

來自專欄魏劍峰:當我們在談英語學習時我們在談什麼32 人贊了文章



寫作中一提到舉例子,不少人的第一反應就是,take XX for example,這一說法雖然沒什麼問題,但已經有被用濫的趨勢,可以考慮下面的說法:

In recent weeks big cities with much healthier economies than Baotou』s have scaled back their subway plans, too. One example is Chengdu, the booming capital of Sichuan province, which has produced a revised blueprint for its transport system.

選段的背景是目前中國很多大城市都縮減了修建地鐵的計劃,成都就是一個例子。這兩句話也提供了一個很經典的舉例模板:...One example is…which… 即第一句先陳述觀點,然後通過One example is…which…說明具體例子。


The concentration of reams of personal data in one place makes serious leaks more likely. One example is the recent scandal at Cambridge Analytica, a political consultancy that acquired data on 87m Facebook users in underhand ways (and as a result went out of business).

在該句式中,作者用a political consultancy that…對前面提到的Cambridge Analytica進行補充說明。


(1) Some people argue that nuclear energy may become a safety hazard. One example is the Fukushima nuclear meltdown, which released enormous amounts of radiation into the surrounding communities, forcing hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate.

(2) The Internet can help to spread knowledge and improve equity in education. One example is Coursera, an online learning platform that provides an affordable and flexible way for people to learn new skills and advance their careers.

2. 要證明……,只需要看看……

下面的句子來自The Economist對巴西的報道Jair Bolsonaro, Latin America』s latest menace

Latin America has known all sorts of strongmen, most of them awful. For recent proof, look only to the disasters in Venezuela and Nicaragua.

上面這句話的意思是「拉丁美洲經歷過各種強人政治,這些人中大部分都很糟糕。想要找到最新的證明,只需要看看委內瑞拉和尼加拉瓜的災難就行」。其中know在這裡是一個特殊用法,意思相當於「經歷」,比如:The country has never known an earthquake. 這個國家從未發生過地震。

從這裡也可以提取出一個句式:…For recent/clear/concrete proof, look only to… 通過該句型來證明上文的觀點。舉個例子:

Global warming can have a huge influence on people』s lives. For concrete proof, look only to rising sea levels, which threaten to submerge low-lying areas around the world.


下面的句子來自The Economist關於歐洲人均壽命的報道:Why life expectancy is lower in eastern Europe:

Money might be thought to be at the root of the problem, but the facts do not bear out this view.

文章的背景是東歐和西歐國家在人均壽命值上存在差異,作者在文章中解釋了造成這些差異的原因。上面句子的意思是「金錢可能被認為是造成這一問題的根源,但事實並不支持這一觀點」。其中bear out是一個常見片語,含義是「支持,證明」(to show that something is true or that someone is telling the truth)。

從這裡可以提取出一個句型…might be thought to be at the root of the problem, but the facts do not bear out this view…以此來說明造成某問題的真正原因。


Many teenagers in China suffer from short-sightedness, and too much screen time is thought to be at the root of the problem. However, the facts do not bear out this view. Medical research has shown that teenage myopia is linked to lack of outdoor activities. To protect their eyesight, teenagers should try to spend more time outdoors.



Estimates in the report imply that EU migration since 2004 has left the wages of the poorest tenth about 3% lower than otherwise would have been the case, and those of the richest tenth 3% higher.



(1) The new medicine saved me from an illness which might otherwise have been hopeless. 新的藥物治好了我的一場本來會毫無希望治好的病。

(2) They exercise a disproportionate influence on our policy, forcing our national leaders to give uncompromising attention to something that would otherwise affect us little. 他們對我們的政策起著大得離奇的影響,迫使我們的全國性領導人對一些本來同我們沒多大關係的事情糾纏不休。


Having a part-time job can adversely affect students studies by becoming a drain on their time. Although spending 10 hours a week working at a restaurant may not seem like a major time commitment, it still takes time away from students that could otherwise be used to prepare homework.



(1) One example is…which…

(2) …For recent/clear/concrete proof, look only to…

(3) …might be thought to be at the root of the problem, but the facts do not bear out this view…

(4) otherwise


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