查普曼大學道奇影視傳媒學院 Chapman University Dodge

查普曼大學道奇影視傳媒學院 Chapman University Dodge

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查普曼大學(Chapman University)是一所中型綜合性私立非盈利大學,創立於1861年,是加州最負盛名的私立大學 。坐落於加州極為繁華的的藝術,商業,科學和技術中心之一的橘子郡,吸引了來自美國各地和世界各地的優秀學生。學校教師由204名全職和195名兼職教師組成,大多數教師已獲得博士學位,致力於教學、研究和出版業。學生與教師的比例為16:1。學校招收約6,400名本科生和研究生。學生來自美國的44個州,約10%的學生來自32個國家。 學校的設備完善,Argros 會議室面積為90,000平方英尺,紀念堂被列為國家歷史文物。此外還有Hutton 運動中心、Thurmond Clarke圖書館、A. Gary Anderson 經濟研究中心、Water Schmid國際商業中心、Hashinger科研中心。 學校須完成至少124小時課程(平均分為C給),優秀學生必須完成其中36小時的學習。所有學生都要參加閱讀、書面交流、口頭交流、計算、圖書應用等學科的學校的普通教育對人文學、社會學和自然科學相關學科介紹。學生在教師指導下選擇班組,通過參加高級學習班(AP),大學水平的考試項目(CLEP)和系級考試可累加獲得32個學分。學校每學年制度是4-1-4模式,可以提供實習與合作教育計劃。學生可以和教師合作,深入研究。





著名校友:Adam Londy, Cynthia Pascoe(20th Century Fox電影公司國際總監)



The requirements below are for students

applying for Fall 2018


Portfolio List


a one (1) to two (2) page list of activities that demonstrates your potential

in your area of chosen specialization focusing on creative accomplishments.

Include in this list specific items that you could submit, if requested, to

Dodge College of Film and Media Arts. Each listing should include a brief

description of the work and your role in its creation.(


of Portfolio listing (use this format): Title: Rogers Car Position: Writer/Director 16 minutes, Video 2005.

Valley College
Log line: Unusual

circumstance allows a sixteen-year-old to get his first car. I wrote this story

for a creative writing class and produced the film with the help of my friends.


Moment Essay


a two (2) page essay describing a transformational moment in your life that

fundamentally changed you as a person. Explain how you gained wisdom and

greater understanding of the human condition as a result of this experience. Essays should be typed, single-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman

font, one-inch margins on all sides.


Film Essay


your final year at Dodge as an MFA directing candidate you will make a 20-25

minute long thesis film. If you had to write the script of this thesis film today,

what story would you tell? 在你的最後一年,作為一名MFA的導演候選人,你將會製作一部長的長論文。如果你今天要寫這篇論文的劇本,你會講什麼故事?In no more than one (1) page, please write a treatment for

the thesis film you would like to make. 在不超過1(1)頁的情況下,請為你想寫的論文寫一篇文章。


should have a beginning, middle and end and should be your original story and

not adapted from material authored by someone else. 它應該有一個開頭、中間和結尾,應該是你最初的故事,而不是從別人的作品中改編而來Take care to limit your story to what can be shot in eight

days for $ 15,000 – $20,000. Essays should be typed, single-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman

font, one-inch margins on all sides.
把你的故事限制在8天之內,要花1萬5千到2萬美元。文章應該是列印的,單行距,12 pt。Times New Roman字體,每邊1英寸的邊距。




one (1) of the scenarios below and write a compelling dramatic scene. This may

be written in no more than two (2) pages as a short story, single spaced, or in

no more than five (5) pages as a screenplay. 選擇下面場景中的一個(1),並編寫一個引人注目的戲劇性場景。這篇文章可能只寫在兩篇(2頁)的短篇小說中,單行距,或者不超過5(5頁)作為一個劇本。We are looking for the strength in your storytelling ability.

1. Two

siblings who have not spoken to each other in ten years await the start of

their father or mother』s funeral and there is a monumental shift in their


2. A

couple whose marriage is on the verge of falling apart gets stuck in the snow

bank together without a working mobile phone, and the best and the worst of

their relationship comes out. 一對夫婦的婚姻即將破裂,他們在沒有工作手機的情況下被困在了雪堆里,他們的關係中最好的也是最糟糕的。

3. Three

strangers waiting outside a hospital emergency room, meet by chance, and it

changes their lives. 三個陌生人在醫院急診室門外等候,偶然相遇,這改變了他們的生活。




Video Essay


a self-introductory video essay between two (2) and five (5) minutes in length.

Your video should visually highlight something about yourself, your

personality, your interests, etc. The only rule is that you may NOT appear in

the video in any way (including any photographs of yourself), so be creative.

We are primarily looking for your strengths at conveying a story visually and

for evidence of your creativity rather than your technical abilities.


Work-Complete one (1) of the following:


prefer candidates to submit original Narrative work, unless they have not

directed a narrative film, in which case they should submit the Photo



Original Narrative Film:


may submit as many of your complete narrative movies (not short reel clips) as

you wish. If you have mentioned narrative work in an essay or on the creative

resume, please provide those samples by uploading them or providing a link.(電影作品集)


Photo Narrative:


no more than twenty (20) still photographs, tell a story based on this prompt:

A character is wandering in a city and encounters a situation that drastically

changes his/her life. 根據這個提示來講述一個故事:一個角色在城市裡遊盪,遇到一個徹底改變他/她生活的情況。The photos should be uploaded in the order you wish to convey

your story. The submission should be photographs only, and cannot have any

writing or descriptions included. We are looking for your ability to tell a

visual story without the use of dialogue or description. 這些照片應該以你希望傳達你的故事的順序上傳。提交應僅為照片,不能包含任何文字或描述。我們希望你們能夠在不使用對話的情況下講述一個視覺故事


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