Jim Murray威士忌聖經(2018)—怎麼品嘗威士忌

Jim Murray威士忌聖經(2018)—怎麼品嘗威士忌


How to Taste Whisky

So when giving whisky tastings, no matter how konwlegeable the audience may be i take them through a brief training schedule in how to nose and taste as i do for each sample included in the Whisky Bible.

I am aware that many aspects are contrary to what is being taught by distilleries』 whisky ambassadors. And for what we should be truly thankful. However, at the end of the day we all find our own way of doing things. If your old tried and trusted technique suits you best, that』s fine by me. But i do ask you try out the instructions below at least once to see if you find your whisky is talking to you with a far broader vocabulary and clearer voice than it once did. I strongly susprect you will be pleasantly surprised – amazed, even-by the results.

Amusingly, someone tried to teach me my own tasting technique some years back in an hotel bar. He was not aware who i was and i didn』t let on. It transpired that a friend of his had been to one of my tastings a few years earlier and had passed on my words of 「wisdom」. I』d be lying if i said i didn』t smile when he informed me it was called 「The Murray Method」. It was the first time i had heard the phrase…though certainly not the last!


在品嘗威士忌時,不管酒友有多了解,我(Jim Murray)都會像對待《威士忌聖經》中的每個樣本一樣,給他們安排一個簡短的訓練課程,教他們如何聞和嘗。


有趣的是,幾年前有人試圖在酒吧向我傳授我自己的品酒技巧。他不知道我是誰,我也沒有透露。據我所知,他的一位朋友幾年前去過我的一個品酒會,並向他安利了我「智慧」的品酒方式。他告訴我它被稱為「The Murray Method」,如果我說我不想笑,那我就在撒謊。這是我第一次聽到這個詞(The Murray Method)……顯然不是最後一次!(Jim Murray充滿智慧的似笑非笑)

The Murray Method

1. Drink a black, unsweetened, coffee or chew on 90% minimum cocoa chocolate to cleanse the palate, especially of sugars.


2. Find a room free from distracting noises as well as the aromas of cooking, polish, flowers and others things which will affect your understanding and appreciation of whisky.


3. Make sure you have not recently washed your hands using heavily scented soap or are wearing a strong aftershave or perfume.


4. Use a tulip shaped glass with a stem. This helps contain the alcohols at the bottom yet allows the more delicate whisky aromas you are seaching for to escape.


5. Never add ice. This tightens the molecules and prevents flavours and aromas from being released. It also makes your whisky taste bitter. There is no better way to get the least from your whisky than by freezing it.


6. Likewise, ignore any advice given to put the bottle in the fridge before drinking.


7. Don』t add water! Whatever anyone tells you. It releases aromas but can mean the whisky falls below 40%...so it is no longer whisky. Also, its ability to release flavours and aromas diminish quite quickly. Never add ridiculous 「whisky rock」 or other supposed tasting aids.

7.不要加水!不管別人告訴你什麼。 這能更好的散發出香氣,但也意味著威士忌地酒精強度會低於40%,那麼它不再是威士忌了(對於Jim Murray而言)。此外,它釋放香味和芳香會很快消失。永遠不要添加可笑的「whisky rock」或其他瞎整的有毒的添加劑。

8. Warm the undiluted whisky in the glass to body temperature before nosing or tasting. Hence the stem, so you can cradle in your hand the curve of the thin base. This excites the molecules and unravels the whisky in your glass, maximsing its sweetness and complexity.


9. Keep an un-prefumed hand over the glass to keep the aromas in while you warm. Only a minute or two after condensation appears at the top of your glass should you extend your arms, lift your covering hand and slowly bring the glass to your nose, so alcoholic vapours have been released before the glass reaches your face.


10. Never stick your nose in the glass. Or breathe in deeply. Allow glass to gently touch your top lip, leaving a small space below the nose. Move from nostril ot nostril, breathing normally. This allows the aromas to break up in the air, helping you find the more complex notes.


11. Take no notice of your first mouthful. This is a maker for your palate.


12. On second, bigger mouthful, close your eyes to concentrate on the flavour and drew the whisky-moving it continuously around the palate. Keep your mouth slightly open to let air in and alcohol out. It helps if your head is tilted back very slightly.


13. Occasionlly spit-if you have the willpower! This helps your senses to remain sharp for the longest period of time.


14. Look for balance of the whisky. That is, which flavours counter others so none is too dominant. Also, watch carefully how the flavours and aromas change in the glass over time.



15. Assess the 「shape」 and mouth feel of the whisky, its weight and how long its finish. And don』t forget to concentrate on the first flavours as intensely as you do the last. Look out for the way the sugars, spices and other characterictics form.

15.評估威士忌的「形狀」和嘴的觸感,酒體的重量厚重還是輕盈,餘味持續的時間。別忘了,要注意感受每一種風味(不忘初心,慎始若終,don』t forget to concentrate on the first as intensely as you do the last),感受糖,香料,以及其它特徵風味的組合。

16. Never make your final assessment until you have tasted it a third of fouth time.


17. Be honest with your assessment:dont』t like a whisky because someome (yes,even me!), or the label, has tried to convince you how good it is.

17.要誠實的評價(不要違背自己的喜惡):永遠不要因為某人甚至是我(Jim Murray)本人的推薦或商標廠牌的吹捧,說這酒有多好多好,你就違背自己的內心喜歡它。

18. when you cannot discriminate betweent one whisky and another, stop immediately.



Jim Murray 威士忌聖經的評分標準(2018)
「TheWhiskyShop & 飲家Drinkers「端午烈酒試飲小聚

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