利弊比較 | 劍橋寫作系列(11)

C9 T1 P31

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the adavantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?(考官參考範文: P163)

題目中的 rather than 是關鍵詞,文章一定要體現出對比論證。


1. 好處大於坏處。立論段寫好處,駁論段寫壞處,並反駁壞處。

2. 壞處大於好處。立論段寫壞處,駁論段寫好處,並反駁好處。

Traditionally, children have begun studying foreign languages at secondary school, but introducing them earlier is recommended by some educationalists. This policy has been adopted by some educational authorities or individual schools, with both positive and negative outcomes.

首段第1句是引入背景 + 改寫話題:傳統上,孩子們都是從中學開始學習外語,但是一些教育學家建議讓孩子們早點學外語。

The obvious argument in its favour is that young children ( = primary school) pick up languages much more easily than (緊扣關鍵詞 rather than)teenagers ( = secondary school). (This is because) Their (指代 children)brains are still programmed to acquire their mother tongue, which (重申TS帶來的好處/後果) facilitates learning another language, and unlike adolescents (對應題目中的 rather than,緊扣TR,避免跑題), they are not inhibited by self-consciousness.

主體段1:通過對比論證體現了孩子們從小學學習一門外語的好處是比中學生學得快;小孩正在學習母語,因此有助於學外語,然後用一個 unlike 與其對立面中學生學外語比較,說明小孩學外語時還不會因為害羞所阻撓,言下之意就是中學學外語可能因為害羞而學不好外語。


1. faciliate = make it easier

2. adolescents = teenagers, secondary school students

3. inhibit = prevent

4. self-consciousness = shyness

5. Their brains are programmed to acquire their mother tongue = Their brains are prepared to learn a language

The greater flexibility of the primary timetable allows for more frequent, shorter sessions and for a play-centred approach, thus maintaining (thus / therefore doing 總結好處/後果) learners』 enthusiasm and progress. Their command of the language in later life will benefit from this early exposure, while learning other languages subsequently will be easier for them. They may also gain a better understanding of other cultures.


相信大家可以發現上面段落並不是按照傳統邏輯拓展:主旨句 + 解釋 + 總結。甚至,有人讀完後會一頭霧水,不清楚考官講的是什麼?下面我們把上面考官段落改寫成一個通俗易懂但又不失邏輯的段落:

Comparatively, children have more time and their timeable is more flexible, so it is possible to give them more frequent, yet shorter foreign languages classes and include more language games. This is very beneficial to keep their interest to make sure they make progress. Once they have learnt a foreign language at a young age, they will find it easier to learn other languages when they grow up, so they can gain a better understanding of many different cultures.

There are, however, some disadvantages. Primary school teachers are generalists, and may not have the necessary language skills themselves. Ifspecialists have to be brought in to deliver these sessions, the flexibility referred to above is diminished. If primary language teaching is not standardized, secondary schools could be faced with a great variety of levels in different languages within their intake, resulting in a classroom experience which undoes the earlier gains. There is no advantage ifenthusiastic primary pupils become demotivated as soon as they change schools. However, these issues can be addressed strategically within the policy adopted (反駁).

主體段3(駁論段):表明孩子們從小學學習外語的弊端,使用了三個 If 反向假設論證。小學老師水平不高,如果請外面的專家去講課,那麼前面談到的時間靈活方面的優勢就沒有了。另外,如果小學語言教學不統一,到了中學,學生的水平就會參差不齊,這樣勢必造成很多學生失去學外語的動力。然而,這些問題可以採取措施來得到解決。(反駁)

Anything which encourages language learning benefits society culturally and economically, and early exposure to language learning contributes to this. Young children』s innate abilities should be harnessed to make these benefits more achievable.

C10 T4 P102

Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?(書中無參考範文)

C12 T6 P51

At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages? (書中無參考範文)

縱觀劍橋雅思真題中利弊比較型提問,大家尤其要注意含有對比類短語的題目,比如:rather than,compared with,more than;考試真題亦是如此,來看幾道2018年的考題(2018年共計出現7次利弊比較型題目),大家一定要注意審題:


Some parents think that they can teach their children at home rather thansending to the school. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


People can eat a wide variety of food that can be grown in other areas. As a result, people eat more food produced in other regions than local food. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?


As countries develop, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh its disadvantages for the environment?(注意審題)


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同意與否 | 劍橋寫作系列(10)



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