


在這個過程當中,我對代碼首先進行重構的地方是Draw Pass的概念。

之前我們聲明了一個IDrawPass介面,支持一個Draw()方法,然後將陰影貼圖的繪製、場景物體(幾何體)的繪製、天空球的繪製等都作為IDrawPass的一個實現進行編碼。但是在Metal當中,所謂的Draw Pass是指對某個表面(Render Target)的一次完整繪製。也就是在Draw Pass開始的時候會對Render Target進行清除操作。


然而,在繪製完成場景物體之後,開始天空球繪製之前,因為我們將其定義為兩個不同的Draw Pass,又會產生一次對RT的清除操作。這會導致最後我們在畫面上只能看到天空球,而在天空球之前繪製的內容都會被清除而看不到。這顯然不是我們想要的結果。

所以,場景物體(幾何體)的繪製與天空球的繪製之間,並不是Draw Pass之間的關係。它們都是對同一個RT的累積式的繪製,因此是屬於一個Draw Pass的。

因此,我又增加了一個IDrawPhase的介面,作為同一個Draw Pass當中的子階段過程的封裝。不同的Draw Phase共用同一個RT,並且Draw Phase的切換不產生對RT的Clear操作。一個Draw Pass由1個或者1個以上的Draw Phase聚合而成,Draw Pass的Draw事件實際上就是依次調用其聚合的所有Draw Phase的Draw事件:

#include "BasePass.hpp"

using namespace My;

void BasePass::Draw(Frame& frame)
for (const auto& pPhase : m_DrawPhases)

而GraphicsManager則聚合了1個或多個Draw Pass,其Draw事件實際上就是依次調用其聚合的所有Draw Pass的Draw事件:

void GraphicsManager::Draw()
auto& frame = m_Frames[m_nFrameIndex];

for (auto& pDrawPass : m_DrawPasses)



#ifndef __STDCBUFFER_H__
#define __STDCBUFFER_H__

#define MAX_LIGHTS 100

#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "portable.hpp"
#include "geommath.hpp"
#include "Guid.hpp"
#include "SceneObjectLight.hpp"
using namespace My;
#define SEMANTIC(a)
#define REGISTER(x)
#define unistruct struct
#define SamplerState void

namespace My {
enum LightType {
Omni = 0,
Spot = 1,
Infinity = 2,
Area = 3
#define SEMANTIC(a) : a
#define REGISTER(x) : register(x)
#define unistruct cbuffer
#define uint32_t uint
#define Guid uint4
#define Vector2f float2
#define Vector3f float3
#define Vector4f float4
#define Matrix2X2f row_major float2x2
#define Matrix3X3f row_major float3x3
#define Matrix4X4f row_major float4x4
#define LightType uint
#define AttenCurveType uint

struct Light{
float lightIntensity; // 4 bytes
LightType lightType; // 4 bytes
int lightCastShadow; // 4 bytes
int lightShadowMapIndex; // 4 bytes
AttenCurveType lightAngleAttenCurveType; // 4 bytes
AttenCurveType lightDistAttenCurveType; // 4 bytes
Vector2f lightSize; // 8 bytes
Guid lightGuid; // 16 bytes
Vector4f lightPosition; // 16 bytes
Vector4f lightColor; // 16 bytes
Vector4f lightDirection; // 16 bytes
Vector4f lightDistAttenCurveParams[2]; // 32 bytes
Vector4f lightAngleAttenCurveParams[2]; // 32 bytes
Matrix4X4f lightVP; // 64 bytes
Vector4f padding[2]; // 32 bytes
}; // totle 256 bytes

unistruct PerFrameConstants REGISTER(b10)
Matrix4X4f viewMatrix; // 64 bytes
Matrix4X4f projectionMatrix; // 64 bytes
Vector4f camPos; // 16 bytes
uint32_t numLights; // 4 bytes

unistruct PerBatchConstants REGISTER(b11)
Matrix4X4f modelMatrix; // 64 bytes

unistruct LightInfo REGISTER(b12)
struct Light lights[MAX_LIGHTS];

#ifdef __cplusplus
const size_t kSizePerFrameConstantBuffer = ALIGN(sizeof(PerFrameConstants), 256); // CB size is required to be 256-byte aligned.
const size_t kSizePerBatchConstantBuffer = ALIGN(sizeof(PerBatchConstants), 256); // CB size is required to be 256-byte aligned.
const size_t kSizeLightInfo = ALIGN(sizeof(LightInfo), 256); // CB size is required to be 256-byte aligned.

struct a2v
Vector3f inputPosition SEMANTIC(POSITION);
Vector3f inputNormal SEMANTIC(NORMAL);
Vector3f inputTangent SEMANTIC(TANGENT);
Vector3f inputBiTangent SEMANTIC(BITANGENT);

struct a2v_pos_only
Vector3f inputPosition SEMANTIC(POSITION);

#ifdef __cplusplus
struct material_textures
int32_t diffuseMap = -1;
int32_t normalMap = -1;
int32_t metallicMap = -1;
int32_t roughnessMap = -1;
int32_t aoMap = -1;
int32_t heightMap = -1;

struct global_textures
int32_t brdfLUT;

struct frame_textures
int32_t shadowMap = -1;
int32_t shadowMapCount = 0;

int32_t globalShadowMap = -1;
int32_t globalShadowMapCount = 0;

int32_t cubeShadowMap = -1;
int32_t cubeShadowMapCount = 0;

int32_t skybox = -1;
int32_t terrainHeightMap = -1;
Texture2D diffuseMap REGISTER(t0);
Texture2D normalMap REGISTER(t1);
Texture2D metallicMap REGISTER(t2);
Texture2D roughnessMap REGISTER(t3);
Texture2D aoMap REGISTER(t4);
Texture2D heightMap REGISTER(t5);
Texture2D brdfLUT REGISTER(t6);
Texture2DArray shadowMap REGISTER(t7);
Texture2DArray globalShadowMap REGISTER(t8);
TextureCubeArray cubeShadowMap REGISTER(t9);
TextureCubeArray skybox REGISTER(t10);
Texture2D terrainHeightMap REGISTER(t11);

// samplers
SamplerState samp0 REGISTER(s0);

#ifdef __cplusplus
} // namespace My
#endif // !__STDCBUFFER_H__





#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "Scene.hpp"
#include "cbuffer.h"

namespace My {
struct DrawFrameContext : PerFrameConstants, frame_textures {

struct DrawBatchContext : PerBatchConstants {
uint32_t batchIndex;
std::shared_ptr<SceneGeometryNode> node;
material_textures material;

virtual ~DrawBatchContext() = default;

struct Frame : global_textures {
DrawFrameContext frameContext;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DrawBatchContext>> batchContexts;
LightInfo lightInfo;


struct OpenGLDrawBatchContext : public DrawBatchContext {
GLuint vao;
GLenum mode;
GLenum type;
GLsizei count;


struct MtlDrawBatchContext : public DrawBatchContext {
uint32_t index_count;
uint32_t index_offset;
MTLPrimitiveType index_mode;
MTLIndexType index_type;
uint32_t property_count;
uint32_t property_offset;


namespace My {
class GraphicsManager : implements IRuntimeModule
virtual ~GraphicsManager() {}

virtual int Initialize();
virtual void Finalize();

virtual void Tick();

virtual void Draw();
virtual void Present();

virtual void UseShaderProgram(const int32_t shaderProgram);

virtual void DrawBatch(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DrawBatchContext>>& batches);

virtual int32_t GenerateTexture(const char* id, const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height);
virtual void BeginRenderToTexture(int32_t& context, const int32_t texture, const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height);
virtual void EndRenderToTexture(int32_t& context);

virtual int32_t GenerateAndBindTextureForWrite(const char* id, const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height);
virtual void Dispatch(const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height, const uint32_t depth);

virtual int32_t GetTexture(const char* id);

virtual void DrawFullScreenQuad();

virtual void BeginScene(const Scene& scene);
virtual void EndScene();

virtual void BeginFrame();
virtual void EndFrame();

virtual void BeginPass();
virtual void EndPass();

virtual void BeginCompute();
virtual void EndCompute();

#ifdef DEBUG
virtual void RenderDebugBuffers();

void InitConstants();
void CalculateCameraMatrix();
void CalculateLights();

void UpdateConstants();

virtual void SetLightInfo(const LightInfo& lightInfo);
virtual void SetPerFrameConstants(const DrawFrameContext& context);
virtual void SetPerBatchConstants(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DrawBatchContext>>& batches);

uint32_t m_nFrameIndex = 0;

std::vector<Frame> m_Frames;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IDispatchPass>> m_InitPasses;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IDrawPass>> m_DrawPasses;


TAG:遊戲引擎 | Metal | 跨平台遊戲 |