2018公益石鎖 CommonwealStonelock15

2018公益石鎖 CommonwealStonelock15

來自專欄中國石鎖功夫 Chinese Stonelock Kungfu5 人贊了文章

2018年9月1日,星期六,公益活動時突然下起了傾盆大雨。On Saturday, September 1st, 2018, there was a sudden rain of cats and dogs when commonweal stonelock exercise.

我以為凝姐會退縮,但是,她居然沒有! I thought Xinning would shrink back, but she didnt !

凝姐和我在滂沱大雨中練了幾乎半個小時。Xinning and I practiced in the heavy rain for almost 30 minutes.

在大雨中練習木質鎖,不僅是對體能的挑戰,也是對精神的挑戰。Practicing wooden stonelock in heavy rain is not only a physical challenge but also a spiritual challenge.

為凝姐點贊! Very well done, Xinning !


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