羅氏製藥中國總經理Hong Chow說她聽到以為政府官員說「長痛不如短痛」。嚴格的愛就意味著讓落後者淘汰讓創新者繁榮。這種效果已經開始出現:大概有50家本地仿製葯公司開始轉型為研發驅動型企業,新成立的生物科技公司也越來越多——這些公司通常都是由在國外公司工作多年的人士回國建立的。香港股票交易所在今年早期出台一項決定允許公司在盈利前就納入交易列表,這將鼓勵中國的生物技術創新公司在國內尋求融資而不需要去國外融資。

In the longer term that should spell stiffer competition for foreign drugmakers. Mr Bohen says that it is only a matter of time before a Chinese discovery in basic science leads to a new drug sold by a Chinese firm. Mark McDade of Qiming Venture Partners, a big health-care investors in China, points to top–notch Chinese research in cancer therapies known as CAR-T. The number of molecules approved for clinical trials in China has ballooned.

從長期來說,國外製藥廠將面臨更嚴峻的競爭。Bohen先生說,由中國公司銷售中國的基礎科學研發出來的新藥物只是一個時間問題。Qiming風險合夥公司是中國一家大型健康投資公司,Mark McDade指出中國自主研發的尖端癌症治療方案CAR-T就是其一。在中國,被批准進行臨床試驗的分子數急劇增長。

The speed of change is not guaranteed. Developing new drugs is an uncertain, lengthy process. Mr Bi, the regulator who championed drug quality, was ironically one of those forced to resign in August after hundreds of thousands of children were discovered to have been given ineffective vaccines. Reforms to the CDA still have a long way to go. The agency has only just begun harmonizing its rules with those of foreign counterparts. The goal of having 289 generics pass bioequivalence tests by the end of the year is optimistic.


Franck Le Deu, a senior partner with Mckinsey, a consultant, foresees a period of uncertainty following Mr Bi』s sudden departure. The direction of reform is unlikely to change but its pace or focus might, he notes. That in turn will determine how long the boom times last for foreign pharma firms in China.

Franck Le Deu是麥肯錫的高級合伙人及顧問,據他預測,畢先生的突然離開將會給葯監局帶來一段時間的不確定性。改革的方向可能不會改變,但改革的速度和焦點可能會發生變化。這也決定了國外製藥廠在中國還有多長的繁榮期。


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